6、建材工业———建材工业是我国重要的资料工业,其产物包含建筑资料及制品、非金属矿及制品、无机非金属新资料三大类别。变频器产物首要运用于建材工业的鼓风机、粉碎机、皮带传送机、排气风机、回转窑等设备。据关联组织计算,我国的水泥生产能力中的70%左右是技能水平落后的立窑,能耗较高。经过变频器改造,可以节电10%至20%,一起可进步产物质量的可控性。据东方证券剖析,将来几年高压变频器商场需求将坚持40%以上的增速,估量到2012年,我国高压变频器商场容量可达88亿元左右,而保存估量将来十年变频器商场容量超越500亿元。solution of comprehensive process control based on SIMATIC PCS 7 includes separation control, albumin purification and pasteurization, immunoglobulin purification steps and buffer preparation. The system configuration includes three sets of SIMATIC PCS 7 automation systems, and a large number of et200 remote I / O terminals are configured at different positions in the production process, and the interconnection is realized by Profibus network. Visual management is realized through PCS 7 operator station in the control room and SIMATIC touch screen on site. In addition, SIAS also integrates a new pure water system and provides installation design and engineering management services. Siemens Building Technologies provides building control systems and fire safety equipment for the entire production area. Yang Huichuan, general manager of Rongsheng pharmaceutical, was very satisfied with the implementation of the project: "Siemens is a company that can work with us to find the best solutions. We have been committed to