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IS200ISBBG2A控制卡件,PLC模块卡件0.70典型波峰因数2.5典型输入电流稳态0.4安培,典型;1.2安培,最大冲击电流(1/2交流周期),230 VAC时最大18安培,输入保险丝额定值和类型2.5安培,延时输出电压6.5 VDC,在所有操作条件下1%环境温度为140F(60C)时最小输出电流27安培,指的是在底盘底部测得的空气温度。140F(60C)环境下输出功率175瓦输出保持时间...

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    0.70典型波峰因数2.5典型输入电流稳态0.4安培,典型;1.2安培,最大冲击电流(1/2交流周期),230 VAC时最大18安培,输入保险丝额定值和类型2.5安培,延时输出电压6.5 VDC,在所有操作条件下±1%环境温度为140°F(60°C)时最小输出电流27安培,指的是在底盘底部测得的空气温度。140°F(60°C)环境下输出功率175瓦输出保持时间@0伏输入最小20毫秒;80 ms典型输出过压保护125%,典型,再循环电源以重新启动输出过电流限制140%,典型值,自动重新启动过热警告传感器温度监测器在内部电源模块温度高于181°F(83°C)时跳闸。通常发生在140°F(60°C)或更高的环境温度下。警告不要在位于危险位置且必须符合ATEX要求的Tricon系统中使用8312型电源模块。如果您的线路电压为230 V,并且您的系统必须符合ATEX要求,请使用8311型24 VDC电源模块以及菲尼克斯电气(Phoenix Contact)的ATEX认证24 VDC电源,零件号为QUINT-PS100-240AC/24DC/10/EX。主处理器模块39 Tricon v9–v10系统主处理器模块规划和安装指南Tricon机箱包含三个主处理器模块,每个模块为控制器的一个通道(也称为支路)提供服务。每个处理器独立地与其I/O子系统通信并执行控制程序。三个MP模块定期比较数据和控制程序。每个主处理器在没有共享时钟、功率调节器或电路的情况下自主运行。处理器规格列于每个MP的规格表中。名为TriBus的高速专用总线系统提供以下功能:处理器间通信、所有数字输入数据的硬件多数表决以及控制程序变量的比较。TriBus使用完全隔离的串行通信信道,以每秒4兆比特的速度运行。直接存储器访问控制器独立于控制程序或执行软件来管理同步、传输、表决和数据校正。DRAM(动态随机存取存储器)用于控制程序、事件序列数据、I/O数据、诊断和通信缓冲区。SRAM(静态随机存取存储器)用于定义的程序保留和禁用点的配置。内存由TriBus硬件表决电路定期验证。事件顺序功能主处理器与通信模块一起工作,为Tricon控制器提供事件顺序(SOE)功能。在每次扫描期间,主处理器都会检查指定的离散(布尔)变量,以确定状态变化(称为事件)。当事件发生时,主处理器保存变量的当前状态,并在称为缓冲区的内存区域中包含时间戳,缓冲区是SOE块的一部分。您可以使用TriStation配置SOE块,并使用Triconex SOE记录器等软件检索事件数据。兼容模块本表确定了主处理器模块与Tricon版本的兼容性。所有通信和I/O模块均与v9-v10.x MP兼容。表7主处理器模块的兼容性主处理器型号兼容Tricon版本3006和3007 v9.0-v9.5.x,和v9.51.x 3008 v9.6-v10.x 40第2章Tricon v9–v10系统的系统组件规划和安装指南主处理器前面板此图描述了型号的主处理器前板Tricon v9-v10系统的规划和安装向导3008主处理器体系结构此图描述型号3008的主处理器体系架构,它可以与Tricon v9.6和更高版本的系统一起使用。图15 3008架构3008规格本表列出了3008型主处理器模块的规格,该模块可用于Tricon v9.6及更高版本的系统。表8 3008主处理器规格特征描述主处理器Motorola MPC860,32位,50 MHz内存16 MB DRAM(无备用电池)32 KB SRAM(有备用电池)6 MB闪存PROM TriClock时间和日期备用电池典型漂移:±2秒/天最大漂移:±2.16秒/天TriBus 25兆比特/秒32位CRC保护32位DMA,完全隔离的共享内存128K Modbus(DB9)诊断读取(DB25)时钟/32 KB NVRAM主处理器MPC860A DRAM 16 MB DRAM 16 GB FLASH 6 MB TriBus FPGA TriBus(至其他MPS)上行上行下行双电源导轨I/O和通信处理器MPC860B双电源稳压器网络(RJ-45)+3.3伏+5伏32位总线32位总线容错I/O总线375 Kbaud诊断总线(至其他MP)保留供将来使用上游下游

