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IS200VSVOHBDC控制器模块,机器人模块卡件 或必须对应一个介于+和之间的工程单位编号。当发生这种情况时,故障选项卡中会记录一个故障。当报告故障时,Ds将关闭并停止。扩展器配置错误当扩展器配置范围或每个扩展器的秒数为exped时,会发生此错误。通电后,Base Converter扫描扩展器连接的扩展总线,以确定其类型。如果实际配置不符合配置的范围或数量,则会报告扩展器配置错误Alog Si...

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     或必须对应一个介于+和之间的工程单位编号。当发生这种情况时,故障选项卡中会记录一个故障。当报告故障时,Ds将关闭并停止。扩展器配置错误当扩展器配置范围或每个扩展器的秒数为exped时,会发生此错误。通电后,Base Converter扫描扩展器连接的扩展总线,以确定其类型。如果实际配置不符合配置的范围或数量,则会报告扩展器配置错误Alog Sigl rms。本节介绍了与模拟值相关的一些一般rms测量值。SingEnded Singendd s具有与连接(通常是电源)相关的信号测量值。其他模拟符号通常共享此mon。单端设备需要最少的点,以提供最高的密度和最低的价格,但代价是布线更加严格,以及由于mon连接中的电压降和电流而导致的错误。单端连接与离散信号的布线最为相似。单端连接是指信号中的一个点,该点可以与其他信号回路中的相应点连接。它可能不接地。差分信号是在两个与电源分离但隔离的状态下测量的。差分输入允许在不影响精度的情况下对线路和接地进行更大程度的自由。信号电平和电源之间有一个限制电压额定值(参见mon Mode)。该限制也适用于同一电源上添加剂之间的电压差。差分输入通常以共享电源连接点的组为单位。某些电压有一个exrl返回或远程感测,允许负载mon或接地与sll电压的电源不同。电流回路信号是部件之间电压的敏感差异,参见遵从性。差分输入允许电流回路输入,因为sigl可以从mon偏移。不要将差分输入与隔离输入混淆;差分需要组的所有输入的mon连接点参考,通常是接地或电源mon。Alog Input Sysm High level s F Alog s August Controlr Data Sheet F Isolad Isolad输入通常为两个,并与电源和接地电气绝缘。有时提供额外的连接来激励传感器,如RTD,但这些信号不与其他点共享。隔离开关允许设备和之间存在高电压。不要将隔离输入与逻辑组之间的隔离或与系统其他部件(如逻辑或电源)的隔离混淆。rl模式这是差分信号或隔离信号的实际信号。这也包括作为电源线频率拾取器的无意识信号。mon模式这是模拟信号和差分信号电源的mon点之间的电压,如果是隔离信号,则为接地。理想的是,所有mon模式信号都由触发,但实际上数据中引入了一些错误。这被指定为共模抑制比CMRR,通常以分贝db表示。差分s也有一个mon模式电压规格,通常作为关于mon的电压。超过差分信号的共模额定电压会导致较大误差

    In other words or must correspond an engineering units number between + and . When this occurs a fault is logged in the Fault Tab. The Ds are turned off and the halts afr reporting the fault the . Expander Configuration Error This error occurs when the Expander configuration range or the number of s per Expander is t as expecd. On powerup the Base Converr scans the Expander s connecd the expansion bus dermine their type. If the actual configuration does t t the configured range or number of s an Expander Configuration error is repord Alog Sigl rms This section explains some general rms relating measurements at alog s. SingEnded Singended s have the sigl measured relative a mon connection usually the power supply. Other alog sigls typically share this mon. Singended s require the fewest points giving the highest density and lowest price but at the cost of more restrictive wiring and errors due voltage drops and currents in the mon connections. Singended connections are most similar the wiring of discre s. Sigl mon The rm sigl mon refers a point in the sigl that y be connecd the corresponding points in other sigl loops. It y or y t be connecd earth ground. Differential Differential sigls are measured on two s whi are separa but t isolad from the power supply. Differential inputs allow a grear degree of freedom in wiring mons and grounds without affecting accuracy. There is a limid voltage rating see mon Mode between the sigl vel s and the power supply s. This limitation also applies voltage differences among additiol on the same supply. Differential inputs usually e in groups sharing the supply mon tie point. Some voltage s y have an exrl return or remo sense whi allows the load mon or ground be different than the supply of the by a sll voltage. Current loop sigls are ss susceptib differences in voltage between ponents see pliance. Differential inputs permit inputs with current loops since the sigl can be offset from mon. Do t confuse differential inputs with isolad inputs; differential requires the mon tie point reference for all inputs of the group usually either ground or the supply mon. Alog Input Sysm High vel s F Alog s August Controlr Data Sheet F Isolad Isolad inputs are usually two and are diectrically insulad from supplies and ground. Sometimes additiol connections are provided for excitation of transducers su as RTDs but these sigls are t shared with other points. Isolad s allow high voltages exist between devices and the . Do t confuse isolad inputs with the isolation between groups of alog s or isolation from other ponents of the sysm su as logic or power supplies. rl Mode This is the actual sigl across the sigl s of differential or isolad. This y also include unwand ise su as power line frequency pickup. mon Mode This is the voltage between the alog sigl s and the mon point of the power supply of a differential sigl or ground in the case of an isolad sigl. It is desirab that all mon mode sigls are igred by the but in practice there is some error introduced in the data. This is specified as mon Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR usually expressed in decibels db. Differential s also have a mon mode voltage specifications usually stad as a voltage with respect mon. Exceeding the mon mode voltage rating of differential sigls causes large errors 





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