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IS200ICIAH1AAB通用电气卡件负载:命令字:011F LS数据字:09C4 0n3B负载停止模式(或恢复减速模式)更改脉冲序列输出的减速,以在输出启用位关闭时立即停止斜坡。斜坡功能必须启用。示例:为通道1上的停止斜坡(0002)操作设置脉冲序列输出:命令字:013B LS数据字:0002。通过在LS数据字中输入值0001,可以使用相同的命令将输出重置为减速模式(默认值)。示例:将相同的脉...

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    负载:命令字:011F LS数据字:09C4 0n3B负载停止模式(或恢复减速模式)更改脉冲序列输出的减速,以在输出启用位关闭时立即停止斜坡。斜坡功能必须启用。示例:为通道1上的停止斜坡(0002)操作设置脉冲序列输出:命令字:013B LS数据字:0002。通过在LS数据字中输入值0001,可以使用相同的命令将输出重置为减速模式(默认值)。示例:将相同的脉冲序列输出重置为减速(0001)操作:命令字:013B LS数据字:0001 13-26 VersaMax模块、电源和载波用户手册GFK-1504N 13 IC200MDD841混合模块、24 V DC正逻辑输入20/输出12点/(4)高速计数器、PWM、,或脉冲串可配置命令字(十六进制)命令描述0n3C负载加速度改变脉冲串输出的加速度。必须启用斜坡功能。加速度和减速度都可以在10 m/s2至1000000 m/s2的范围内选择。两者的默认值均为1000000。在加速和减速命令中,数据值是32位数字。这些仅是MS数据字中应具有除0以外的任何值的数据命令。示例:要将脉冲串输出1的加速率更改为200000(30D40H),负载:命令字:013C LS数据字:0D40 MS数据字:0003 0n3D负载减速更改脉冲串输出的减速。必须启用斜坡功能。示例:要将脉冲串输出1的减速率更改为2000(700H),负载:命令字:013D LS数据字:700 0n3E负载校正设置应应用于脉冲串输出占空比的更改(以微秒为单位),以补偿光隔离器电路的缓慢关断时间(默认为75µs)。范围为0到200微秒。示例:要将脉冲串输出1的占空比更改为100(64H),负载:命令字:013E LS数据字:64 GFK-1504N第13章混合离散/高速计数器模块13-27 13 IC200MDD841混合模块,24 V DC正逻辑输入20/输出12点/(4)高速计数器,PWM,或脉冲序列可配置使用COMREQ功能发送数据命令VersaMax PLC CPU可使用COMREQ功能向高速计数器模块发送数据命令。这些命令的长度均为6个字节。在执行命令之前,命令数据必须以正确的顺序(在命令块中)放置在CPU内存中。应设置程序逻辑,以确保将命令发送到模块一次,而不是重复。此功能仅对已启用的计数器有效。命令块数据命令的格式如下:MSB LSB命令字数据字(LSW),其中:n=计数器1-4 cc=子命令代码dd=数据类型0n cc dd dd数据字(MSW)dd dd用于发送数据命令的命令块由10个字组成,如下所示。除非另有说明,否则所有值均为十六进制。注意,如果命令块设置不正确,可能会发生意外操作。命令块可以放置在未保留的任何面向字的内存区域中。

    load: Command word: 011F LS data word: 09C4 0n3B Load Stop Mode (or Resume Decelerate Mode) Changes a Pulse Train output’s deceleration to stop the Ramp immediately when the Output Enable bit goes Off. The Ramp function must be enabled. Example: to set up a Pulse Train output for Stop Ramp (0002) operation on ch.1: Command word: 013B LS data word: 0002 The same command can be used to reset the output to Decelerate mode (the default) by entering the value 0001 in the LS data word. Example: reset the same Pulse Train output to Decelerate (0001) operation: Command word: 013B LS data word: 0001 13-26 VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies and Carriers User's Manual GFK-1504N 13 IC200MDD841 Mixed Module, 24 V DC Positive Logic Input 20 / Output 12 Point / (4) High-speed Counter, PWM, or Pulse Train Configurable Command Word (hex) Command Description 0n3C Load Acceleration Changes a Pulse Train output’s acceleration. The Ramp function must be enabled. Both acceleration and deceleration can be selected from the range of 10 p/s2 to 1,000,000 p/s2 . The default for both is 1,000,000. In the acceleration and deceleration commands, the data value is a 32-bit number. These are the ONLY Data Commands that should have any value other than 0 in the MS data word. Example: to change the acceleration rate of Pulse Train output 1 to 200,000 (30D40H), load: Command word: 013C LS data word: 0D40 MS data word: 0003 0n3D Load Deceleration Changes a Pulse Train output’s deceleration. The Ramp function must be enabled. Example: to change the deceleration rate of Pulse Train output 1 to 2,000 (700H), load: Command word: 013D LS data word: 700 0n3E Load Correction Sets the change (in microseconds) that should be applied to the duty cycle of a Pulse Train output to compensate for the slow turn-off time of the optical isolator circuit (default to 75µs). The range is 0 to 200 microseconds. Example: to change the duty cycle of Pulse Train output 1 to 100 (64H), load: Command word: 013E LS data word: 64 GFK-1504N Chapter 13 Mixed Discrete/High-Speed Counter Module 13-27 13 IC200MDD841 Mixed Module, 24 V DC Positive Logic Input 20 / Output 12 Point / (4) High-speed Counter, PWM, or Pulse Train Configurable Using the COMREQ Function to Send Data Commands The VersaMax PLC CPU can use the COMREQ function to send Data Commands to the High Speed Counter module. These commands are all 6 bytes in length. The command data must be placed in the correct order (in a command block) in CPU memory before the command is executed. Program logic should be set up to assure that the command is sent to the module once, not repeatedly. This function is effective only on counters that are enabled. Command Block The format for Data Commands is as follows: MSB LSB command word data word (LSW) where: n=counter 1-4 cc=subcommand code dd=data type 0n cc dd dd data word (MSW) dd dd The command block used to send Data Commands is composed of 10 words as follows. All values are hexadecimal unless otherwise indicated. Note that if the command block is not set up correctly, unexpected operation may occur. The command block can be placed in any word-oriented area of memory that is not reserved.




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