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    apr安装和硬件8月Q电池更换说明警告避免丢失RAM内存连接。您可以在打开电源的情况下仔细执行以下sps。此程序只能由经过电气安全程序培训的合格电气人员执行。如果不遵守标准电气安全规程,可能导致人员、设备或两者的伤亡。小心地将一把长约mm的袖珍螺丝刀插入电池盖下的电池盖拆卸槽中,参见上图。轻轻旋转螺丝刀约度,松开电池盖。用手指拆下盖。球棒在封面背面的一个夹子里。它有一个带有的广告,它插在电源内部的一个板上。用手指小心地放在电池腔中,不要使用金属物体,这样做并拔下电池插头。从电池盖上的夹子上取下旧电池并将其放在一边。小心别把它和新电池混在一起。用手指小心地放在电池腔中,不要使用金属物体,这样做并插入新电池。将新电池卡入电池盖上的夹子。电源上的电池盖。Q apr Memory BackupBatry Backup Batry Replacement Memory Proction Facrs由于每个应用程序都存在差异,每个用户都会根据自己的需要使用哪些策略。在计划电池更换内存处理策略时,有几个因素需要考虑:应用程序有多关键?如果价格下跌,会造成巨大损失吗?如果如此频繁地更换球棒将是明智的选择。对于关键应用,电池的成本与停机的成本相比相当低。备份程序的加载速度如何?有没有知道如何加载备份程序的nicians onsi?备份程序是否始终由负责维护设备的人员访问?个人电脑或马是否始终配备通用电气编程软件,用于加载备份程序?你有预防性的客栈计划吗?forl程序将有助于确保电池按时更换。一些用户在停机期间每年更换备用电池。accessib如何?在某些应用程序中,y被堆在不容易访问的远程位置。安全规范。一些用户可能有安全漏洞,不允许在通电的情况下更换电池。如何使用?电源是一直开着还是每天都关闭?参见标题“影响蝙蝠生活的因素”。一些用户通过使用PROM选项之一在没有备份电池的情况下运行。如果此策略适合您的应用程序,请参阅下面的cald Operating Without a Memory Backup Batry dermine一节。备份程序的重要性无论您在内存中使用的策略是什么,您都应该始终保存应用程序的最新备份副本。其他建议有助于减少停机时间:确保备份副本可供需要的人使用。培训多人加载备份程序,以防需要时一人可用。有关创建备份的信息可以在GE的软件中找到。该程序也包含在适用的GE编程软件培训课程中。确保suitab pur配备了GE编程软件,并且可以随时加载备份程序。创建书面备份过程。幸运的是,从备份副本中重新生成程序可能不是您非常想做的事情。因此,一些sps很容易被放弃。安装和硬件八月Q影响电池寿命的因素每年更换一次电池是一个很好的经验。然而,人们可以准确预测备份电池将持续多长时间,因为这取决于使用什么CPU、使用什么温度以及如何使用。考虑以下影响电池寿命的因素将有助于您决定在应用中更换电池的频率:未使用的电池在室温下的预计寿命为几年

     apr     Installation and Hardware   August  Q  Batry Replacement Instructions Warning  avoid the ance of losing the connts of RAM memory you can carefully perform the following sps with  power ON. This procedure should only be performed by qualified ectrical personnel who are trained in applicab ectrical safety rus and procedures. Failure  follow standard ectrical safety practice can result in injury or death  personnel dage  equipment or both.  Carefully insert the tip a sll pocketsize screwdriver approxily  in  mm in the batry cover remol slot locad beneath the batry cover see previous figure.  Gently rota the screwdriver about  degrees  loosen the cover.  Remove cover with fingers. The batry is mound in a clip on the back of the cover. It has a of ads with a  that is pluggedin  a  on a  board inside the power supply.  Carefully rea in batry cavity with your fingers do t use a metal object  do this and unplug the batry .  Remove the old batry from the clip on the batry cover and set it aside. Be careful t  mix it up with the new batry.  Carefully rea in batry cavity with your fingers do t use a metal object  do this and plug in new batry .  Clip new batry in clip on batry cover.  Sp batry cover back on power supply. Q apr  Memory BackupBatry Backup   Batry ReplacementMemory Proction Facrs Since there are differences in ea  application ea user will have  dermine on an individual basis what stragy  use. There are several facrs  consider when planning a batry replacementmemory proction stragy:  How critical is the application? Will considerab loss be sustained if the  goes down? If so frequent replacement of the batry would be a wise oice. For critical applications the cost of a batry would be qui low in parison  the cost of a  shutdown.  How readily can a backup program be loaded? Are there nicians onsi who kw how  load a backup program? Is the backup program accessib at all times  those responsib for intaining the equipment? Is a persol pur or equint equipped with GE programming software ailab at all times for use in loading the backup program?  Do you have a preventive innce program? A forl program would help ensure that the batry is replaced on time. Some users replace the backup batry ea year during their an shutdown period.  How accessib is the ? In some applications the  y be mound in a remo location that is t easily accessed.  Safety codes. Some users y have safety rus that would t allow replacing the batry with power applied.  How is the  used? Is power ft on all the time or is it shut down every day? See the heading Facrs Affecting Batry Life.  Some users run without a backup batry by using one of the PROM options. See the section below cald Operating Without a Memory Backup Batry  dermine if this stragy is suitab for your application. The Importance of Backing up Your Program Regardss of what stragy you use  intain  memory you should always keep an upda backup copy of your application program. Other suggestions  help minimize down time:  ke sure the backup copy is readily accessib  those who y need  use it.  Train more than one person  load the backup program in case that one person is t ailab when needed. Infortion on creating a backup can be found in GE’s software  s. This procedure is also covered in applicab GE programming software training courses.  Ensure that a suitab pur is equipped with GE  programming software and will be readily ailab  load the backup program  the .  Crea a writn backup procedure. Fortuly resring your program from the backup copy is probably t something you will do very ofn. As a result however some of the sps could easily be forgotn.     Installation and Hardware   August  Q  Facrs Affecting Batry Life Replacing your batry once per year is a good ru of thumb. However one can predict precisely how long a backup batry will last because this depends upon what CPU is used what mperature it is subjecd  and how it used. Considering the following list of facrs that affect batry life will help you decide how frequently  replace the batry in your application:  A batry that is t in use has an estid life cald its shelf life of  years at room mperature 


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    品牌: GE






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