重复的。(G、I、J、O、Q、W除外)*未使用字符反转。29/29 XC6701系列1。此处包含的产品和产品规格可能会发生更改,恕不另行通知,以改善性能特性。使用前请咨询我们或我们的代表,以确认本数据表中的信息是最新的。2.本数据表中的信息旨在说明我们产品的操作和特性。我方不对本数据表中所含信息的准确性或完整性作出保证或陈述,也不对我方或任何第三方关于本数据表信息的任何知识产权授予任何许可。3.当产品或本数据表中包含的任何信息出口时,应遵守适用的出口管制法律和法规,并遵守此类法律和法规要求的程序。4.本产品既不打算也不保证用于要求极高质量和/或可靠性和/或可能导致人员伤亡、人身伤害和严重财产损失的故障或故障的系统设备,包括但不限于1)核设施、2)航空航天工业、3)医疗设施、,4)汽车行业和其他运输行业,以及5)控制燃烧和爆炸的安全装置和安全设备。除非我们事先书面同意,否则请勿将产品用于上述用途。5.尽管我们不断努力提高产品的质量和可靠性;尽管如此,半导体很可能以一定的概率失效。因此,为了防止此类故障造成的人身伤害和/或财产损失,客户需要在其设计中纳入适当的安全措施,如系统故障保险、冗余和防火功能。6.我们的产品不是抗辐射的。7.请在指定范围内使用本数据表中列出的产品。8.对于因非正常使用而造成的损坏或损失,我们不承担任何责任。9.保留所有权利。除非Torex Semiconductor Ltd事先书面同意,否则不得复制或复制本数据表的任何部分。TOREX半导体有限公司PACSystems™ RX7i IC698PSA100、IC698PSA350 GFK-2237A电源2004年5月RX7i电源为RX7i背板上的模块提供5V、12V和-12V电源以及VME AC_FAIL#逻辑电平信号。低容量电源(IC698PSA100)在0至60ºC的环境温度下提供高达100W的总输出,无需强制空气冷却。高容量电源(IC698PSA350)可适应需要更多功率的应用,提供敢达350W的总输出。高容量电源需要强制空气冷却,由安装在机架底部的风扇托盘提供。电源模块直接插入RX7i主机架的插槽0。电源输出可以通过多达一个交流输入线周期的损耗而不损失输出功率。为过电流、过热和过电压故障条件提供保护。工作电压为85至264 VAC,100-150 VDC三个输出电压:IC698PSA100+5 VDC输出最高20安培+12 VDC输出最高2安培-12 VDC输出最高1安培三种输出电压:IC 698PSA350+5 VDC输出最高60安培+12 DC输出最高12安培-12 VDC输出最高4安培滑入式机架安装结构使用PICMG 2.11标准连接器电子短路过电流保护电子过电压和交流操作2 RX7i电源GFK-2237A电源操作开/关开关超温故障保护功率因数校正位于前面板上的两位开/关按钮是一个逻辑电平开关,仅启用或禁用输出通道。该开关不会中断交流线路输入。警告:只要有输入电源,模块内就会出现致命电压。指示灯电源前面板上提供了以下LED指示灯。LED名称颜色功能FIELD OK绿色当交流电源在其规格范围内时亮起。OUTPUT OK(输出正常)绿色当所有三个直流输出通道均在其规格范围内运行时开启。如果三个直流输出通道中的任何一个出现故障,则关闭。OVER TEMP IC698PSA350仅在超过临界供气温度或气流传感器检测到气流停止时亮起红色。过电压保护任何超过额定输出电压15%或以上的输出通道都会导致所有输出闭锁。必须循环使用ON/off控制开关或交流输入电源以重置热和中性交流输入上都有可更换的保险丝。IC698PSA100使用4A/250V保险丝。IC698PSA350使用8A/250V保险丝。注意
repeated. (G, I, J, O, Q, W excluded) *No character inversion used. 29/29 XC6701 Series 1. The product and product specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice to improve performance characteristics. Consult us, or our representatives before use, to confirm that the information in this datasheet is up to date. 2. The information in this datasheet is intended to illustrate the operation and characteristics of our products. We neither make warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this datasheet nor grant any license to any intellectual property rights of ours or any third party concerning with the information in this datasheet. 3. Applicable export control laws and regulations should be complied and the procedures required by such laws and regulations should also be followed, when the product or any information contained in this datasheet is exported. 4. The product is neither intended nor warranted for use in equipment of systems which require extremely high levels of quality and/or reliability and/or a malfunction or failure which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury, serious property damage including but not limited to devices or equipment used in 1) nuclear facilities, 2) aerospace industry, 3) medical facilities, 4) automobile industry and other transportation industry and 5) safety devices and safety equipment to control combustions and explosions. Do not use the product for the above use unless agreed by us in writing in advance. 