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IS230STCIH6A,模块卡件,自动化卡件如需订购其他颜色,请在列出的目录号中添加适当的后缀蓝色B,RE。例如,对于字符跳线,目录号将为RE。重要信息请参阅Appdix B了解套圈选择。附件包PE Publicati TDAP 4月单级馈通接地Teral块PG接线图Teral块Dimsis x灰色/黄色PG专用单级馈通接地Terl块认证UR/CSA ATEX额定电压电线范围额定横截面AWG电线...

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    如需订购其他颜色,请在列出的目录号中添加适当的后缀蓝色B,RE。例如,对于字符跳线,目录号将为RE。重要信息请参阅Appdix B了解套圈选择。附件包PE Publicati TDAP 4月单级馈通接地Teral块PG接线图Teral块Dimsis x灰色/黄色PG专用单级馈通接地Terl块认证UR/CSA ATEX额定电压电线范围额定横截面AWG电线长度。Dsity pcs/ft外壳温度范围F配件组件安装导轨,d梁,d锚固件和固定器安装轨道m系统DIN钢DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers灰色EBP蓝色EBPB黄色EBPY d固定器ERL d锚固件DIN轨道正常负载EAJ重型EAHJ正常负载EAP Cter跳线橙色测试插头Stt测试插头PTPS测试插头PTPE Mking系统ClePlot基本Mker Cds MRX Cds CleMultrint Mker MTX卷标准橙色,要订购其他颜色,请在列出的目录号中添加适当的后缀蓝色B,RE。例如,对于字符跳线,目录号将为RE。重要信息请参阅Appdix C了解套圈选择。附件包PE Publicati TDAP 4月单级馈通接地Teral块PGT接线图Teral块Dimsis x灰色/黄色PGT专用单级馈通接地Terl块认证UR/CSA ATEX额定电压电线范围额定横截面AWG电线长度。Dsity pcs/ft外壳温度范围F配件组件安装导轨,d梁,d锚固件和固定器安装轨道m系统DIN钢DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers灰色EBPT蓝色EBPTB黄色EBPTY d固定器ERL d锚固件DIN轨道正常负载EAJ重型EAHJ正常负载EAP Cter跳线橙色测试插头Stt测试插头PTPS测试插头PTPE Mking系统ClePlot基本Mker Cds MRX Cds CleMultrint Mker MTX卷标准橙色可用,要订购其他颜色,请在列出的目录号中添加适当的后缀蓝色B,RE。例如,对于字符跳线,目录号将为RE。重要信息请参阅Appdix C了解套圈选择。附件包PE Publicati TDAP 4月单级馈通接地Teral块PGQ接线图Teral块Dimsis Gre/黄色PGQ专用单级馈接地TeralBlock认证UR/CSA ATEX额定电压电线范围额定横截面AWG电线长度。Dsity pcs/ft外壳温度范围F配件组件安装导轨,d梁,d锚固件和固定器安装轨道m系统DIN钢DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers灰色EBPQ蓝色EBPQB黄色EBPQY d固定器ERL d锚固件DIN轨道正常负载EAJ重型EAHJ正常负载EAP Cter跳线橙色测试插头Stt测试插头PTPS测试插头PTPE Mking Systems ClePlot基本Mker Cds MRX Cds ClePrint Mkers MTX卷标准橙色,要订购其他颜色,请在列出的目录号中添加适当的后缀蓝色B,RE。例如,对于字符跳线,目录号将为RE。重要信息请参阅Appdix C了解套圈选择。附件包PE Publicati TDAP 4月单级馈通接地Teral块PG接线图Teral块Dimsis灰色/黄色PG专用单级馈通接地Terl块认证UR/CSA ATEX额定电压V V V电线范围额定横截面AWG电线长度。

