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IS200EMIOH1A处理器卡件,机器人卡件解决方案VersaMax IP模块设计用于恶劣环境条件下的分布式自动化任务。模块满足IP65/IP67防护要求。它们使传感器和执行器能够在靠近站点的环境中直接连接。每个VersaMax IP设备都直接连接到总线系统。独立输入和输出模块IC676PBI008 IC676BI016 IC676BM442 IC676BBO082产品名称8点输入模块、16点输...

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    解决方案VersaMax IP模块设计用于恶劣环境条件下的分布式自动化任务。模块满足IP65/IP67防护要求。它们使传感器和执行器能够在靠近站点的环境中直接连接。每个VersaMax IP设备都直接连接到总线系统。独立输入和输出模块IC676PBI008 IC676BI016 IC676BM442 IC676BBO082产品名称8点输入模块、16点输入模块,4点输入和4点8点(2安)输出Profibus Profibus(2安培)输出模块,Profibus模块,Profibus协议Profibus DP Profibus DP Profibus DP Profibus-DP Profibus DP模块电源24 VDC 24 VDC 24 DC 24 VDC模块电源范围18 VDC至30 VDC 18 VDC至18 VDC 30 VDC 18 DC至30 VDC 30 VDC模块电流消耗UL在24VDC 35mA典型值、35mA典型、40mA典型值、,100mA 100mA 100mB 100mA模块电流消耗4.5mA典型加上传感器8mA典型加传感器4.5mA典型+传感器3mA典型+24 VDC电流下的传感器US 700mA电流1.2A电流700mA电流700mA模块电流消耗UAXX 24VDC 6mA典型+12mA典型加上致动器电流、致动器电流、4A 4A连接类型(M12)2-、3-和4-线2-、3-、,和4线2线或3线2线和3线(每个连接器支持两个传感器的Y型连接器)工作温度范围:-25°C至+60°C范围:-25℃至+60℃范围:-25℉至+60℉范围:-25~+60℃(-13℉至+131℉)(-13℉到+131℉(-13℉)至+131℃)(-13℃至+131°F)防护等级95%。轻微冷凝95%。轻微冷凝95%。轻微冷凝95%。偶尔允许轻微冷凝偶尔允许偶尔允许偶尔在外壳上、外壳上、外部外壳上、,适用于短时短时短时防护等级IP65和IP67 IP65以及IP67 IP65、IP67 IP65和IP68 IP65以及IP68 IP67 IP67 IP66和IP67根据IEC 60529根据IEC 60529根据IEC 60529-外壳尺寸(WxHxD)60mm x 160mm x 44.5mm 60mm x 160mmx44.5mm 60mm x 178mm x 49.3mm Artisan技术集团-质量检测。。。保证VersaMax IP GE Fanuc控制器和I/O解决方案233 VersaMax的IP模块化模块设计用于恶劣环境条件下的分布式自动化任务。模块满足IP65/IP67防护要求。它们使传感器和执行器能够在靠近站点的环境中直接连接。每个VersaMax IP设备都直接连接到总线系统。最多可将16个扩展模块连接到一个Profibus VersaMax IP Modular本地总线主机,支持多达136个数字或64个模拟信号或两者的组合。VersaMax IP模块化IC677PBI001 IC677DBI008 IC677DBO085产品名称Profibus VersaMax IPModular本地扩展VersaMax IP-Modular扩展VersaMax IP模块化总线主设备,带(8)24 VDC输入从设备和(8)8 VDC输出从设备协议Profibus DP Profibus DP现场总线DP点数888模块电源24 VDC 24 VDC 24 DC模块电源范围18 VDC至30 VDC 18 VDC至30 VDC 18 VDC至30 VDC模块电流消耗UL,24 VDC 75mA典型值,100mA 35mA典型值(50mA)40mA典型值(50mA)@500Kbaud;@500K波特;40mA典型(50mA)45mA典型(50mA)@2Mbaud@2Mbaud模块电流消耗US在24 VDC 15mA典型加上传感器电流5mA典型加传感器电流5mA典型加上致动器电流,600mA 600mA 600mA模块电流消耗UAXX在24 VDC 12mA典型加上执行器电流,4A连接方式允许轻微冷凝95%。允许轻微冷凝95%。偶尔允许在外壳上、偶尔在外壳上或偶尔在外壳体上轻微冷凝,适用于短时间短时间防护等级IP65和IP67,符合IEC 60529 IP65,IP67,IEC 60529 IP65和IP67。外壳尺寸(宽x高x深)70mm x 178mm x 49.3mm 70mm x 17.8mm x 49.3mm 70mm x 178 mm x 49.3 mm Artisan技术组-质量仪表

