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IS200SCNVG1ADC/IS200SCNVG1ADC备件模块,模块控制器对每个故障进行描述,并按时间、日期和位置进行识别。模块:机架安装或远程安装的组件,将现场输入和输出设备(如致动器和传感器)与控制器(如Series 90-70 PLC)连接。初始化数据:在系统启动时,一个GMR CPU将%R和%M内存的选定区域与其他GMR CPU中的相应内存同步。%M内存通常用于锁存器,而%R内存用于计...

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    对每个故障进行描述,并按时间、日期和位置进行识别。模块:机架安装或远程安装的组件,将现场输入和输出设备(如致动器和传感器)与控制器(如Series 90-70 PLC)连接。初始化数据:在系统启动时,一个GMR CPU将%R和%M内存的选定区域与其他GMR CPU中的相应内存同步。%M内存通常用于锁存器,而%R内存用于计时器和计数器。输入差异:请参阅差异。ISO 9001:质量和客户满意度的某些要求程序已到位并持续遵守的认证。GE Fanuc已获得ISO 9001认证。L梯形图:请参阅继电器梯形逻辑潜伏故障:请参阅隐蔽故障极限差异:模拟输入可能偏离为该通道设置的满量程偏转值的百分比。每个输入的最小和最大满刻度偏转值均针对应用进行配置。逻辑:用户应用程序。Logicmaster 90:与Series 90 PLC一起使用的编程和组态软件。M平均故障间隔时间(MTBF):设备或系统在发生故障之前预计运行的平均小时数。该数字基于大量物理现场样本。平均维修时间(MTTR):故障后维修设备所需的平均时间。这取决于用户体验、安装的设备类型、设备或组件的位置以及更换件的可用性。中间值选择:当测量三倍模拟输入的三个值时,GMR表决机制丢弃高值和低值,并使用中间值作为表决输入。这种中间值投票方法避免了当一次读数失败时,平均方法产生的不准确。GFT-177A附录D GMR系统词汇表D-7D模块:一种可更换的电子组件,通常插入背板上的连接器中,并固定到位,但易于拆卸。在Series 90-70 PLC中,模块由带有适当连接器和端子的印刷电路板和保护面板组成。N空载诊断:在出现空载情况时检测空载情况的诊断。信息自动提供给CPU。空载诊断由内置在Genius块中“智能开关”输出电路中的电流鉴别器提供。O离线模式:Logicmaster编程和组态软件的可选模式。离线模式用于程序开发。在离线模式下,编程器不与PLC通信,尽管两者可以物理连接。在离线模式下,程序功率流显示和参考值不会更新。在线模式:Logicmaster编程和组态软件的可选模式。

    Each fault is described, and identified by time, date, and location. Module: A rack-mounted or remotely-installed assembly that interfaces field input and output devices such as actuators and sensors to a controller, such as a Series 90-70 PLC. Initialization Data: At system startup, a GMR CPU synchronizes selected areas of %R and %M memory with the corresponding memory in the other GMR CPU(s). %M memory is usually used for latches, while %R memory is used for timers and counters. Input Discrepancy: See Discrepancy. ISO 9001: Certification that certain required procedures for quality and customer satisfaction are in place and are being continually followed. GE Fanuc has received ISO 9001 certification. L Ladder Diagram: See Relay Ladder Logic Latent Fault: See Covert Fault Limit Discrepancy: The percent by which an analog input may deviate from the full-scale deflection values set up for that channel. Minimum and maximum full-scale deflection values for each input are configured for the application. Logic: The user application program. Logicmaster 90: The programming and configuration software used with Series 90 PLCs. M Mean–time–between–failures (MTBF): The mean number of hours a device or system may be expected to operate before a failure. The number is based upon a large group of physical field samples. Mean–time–to–repair (MTTR): An average time required to repair equipment after a failure. It is based upon user experience, the type of equipment installed, the locations of the devices or components, and the availability of replacements. Mid-value Select: When three values of a triplex analog input are measured, the GMR voting mechanism discards the high and low values and uses the middle value as the voted input. This mid-value voting method avoids the inaccuracy that results from averaging methods when a failure in one reading has occurred. GFT-177A Appendix D GMR System Glossary D-7 D Module: A replaceable electronic subassembly usually plugged into connectors on a backplane and secured in place, but easily removed. In the Series 90-70 PLC, a module consists of a printed circuit board with appropriate connectors and terminals and a protective faceplate. N No Load Diagnostic: A diagnostic that detects of a no–load condition when one occurs. The information is automatically supplied to the CPU. The No Load diagnostic is provided by a current discriminator built into the “Smart Switch” output circuit in the Genius block. O Off-Line Mode: A selectable mode of the Logicmaster programming and configuration software. Off-line mode is used for program development. In Off-line mode, the programmer does not communicate with the PLC, although the two may be physically connected. In Off-line mode, program power flow display and reference values are not updated. On-Line Mode: A selectable mode of the Logicmaster programming and configuration software. 





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