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    单击下载按钮以获取日志文件(*.csv)。默认情况下,远程日志服务器(UDP)未选中选中启用框,并使用远程日志服务器通过串行端口保存记录的流量日志。您必须进一步指定日志服务器的IP地址和端口号。值范围:1~65535,默认为0表示禁用。上载服务器默认情况下未选中选中启用框,然后从下拉列表中选择预定义的FTP服务器。您还可以单击“添加对象”按钮为服务器信息创建新条目。该设备将每小时自动将记录的流量和压缩文件(*.csv.gz)上传到指定的FTP服务器。数据格式HEX默认设置为指定记录流量的数据格式。它可以是十六进制或ASCII。最大记录日3默认设置为输入活动检查超时的时间段。如果TCP连接没有收到超过此超时设置的活动检查响应,则TCP连接将被终止。只有在“连接控制”字段中选择“按需”时,活动检查超时才可用。取值范围:1~30天。默认情况下启用未选中选中启用框,以激活具有指定配置的相应串行端口的数据记录功能。保存单击保存保存设置撤消单击撤消取消设置EW200工业蜂窝网关185 4.1.3 Modbus Modbus是世界上流行的自动化协议之一,支持传统的RS-232/422/485设备和最近开发的以太网设备。许多工业设备,如PLC、DCS、HMI、仪器和智能仪表,使用Modbus协议作为通信标准。它用于建立智能设备之间的主从通信。然而,基于以太网的Modbus协议不同于最初的基于串行的协议。为了集成Modbus网络,物联网网关(包括一个或多个支持RS-232和RS485通信接口的串行端口)可以自动和智能地在Modbus TCP(以太网)和Modbus RTU/ASCII(串行)协议之间进行转换,允许基于以太网的PLC通过RS-485控制仪器,而无需额外编程或努力。当Modbus设备连接到IoT Modbus网关的相同串行端口时,这些Modbus设备必须使用具有相同配置的相同协议(即Modbus RTU或Modbus ASCII,具有相同波特率设置)。Modbus网关场景物联网网关充当Modbus网关,用于与Modbus TCP主机(SCADA服务器)通信,该主机位于远程控制中心,用于访问Modbus设备。Modbus TCP主机请求物联网网关通过通用互联网访问提供Modbus设备的信息,例如数据采集或寄存器/值修改,物联网网关充当数据转发的网关。在这种配置下,Modbus TCP主机向连接到Modbus网关的各种Modbus/RTU从设备请求信息或发送控制命令。Modbus网关执行相应的过程,并向Modbus/TCP主机回复结果。EW200工业蜂窝网关186 Modbus从站方案除了充当Modbus网关外,还有一个用于提供设备状态的集成Modbus从站选项,

    Click the Download button to get the log files (*.csv). Remote Log Server (UDP) Unchecked by default Check the Enable box and use remote log server to keep the recorded traffic log over the serial port. Yoy have to further specify the IP address and port number for the log server. Value Range: 1 ~ 65535, and 0 for disabled by default. Upload Server Unchecked by default Check the Enable box and select a pre-defined FTP server from the dropdown list. You can also click the Add Object button to create a new entry for the server information. The device will auto-upload the logged traffic with a zipped file (*.csv.gz) per hour to the designated FTP server. Data Format HEX is set by default Specify the data format for the logged traffic. It can be HEX or ASCII. Max Record Day 3 is set by default Enter the time period of alive check timeout. The TCP connection will be terminated if it doesn’t receive response of alive-check longer than this timeout setting Alive check timeout is only available when On-Demand is selected in the Connection Control field. Value Range: 1 ~ 30 days. Enable Unchecked by default Check the Enable box to activate the data logging function for corresponding serial port with specified configuration. Save Click Save to save the settings Undo Click Undo to cancel the settings EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 185 4.1.3 Modbus Modbus is one of the popular automation protocols in the world, supporting traditional RS-232/422/485 devices and recently developed Ethernet devices. Many industrial devices, such as PLCs, DCSs, HMIs, instruments, and smart meters use the Modbus protocol as the communication standard. It is used to establish master-slave communication between intelligent devices. However, the Ethernet-based Modbus protocol is different from the original serial-based protocols. In order to integrate Modbus networks, the IoT Gateway, including one or more serial ports that support RS-232 and RS485 communication interface, can automatically and intelligently translate between Modbus TCP (Ethernet) and Modbus RTU/ASCII (serial) protocols, allowing Ethernet-based PLCs to control instruments over RS-485 without additional programming or effort. When Modbus devices are connected to/under the same serial port of IoT Modbus Gateway, those Modbus devices must use the same protocol with the same configuration (i.e., either Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII with same Baud Rate setting). Modbus Gateway Scenario The IoT Gateway serves as a Modbus gateway to communicate with the Modbus TCP Master, the SCADA Server, located at a remote control center for Modbus device accessing. The Modbus TCP Master requests the IoT Gateway to provide the Modbus devices' information, e.g., Data Acquisition or Register/Value Modification, via general Internet access, and the IoT Gateway serves as the gateway for data forwarding. Under such configuration, the Modbus TCP Master requests the information from, or sends control commands to various Modbus/RTU Slave devices attached to the Modbus Gateway. The Modbus gateway executes corresponding processes and replies the Modbus/TCP Master with the results. EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 186 Modbus Slave Scenario In addition to behaving as a Modbus Gateway, there is an integrated Modbus Slave option for providing device status,





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