    Solutions VersaMax IP modules are designed for distributed automation tasks in harsh environmental conditions. Modules meet the requirements for both IP65/IP67 protection. They enable the direct connection of sensors and actuators in an environment close to the station. Every VersaMax IP device is connected directly to the bus system. Stand Alone Input and Output Modules IC676PBI008 IC676PBI016 IC676PBM442 IC676PBO082 Product Name 8 Point Input Module, 16 Point Input Module, 4 Point Input and 4 Point 8 Point (2 Amp) Output Profibus Profibus (2 Amp) Output Module, Profibus Module, Profibus Protocol Profibus DP Profibus DP Profibus DP Profibus DP Module Power 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC Module Power Range 18 VDC to 30 VDC 18 VDC to 30 VDC 18 VDC to 30 VDC 18 VDC to 30 VDC Module Current Consumption UL at 24VDC 35mA typical, 35mA typical, 40mA typical, 40mA typical, 100mA 100mA 100mA 100mA Module Current Consumption 4.5mA typical plus sensor 8mA typical plus sensor 4.5mA typical plus sensor 3mA typical plus sensor US at 24 VDC current 700mA current 1.2A current 700mA current 700mA Module Current Consumption UAXX at 24VDC 6mA typical plus 12mA typical plus actuator current, actuator current, 4A 4A Connection Style (M12) 2-, 3-, and 4-wire 2-, 3-, and 4-wire 2- or 3-wire 2- or 3-wire (Y connector to support two sensors per connector) Operating Temperature Range: -25°C to +60°C Range: -25°C to +60°C Range: -25°C to +60°C Range: -25°C to +60°C (-13°F to +131°F) (-13°F to +131°F) (-13°F to +131°F) (-13°F to +131°F) Degree of Protection 95%. Slight condensation 95%. Slight condensation 95%. Slight condensation 95%. Slight condensation is permitted occasionally is permitted occasionally is permitted occasionally is permitted occasionally on the outer housing, on the outer housing, on the outer housing, on the outer housing, for short periods for short periods for short periods for short periods Class of Protection IP65 and IP67 IP65 and IP67 IP65 and IP67 IP65 and IP67 according to IEC 60529 according to IEC 60529 according to IEC 60529 according to IEC 60529 Housing Dimensions (WxHxD) 60mm x 160mm x 44.5mm 60mm x 160mm x 44.5mm 60mm x 178mm x 49.3mm 60mm x 178mm x 49.3mm Artisan Techlogy Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed VersaMax IP GE Fanuc Controller and I/O Solutions 233 VersaMax IP Modular modules are designed for distributed automation tasks in harsh environmental conditions. Modules meet the requirements for both IP65/IP67 protection. They enable the direct connection of sensors and actuators in an environment close to the station. Every VersaMax IP device is connected directly to the bus system. Up to 16 expansion modules can be connected to one Profibus VersaMax IP Modular local bus master, supporting up to 136 digital or 64 analog signals or a combination of the two. VersaMax IP Modular IC677PBI001 IC677DBI008 IC677DBO085 Product Name Profibus VersaMax IP Modular local Expansion VersaMax IP Modular Expansion VersaMax IP Modular bus master with (8) 24 VDC inputs slave with (8) 24 VDC inputs slave with (8) 24 VDC outputs Protocol Profibus DP Profibus DP Profibus DP Number of Points 888 Module Power 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC Module Power Range 18 VDC to 30 VDC 18 VDC to 30 VDC 18 VDC to 30 VDC Module Current Consumption UL at 24 VDC 75mA typical, 100mA 35mA typical (50mA ) 40mA typical (50mA ) @ 500Kbaud; @ 500Kbaud; 40mA typical (50mA ) 45mA typical (50mA ) @ 2Mbaud @ 2Mbaud Module Current Consumption US at 24 VDC 15mA typical plus sensor current 5mA typical plus sensor current 5mA typical plus actuator current, 600mA 600mA 600mA Module Current Consumption UAXX at 24 VDC 12mA typical plus actuator current, 4A Connection Style  Slight condensation is permitted 95%. Slight condensation is permitted 95%. Slight condensation is permitted occasionally on the outer housing, occasionally on the outer housing, occasionally on the outer housing, for short periods for short periods for short periods Class of Protection IP65 and IP67 according to IEC 60529 IP65 and IP67 according to IEC 60529 IP65 and IP67 according to IEC 60529 Housing Dimensions (WxHxD) 70mm x 178mm x 49.3mm 70mm x 178mm x 49.3mm 70mm x 178mm x 49.3mm Artisan Techlogy Group - Quality Instrumentation





    品牌: GE






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