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IS200GGXIG1AFE IS200DSPXH2CAA应用于模拟输入控制器 IC200ALG331模拟输出模块,16位电压/电流,1500 V AC隔离,4通道10 115 IC200MDL650输入模块,24 V DC正/负逻辑32 50 0 IC200MDL6501输入模块,24V DC正/负极逻辑32 50 0IC200MDL742输出模块,24伏DC正逻辑0.5安培,带ESCP 32...

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    IS200GGXIG1AFE IS200DSPXH2CAA应用于模拟输入控制器

     IC200ALG331模拟输出模块,16位电压/电流,1500 V AC隔离,4通道10 115 IC200MDL650输入模块,24 V DC正/负逻辑32 50 0 IC200MDL6501输入模块,24V DC正/负极逻辑32 50 0IC200MDL742输出模块,24伏DC正逻辑0.5安培,带ESCP 32 Pts 150 0模块所需总电流650mA(0.65A)215mA(0.21A)C-4 VersaMax模块,电源和载波用户手册GFK-1504N C模块电源要求目录号描述背板电流消耗(mA 5V 3.3V IC200CPU001),具有2个串行端口的IC200CPU002 CPU(无串行端口转换器)或具有串行端口转换器的EZ程序存储设备40 100或具有2个串口的EZ编程存储设备140 IC200CPU005 CPU(无串口转换器)或带有串行端口转换器或EZ程序存储设备80 290的EZ存储设备180 IC200CPU05 CPU(有2个串口),对感应负载的抑制增强了可靠性。对于直流,续流二极管提供适当的抑制。对于AC,可以使用R-C滤波器。附录B GFK-1504N C-1电源负载要求本附录总结了所有类型VersaMax模块的直流负载要求。它还描述了如何计算VersaMax系统的电源需求。附录C C-2 VersaMax模块、电源和载体用户手册GFK-1504N C电源容量CPU或NIU模块上的电源为站内模块提供+5 V和+3.3 V电源。如果系统中的模块消耗的电流超过CPU或NIU电源所能提供的电流,则可以使用升压电源。CPU或NIU上的交流或直流电源与辅助载波上的电源必须共享同一外部电源。对于每个电源,5 V和3.3 V输出的最大总组合输出电流为1.5 A。每个电源在其3.3 V输出上提供的最大电流为0.25 A或1 A,如下表所示。未从3.3 V输出中提取的电源总输出电流部分可通过5.5 V输出获得。目录编号说明最大输出电流总计(5V+3.3V)5V 3.3V IC200PWR001 24 V DC电源1.5A(1.5A–I3.3V)0.25A IC200PWRO 02 24 V DC扩展3.3V电源1.5A(1.5A–I3.3V)0.25A IC200PWR202 12 V DC扩展3.3V电源1.5A(1.5A-I3.3V。从1.5 A的电源总输出中减去0.21A表明,通过5.5V输出可获得1.285A的电流:(1.5A–0.21A=1.285A)由于5V输出的最大电流消耗为0.65A,如下表所示,因此任何可用电源均可用于此系统。目录号说明背板电流消耗(mA)5V 3.3V IC200CPU001 CPU,带2个串行端口,带EZ程序存储设备140 100 IC200ALG261模拟输入模块,15位电压差8通道200 0 IC200ALG327模拟输出模块,13位电压12通道50 0

    IC200ALG331 Analog Output Module, 16 Bit Voltage/Current, 1500 V AC Isolation, 4 Channels 10 115 IC200MDL650 Input Module, 24 V DC Positive/Negative Logic 32 50 0 IC200MDL650 Input Module, 24 V DC Positive/Negative Logic 32 50 0 IC200MDL742 Output Module, 24 V DC Positive Logic 0.5 Amp, w/ESCP 32 Pts 150 0 Total Current Required by Modules 650mA (0.65A) 215mA (0.215A) C-4 VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies and Carriers User's Manual GFK-1504N C Module Power Requirements Catalog Number Description Backplane Current Consumption in mA 5V 3.3V IC200CPU001, IC200CPU002 CPU with 2 serial ports no serial port converter or EZ Program Store device 40 100 with serial port converter or EZ Program Store device 140 IC200CPU005 CPU with 2 serial ports no serial port converter or EZ Program Store device 80 290 with serial port converter or EZ Program Store device 180 IC200CPUE05 CPU with 2 serial ports,suppression across inductive loads enhances reliability. For DC, a free-wheeling diode provides suitable suppression. For AC, an R-C filter can be used. Appendix B GFK-1504N C-1 Power Supply Load Requirements This appendix summarizes the DC load requirements of all types of VersaMax modules. It also describes how to calculate the Power Supply requirements of a VersaMax system. Appendix C C-2 VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies and Carriers User's Manual GFK-1504N C Power Supply Capacities The power supply on the CPU or NIU module provides +5 V and +3.3 V power to the modules in the station. Booster Power Supplies can be used if the modules in the system will draw more current than the CPU or NIU Power Supply can provide. The AC or DC Power Supply on the CPU or NIU and the Power Supply that resides on the Booster Carrier must share the same external power source. For each Power Supply, the maximum total combined output current from the 5 V and 3.3 V outputs is 1.5 A. Each power supply provides a maximum of either 0.25 A or 1 A on its 3.3 V output, as listed in the following table. That portion of the Power Supply’s total output current not drawn from the 3.3 V output is available via the 5.5 V output. Catalog Number Description Maximum Output Current in A Total (5V + 3.3V) 5V 3.3V IC200PWR001 24 V DC Power Supply 1.5A (1.5A – I3.3V) 0.25A IC200PWR002 24 V DC Expanded 3.3V Power Supply 1.5A (1.5A – I3.3V) 1.0A IC200PWR101 120/240 V AC Power Supply 1.5A (1.5A – I3.3V) 0.25A IC200PWR102 120/240 V AC Expanded 3.3V Power Supply 1.5A (1.5A – I3.3V) 1.0A IC200PWR201 12 V DC Power Supply 1.5A (1.5A – I3.3V) 0.25A IC200PWR202 12 V DC Expanded 3.3V Power Supply 1.5A (1.5A – I3.3V) 1.0A GFK-1504N Appendix C Power Supply Load Requirements C-3 C Power Calculation Example In the example system listed below, the maximum current draw on the Power Supply’s 3.3V output by all of the modules will be 0.215 A. Subtracting 0.215A from the Power Supply total output of 1.5 A shows that 1.285A will be available via the 5.5V output: (1.5A – 0.215A = 1.285A) Because the maximum current draw on the 5V output would be 0.65A as listed in the following table, any of the available Power Supplies could be used for this system. Catalog Number Description Backplane Current Consumption in mA 5V 3.3V IC200CPU001 CPU with 2 serial ports, with EZ Program Store device 140 100 IC200ALG261 Analog Input Module, 15 Bit Voltage Differential 8 Channels 200 0 IC200ALG327 Analog Output Module, 13 Bit Voltage 12 Channels 50 0 




    品牌: GE






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