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    conn指定时间间隔作为DNS查询间隔。查询间隔定义两个DNS查询或ICMP检查数据包之间的传输间隔。使用DNS查询,系统通过向目标1和目标2中指定的目标发送DNS查询数据包来检查连接。值范围:2~14400。检查间隔1。可选设置2。默认选择5秒。指定时间间隔作为ICMP检查间隔。查询间隔定义两个DNS查询或ICMP检查数据包之间的传输间隔。通过ICMP检查,系统将通过向目标1和目标2中指定的目的地发送ICMP EW200工业蜂窝网关41请求数据包来检查连接。值范围:2~14400。延迟阈值1。可选设置2。默认设置为3000 ms。在确认断开之前,输入检测断开次数作为阈值。延迟阈值定义响应时间的容差阈值。值范围:2000~3000秒。失败阈值1。可选设置2。默认设置为5次。在确认断开之前,输入检测断开次数作为阈值。失败阈值指定在路由器识别WAN链路关闭状态之前检测到的断开连接。取值范围:1~10倍。目标1 1。可选设置2。默认情况下选择DNS1 Target1指定发送DNS查询/IMP请求的第一个目标。DNS1:将主DNS设置为目标。DNS2:将辅助DNS设置为目标。网关:将当前网关设置为目标。其他主机:输入要作为目标的IP地址。目标2 1。可选设置2。默认情况下选择ne Target1指定发送DNS查询/IMP请求的第二个目标。ne:需要第二个目标。DNS1:将主DNS设置为目标。DNS2:将辅助DNS设置为目标。网关:将当前网关设置为目标。其他主机:输入要作为目标的IP地址。保存单击保存保存设置。撤消单击“撤消”以取消设置。EW200工业蜂窝网关42互联网连接–3G/4G WAN首选SIM卡–双SIM故障切换对于3G/4G嵌入式设备,一个嵌入式蜂窝模块只能创建一个WAN接口。该设备具有一个模块的双SIM卡,具有特殊的故障转移机制。它被称为双SIM故障切换。当位置更改时,此功能对于ISP切换非常有用。在“双SIM故障切换”中,有多种使用场景,即先使用SIM-B并启用故障回复选项,然后在连接断开时使用“先使用SIM-A”场景进行连接,网关系统将切换为使用SIM-B。当恢复SIM-A连接时,它将切换回使用原始SIM-A卡Con 3G/4G WAN Setting。当应用“编辑”按钮时,将显示Internet connection Configuration(Internet连接配置)和3G/4G WANConfiguration(3G/4G广域网配置)屏幕。

    conn Specify a time interval as the DNS Query Interval. Query Interval defines the transmitting interval between two DNS Query or ICMP checking packets. With DNS Query, the system checks the connection by sending DNS Query packets to the destination specified in Target 1 and Target 2. Value Range: 2 ~ 14400. Check Interval 1. Optional setting 2. 5 seconds is selected by default. Specify a time interval as the ICMP Checking Interval. Query Interval defines the transmitting interval between two DNS Query or ICMP checking packets. With ICMP Checking, the system will check connection by sending ICMP EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 41 request packets to the destination specified in Target 1 and Target 2. Value Range: 2 ~ 14400. Latency Threshold 1. Optional setting 2. 3000 ms is set by default Enter a number of detecting disconnection times to be the threshold before disconnection is ackwledged. Latency Threshold defines the tolerance threshold of responding time. Value Range: 2000 ~ 3000 seconds. Fail Threshold 1. Optional setting 2. 5 times is set by default Enter a number of detecting disconnection times to be the threshold before disconnection is ackwledged. Fail Threshold specifies the detected disconnection before the router recognize the WAN link down status. Value Range: 1 ~ 10 times. Target 1 1. Optional setting 2. DNS1 is selected by default Target1 specifies the first target of sending DNS query/ICMP request. DNS1: set the primary DNS to be the target. DNS2: set the secondary DNS to be the target. Gateway: set the Current gateway to be the target. Other Host: enter an IP address to be the target. Target 2 1. Optional setting 2. ne is selected by default Target1 specifies the second target of sending DNS query/ICMP requests. ne: second target is required. DNS1: set the primary DNS to be the target. DNS2: set the secondary DNS to be the target. Gateway: set the Current gateway to be the target. Other Host: enter an IP address to be the target. Save Click Save to save the settings. Undo Click Undo to cancel the settings. EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 42 Internet Connection – 3G/4G WAN Preferred SIM Card – Dual SIM Failover For 3G/4G embedded devices, one embedded cellular module can create only one WAN interface. This device features dual SIM cards for one module with special fail-over mechanism. It is called Dual SIM Failover. This feature is useful for ISP switch-over when location is changed. Within “Dual SIM Failover,” there are various usage scenarios SIM-B first with Failback enabled With Failback option enabled, “SIM-A First” scenario is used to connect when the connection is broken, and the gateway system will switch to use SIM-B. And when SIM-A connection is recovered, it will switch back to use original SIM-A card Con 3G/4G WAN Setting When Edit button is applied, Internet Connection Configuration, and 3G/4G WAN Configuration screens will appear.





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