5. Although we make continuous efforts to improve the quality and reliability of our products; nevertheless Semiconductors are likely to fail with a certain probability. So in order to prevent personal injury and/or property damage resulting from such failure, customers are required to incorporate adequate safety measures in their designs, such as system fail safes, redundancy and fire prevention features. 6. Our products are not designed to be Radiation-resistant. 7. Please use the product listed in this datasheet within the specified ranges. 8. We assume no responsibility for damage or loss due to abnormal use. 9. All rights reserved. No part of this datasheet may be copied or reproduced unless agreed by Torex Semiconductor Ltd in writing in advance. TOREX SEMICONDUCTOR LTD. PACSystems™ RX7i IC698PSA100, IC698PSA350 GFK-2237A Power Supplies May 2004 The RX7i power supplies provide 5V, 12V, and -12V power, and the VME AC_FAIL# logic level signal to modules on the RX7i backplane. The low capacity power supply (IC698PSA100) delivers up to 100W total output at ambient temperatures of 0 to 60ºC without forced air cooling. The high capacity power supply (IC698PSA350) accommodates applications requiring more power, providing up to 350W total output. The high capacity supply requires forced air cooling, provided by a fan tray mounted on the bottom of the rack. The Power Supply Module plugs directly into slot 0 in the RX7i main rack. The power supply output can ride through the loss of up to one AC input line cycle without loss of output power. Protection is provided for overcurrent, overtemperature, and overvoltage fault conditions. Features Operation from 85 to 264 VAC, 100-150 VDC Three output voltages: IC698PSA100 +5 VDC output up to 20 amps +12 VDC output up to 2 amps –12 VDC output up to 1 amp Three output voltages: IC698PSA350 +5 VDC output up to 60 amps +12 VDC output up to 12 amps –12 VDC output up to 4 amps Slide-in rack mount construction using PICMG 2.11 standard connector Electronic short circuit overcurrent protection Electronic overvoltage and overtemperature fault protection Power Factor correction for AC operation 2 RX7i Power Supplies GFK-2237A Power Supply Operation On/Off Switch The two position On/Off switch, located on the front faceplate, is a logic level switch that enables or disables the output channels only. This switch does not interrupt the AC line input. Warning Lethal voltages are present inside the module whenever input power is present. Indicators The following LED indicators are provided on the power supply front panel. LED Name Color Function FIELD OK green Turns ON when AC power is applied within its specification range. OUTPUT OK green Turns ON when all three DC outputs channels are operating within their specifications. Turns OFF if any of the three DC output channels has failed. OVER TEMP IC698PSA350 only red Turns On if the critical supply temperature is exceeded or if the airflow sensor detects cessation of air flow. Overvoltage Protection Any output channel that exceeds the nominal output voltage by 15% or more will cause all outputs to latch off. The ON/OFF control switch or the AC input power must be recycled to reset Replaceable fuses are present on both the hot and neutral AC inputs. IC698PSA100 uses 4A/250V fuses. IC698PSA350 uses 8A/250V fuses. Note that the