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IS200VCRCH1BBB/IS200VAICH1DAA工控模块备件颜色编码为蓝色,表示低压模块。该模块可安装在Series 90-30 PLC系统中5或10插槽基板的任何I/O插槽中。表7-7。IC693MDL730规范额定电压12/24伏直流电压范围12至24伏直流(+20%,-15%)每个模块8(一组8个)场侧和逻辑侧之间的隔离1500伏60℃(140F)时每点2个保险丝4个50℃(122...

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    颜色编码为蓝色,表示低压模块。该模块可安装在Series 90-30 PLC系统中5或10插槽基板的任何I/O插槽中。表7-7。IC693MDL730规范额定电压12/24伏直流电压范围12至24伏直流(+20%,-15%)每个模块8(一组8个)场侧和逻辑侧之间的隔离1500伏60℃(140F)时每点2个保险丝4个50℃(122F)时每个保险丝4个特性浪涌电流9.4 10 ms压降1.2伏关断状态漏电1接通响应时间2 ms关断响应时间2背板负载电流上5伏总线的ms功耗55(全部打开)取决于环境温度,如下页图表所示。产品标准和一般规范参见附录B。离散模块7 GFK-0898F第7章-离散模块7-13 IC693MDL730模块现场接线信息下图提供了将用户提供的负载设备和电源连接到12/24伏直流正逻辑2安培模块的接线信息。TERMILS FIELD保险丝用于A1–A4保险丝用于A5–A8其他s其他s图7-10。IC693MDL730模块现场接线模块负载电流环境温度a3836 2A每点40 4 1A每点8 6 4 2()图7-11。IC693MDL730 7 7-14 Series 90-30 PLC I/O模块规格的负载电流与温度–2000 GFK-0898F安装和拆卸带固定螺钉的IC693MDL 730端子板分立模块IC693ML 730F(及更新版本)和IC693MD 731F(及更高版本)有一个配备固定螺钉的特殊端子板,如下图所示。在PLC受到严重振动的应用中,这些螺钉可防止端子板与模块的连接恶化。a3082B A1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B1 2 3 4 6 7 8 F 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 4 A2 A5 IC693MDL730F A1 A6可拆卸端子板铰链盖固定螺钉A3 A4 A7 A8+–模块目录号图7-12。带固定螺钉的端子板拆除:要拆除这些端子板,首先松开端子板前面的两个固定螺钉,然后按照“拆除I/O模块的端子板”一节中的标准拆除说明进行操作。固定螺钉固定在端子板中,不必完全拆除。安装:要安装这些端子板,请遵循“安装I/O模块的端子板”一节中的标准安装说明,然后将两个固定螺钉拧紧至8至10英寸磅(1牛顿米)的扭矩。离散模块7 GFK-0898F第7章-离散模块7-15 12/24伏直流负逻辑-2安培,8点IC693MDL731系列90-30可编程逻辑控制器的12/24伏DC负逻辑2安培模块在一组中提供8个点,带有电源端子。该模块设计为具有负逻辑特性,因为它将电流从负载吸收到用户或负电源总线。该设备连接在正电源总线和模块之间。

    color-coded blue to indicate a low-voltage module. This module can be installed in any I/O slot of a 5 or 10-slot baseplate in a Series 90-30 PLC system. Table 7-7. Specifications for IC693MDL730 Rated Voltage 12/24 volts DC Voltage Range 12 to 24 volts DC (+20%, –15%) s per Module 8 (one group of eight s) Isolation 1500 volts between field side and logic side Current 2 per point 2 per fuse at 60C (140F) 4 per fuse at 50C (122F) Characteristics Inrush Current 9.4 for 10 ms Voltage Drop 1.2 volts Off-state Leakage 1 On Response Time 2 ms Off Response Time 2 ms Power Consumption 55 (all s on) from 5 volt bus on backplane load current is dependent upon ambient temperature as shown in graph on next page. Refer to Appendix B for product standards and general specifications. Discrete Modules 7 GFK-0898F Chapter 7 – Discrete Modules 7-13 IC693MDL730 Module Field Wiring Infortion The following figure provides wiring infortion for connecting user supplied load devices and power source to the 12/24 volt DC positive logic 2 amp module. TERMILS FIELD Fuse for s A1 – A4 Fuse for s A5 – A8 OTHER S OTHER S Figure 7-10. IC693MDL730 Module Field Wiring MODULE LOAD CURRENT AMBIENT TEMPERATURE a43836 2A PER POINT 40 4 1A PER POINT 8 6 4 2 () Figure 7-11. Load Current vs. Temperature for IC693MDL730 7 7-14 Series 90-30 PLC I/O Module Specifications – 2000 GFK-0898F Installing and Removing IC693MDL730 Termil Boards with Holding Screws Discrete modules IC693MDL730F (and later versions) and IC693MDL731F (and later versions) have a special termil board that is equipped with holding screws, as shown in the figure below. These screws prevent the termil board-to-module connections from deteriorating in applications where the PLC is subjected to severe vibration . a43082B A1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 4 A2 A5 IC693MDL730F A1 A6 Removeable Termil Board Hinged Cover Holding Screw Holding Screw A3 A4 A7 A8 + – Module Catalog Number Figure 7-12. Termil Board with Holding Screws Removing: To Remove these termil boards, first loosen the two holding screws on the front of the termil board, then follow the standard remol instructions in the section “Removing an I/O Module’s Termil Board.” The holding screws are held captive in the termil board and do t have to be completely removed. Installing: To install these termil boards, follow the standard installation instructions in the section “Installing an I/O Module’s Termil Board,” then tighten the two holding screws to 8 to 10 inch pounds (1 Newton-meter) of torque. Discrete Modules 7 GFK-0898F Chapter 7 – Discrete Modules 7-15 12/24 Volt DC Negative Logic - 2 Amp, 8 Point IC693MDL731 The 12/24 volt DC Negative Logic 2 Amp module for the Series 90-30 Programble Logic Controller provides 8 points in one group with a power termil. This module is designed to have negative logic characteristics in that it sinks current from the loads to the user or negative power bus. The device is connected between the positive power bus and the module .





    品牌: GE






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