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IS215VPROH2B机器人模块卡件由或单词构成MSB,例如参见第页的DDLM_k_Cfg。一个apr DDLM_RD_Inp和DDLM_RD_Outp类sr使用DDLM_RD-Inp和RDLM_RD_Outp消息读取Profibus BIU的缓冲区。消息连接与DDLM_Data_Exange相同。DDLM_RD_Inp消息以两个字节的诊断数据开始(见下文),然后是BIU的输入。DDLM_R...

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    由或单词构成MSB,例如参见第页的DDLM_k_Cfg。一个apr DDLM_RD_Inp和DDLM_RD_Outp类sr使用DDLM_RD-Inp和RDLM_RD_Outp消息读取Profibus BIU的缓冲区。消息连接与DDLM_Data_Exange相同。DDLM_RD_Inp消息以两个字节的诊断数据开始(见下文),然后是BIU的输入。DDLM_RD_Outp消息以两个字节的故障关怀和数据开头,然后是来自sr.Diagnostics bys Input data data Car Fault and bys data in DDLM_RD_Inp data in DDLM_RD_Output.DDLM_RD-Inp消息中的诊断数据字与DDLM_data_Exage具有相同的端口,请参阅第页。索引A Profibus总线接口单元编号索引A添加信息地址部分DIP开关报警阈值配置模拟输入模拟输入配置指令模拟输入模拟配置指令模拟配置添加和检测配置过程禁用参考分配的手持设备概述带空插槽的编程器辅助块B二进制数据BIU通信站BIU诊断BIU故障选项卡引导加载器总线驾驶室规格ca类型连接总线接口单元长度终端总线ID配置与HHP总线接口单元描述尺寸功能规格保险丝安装在块上引入电源拆卸来自块块C安装模拟输入活动配置块之间的电缆所需的诊断概述参数丢失启动配置HHP菜单使用编程器HHP读数的说明分区功能配置说明模拟输入模拟离散输入离散配置迷雾消息配置过程启用或禁用控制接线模拟输入电流电压范围配置模拟D数据检测模式DDLM_k_Cfg DDLM_Data_Exage消息DDLM_Global_Control消息DDLM_Set_Prm DDLM_Slave_Diag Decil数据默认或保持模拟索引Profibus模拟输入配置的最后一个状态界面单元Sepmber A配置离散输入配置离散功能默认配置功能消息之间的延迟诊断BIU数据堡垒sr DIN导轨安装模块安装移除模块DIP开关板地址部分Profibus procol部分离散输入配置

    by or word   who ngth      MSB  For ex see DDLM_k_Cfg on page .  A apr    DDLM_RD_Inp and DDLM_RD_Outp A class  sr read the buffers of the Profibus BIU using the DDLM_RD_Inp and DDLM_RD_Outp messages. The message connts are the same as for DDLM_Data_Exange. The DDLM_RD_Inp message begins with two bys of diagnostic data see below followed by inputs from the BIU. The DDLM_RD_Outp message begins with two bys of faultcaring nd data followed by s from the sr. Diagnostics  bys Input Data  Data Car Fault nds  bys Data in DDLM_RD_Inp Data in DDLM_RD_Outp The Diagnostics Data word in the DDLM_RD_Inp message has the same fort as DDLM_Data_Exange see page . Index A Profibus Bus Inrface Unit    Sepmber  Index A Addition of  message  Address section DIP swis  Alarm thresholds configuring for analog input   Analog input  configuration instructions  Analog inputs  Analog   configuration instructions  Analog s  Auconfiguration adding and deting s  configuration proction  disab   references assigned  overview of  with a Handheld Programmer   with empty slot  Auxiliary  Block  B Binary data  BIU munication stas  BIU diagnostics  BIU fault tab  Boot loader  Bus cab specifications  ca types  connecting  Bus Inrface Unit  ngth  rmination  Bus ID configuration with HHP  Bus Inrface Unit description  dimensions  functional specifications  fuse  installing on  block  introduction  power supply  removing from  block    block   C Cabs between  blocks  installing   active configuring for analog input    Carances required   diagnostics  loss of  overview  paramers  startup  Configuration HHP menus  instructions for using HHP  reading from programmer  sectab features  Configuration instructions analog input   analog    discre input   discre    Configuration Mist message  Configuration proction enab or disab  Control wiring  Currentvoltage range configuring for analog input   configuring for analog    D Data Exange mode   DDLM_k_Cfg  DDLM_Data_Exange message  DDLM_Global_Control message  DDLM_Set_Prm  DDLM_Slave_Diag   Decil data  Default or hold last sta configuring for analog input   configuring for analog    Index Index Profibus Inrface Unit    Sepmber  A configuring for discre input   configuring for discre    Defaults for configurab  features  Delay between messages  Diagnostics  BIU    data fort  sr    DIN rail installing  Block  mounting  removing  Block  DIP swis board address section  Profibus procol section  Discre input  configuring 




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