    0.70 typical Crest factor 2.5 typical Input current Steady-state 0.4 amps, typical; 1.2 amps, maximum In-rush (1/2 AC cycle) 18 amps maximum @ 230 VAC Input fuse rating and type 2.5 amps, time-delay Output voltage 6.5 VDC, ±1% under all operating conditions Output current 27 amps minimum at140° F (60° C) ambient, which refers to the air temperature measured at the bottom of the chassis. Output power 175 watts at 140° F (60° C) ambient Output hold time @ 0 volts input 20 ms minimum; 80 ms typical Output over-voltage protection 125%, typical, recycle power to restart Output over-current limit 140%, typical, auto restart Over-temperature warning sensor Temperature monitor trips when the internal power module temperature is greater than 181° F (83° C). Typically occurs at an ambient temperature of 140° F (60° C) or higher. WARNING Do not use the model 8312 Power Module in Tricon systems that are located in hazardous locations and must meet ATEX requirements. If you have 230 V line voltage and your system must meet ATEX requirements, use the model 8311 24 VDC Power Module along with the ATEX-certified 24 VDC power supply from Phoenix Contact—part number QUINT-PS100-240AC/24DC/10/EX. Main Processor Modules 39 Planning and Installation Guide for Tricon v9–v10 Systems Main Processor Modules A Tricon chassis houses three Main Processor Modules, each serving one channel (also referred to as a leg) of the controller. Each processor independently communicates with its I/O subsystem and executes the control program. The three MP Modules compare data and the control program at regular intervals. Each Main Processor operates autonomously with no shared clocks, power regulators, or circuitry. Processor specifications are listed in the specifications table for each MP. A high-speed proprietary bus system called TriBus provides these functions: interprocessor communications, hardware majority voting of all digital input data, and comparison of control program variables. TriBus uses a fully isolated, serial communication channel operating at 4 megabits per second. A direct memory access controller manages the synchronization, transfer, voting and data correction independent of the control program or executive software. DRAM (dynamic random-access memory) is used for control program, sequence-of-events data, I/O data, diagnostics, and communication buffers. SRAM (static random-access memory) is used for the defined program retentives and configuration of disabled points. Memory is regularly validated by the TriBus hardware-voting circuitry. Sequence of Events Capability Main Processors work with the communication modules to provide the Tricon controller with sequence-of-events (SOE) capability. During each scan, the Main Processors inspect designated discrete (Boolean) variables for changes of state known as events. When an event occurs, the Main Processors save the current state of the variable and includes a time stamp in an area of memory called a buffer which is a part of an SOE block. You can configure the SOE blocks using TriStation and retrieve the event data with software such as the Triconex SOE Recorder. Compatible Modules This table identifies the compatibility of Main Processor modules with Tricon versions. All the communication and I/O modules are compatible with v9—v10.x MPs. Table 7 Compatibility of Main Processor Modules Main Processor Model Compatible Tricon Versions 3006 and 3007 v9.0—v9.5.x, and v9.51.x 3008 v9.6—v10.x 40 Chapter 2 System Components Planning and Installation Guide for Tricon v9–v10 Systems Main Processor Front Panel This figure depicts the Main Processor front panels for models Planning and Installation Guide for Tricon v9–v10 Systems 3008 Main Processor Architecture This figure depicts the model 3008 Main Processor architecture, which can be used with Tricon v9.6 and later systems. Figure 15 3008 Architecture 3008 Specifications This table lists the specifications for the model 3008 Main Processor Module, which is available with Tricon v9.6 and later systems. Table 8 3008 Main Processor Specifications Feature Description Main processor Motorola MPC860, 32-bit, 50 MHz Memory 16 MB DRAM (without battery back-up) 32 KB SRAM (with battery back-up) 6 MB Flash PROM TriClock Time and date Battery back-up Typical drift: ±2 seconds/day Maximum drift: ±2.16 seconds/day TriBus 25 megabits/second 32-bit CRC-protected 32-bit DMA, fully isolated Shared Memory 128K Modbus (DB9) Diag Read (DB25) Clock/ 32 KB NVRAM Main Processor MPC860A DRAM 16 MB DRAM 16 MB FLASH 6 MB TriBus FPGA TriBus (to other MPS) Up Stream Up Stream Down Stream Down Stream Dual Power Rails I/O & Comm Processor MPC860A Dual-Power Regulators Network (RJ-45) +3.3 Volts +5 Volts 32-Bit Bus 32-Bit Bus Fault Tolerant I/O Bus 375 Kbaud Diag Bus (to other MPS) Reserved for future use Up Stream Down Stream 



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