    在Dsity pcs/ft外壳温度范围F附件安装轨道,d Briers,d锚固件和固定器安装轨道m系统DIN钢DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers灰色EBP蓝色EBPB黄色EBPY d固定器ERL d锚固件DIN轨道正常负载EAJ重型EAHJ正常负载EAP Cter跳线橙色测试插头Stt测试插头PTPS测试插头PTPE Mking系统ClePlot基本Mker Cds MRX Cds CleMultrint Mker MTX卷标准橙色,要订购蓝色,请在列出的目录号上添加B后缀。例如,蓝色字符跳线的目录号为B。重要信息请参阅Appdix D了解套圈选择。附件PE Publicati TDAP 4月单级馈通接地Teral块PGT接线图Teral块Dimsis灰/黄PGT专用单级馈接地Terl块认证UR/CSA ATEX额定电压V V V电线范围额定横截面AWG电线长度。在Dsity pcs/ft外壳温度范围F附件安装轨道,d Briers,

    in orange as standd, to order other colors add the appropriate suffix to the catalog number listedBlue B, RE. Example for a cter jumper, the catalog number will be RE. IMPORTANT Refer to Appdix B for ferrule selecti. cessories Pkg PE Publicati TDAP April Singlelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Blocks PG Wiring Diagram Teral BlocksDimsis x Gre/Yellow PG Specificatiinglelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Block Certificatis UR/CSA ATEX Voltage Rating Wire Range Rated Cross Secti AWG Wire SLgth . Dsity pcs/ft Housing Temperature Range F cessories Pkg Mounting Rails, d Briers, d Anchors and Retainers Mounting Rail m Syetrical DIN Steel DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers Grey EBP Blue EBPB Yellow EBPY d Retainer ERL d Anchor DIN Rail Normal Duty EAJ Heavy Duty EAHJ Normal Duty EAP Cter Jumpers Orange Test Plugs Test Plugs Stt Test Plug PTPS Test Plug PTPE Mking Systems ClePlot Basic Mker Cds MRX cds CleMultiprint Mkers MTX roll Availle in orange as standd, to order other colors add the appropriate suffix to the catalog number listedBlue B, RE. Example for a cter jumper, the catalog number will be RE. IMPORTANT Refer to Appdix C for ferrule selecti. cessories Pkg PE Publicati TDAP April Singlelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Blocks PGT Wiring Diagram Teral BlocksDimsis x Gre/Yellow PGT Specificatiinglelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Block Certificatis UR/CSA ATEX Voltage Rating Wire Range Rated Cross Secti AWG Wire SLgth . Dsity pcs/ft Housing Temperature Range F cessories Pkg Mounting Rails, d Briers, d Anchors and Retainers Mounting Rail m Syetrical DIN Steel DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers Grey EBPT Blue EBPTB Yellow EBPTY d Retainer ERL d Anchor DIN Rail Normal Duty EAJ Heavy Duty EAHJ Normal Duty EAP Cter Jumpers Orange Test Plugs Test Plugs Stt Test Plug PTPS Test Plug PTPE Mking Systems ClePlot Basic Mker Cds MRX cds CleMultiprint Mkers MTX roll Availle in orange as standd, to order other colors add the appropriate suffix to the catalog number listedBlue B, RE. Example for a cter jumper, the catalog number will be RE. IMPORTANT Refer to Appdix C for ferrule selecti. cessories Pkg PE Publicati TDAP April Singlelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Blocks PGQ Wiring Diagram Teral BlocksDimsis Gre/Yellow PGQ Specificatiinglelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Block Certificatis UR/CSA ATEX Voltage Rating Wire Range Rated Cross Secti AWG Wire SLgth . Dsity pcs/ft Housing Temperature Range F cessories Pkg Mounting Rails, d Briers, d Anchors and Retainers Mounting Rail m Syetrical DIN Steel DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers Grey EBPQ Blue EBPQB Yellow EBPQY d Retainer ERL d Anchor DIN Rail Normal Duty EAJ Heavy Duty EAHJ Normal Duty EAP Cter Jumpers Orange Test Plugs Test Plugs Stt Test Plug PTPS Test Plug PTPE Mking Systems ClePlot Basic Mker Cds MRX cds CleMultiprint Mkers MTX roll Availle in orange as standd, to order other colors add the appropriate suffix to the catalog number listedBlue B, RE. Example for a cter jumper, the catalog number will be RE. IMPORTANT Refer to Appdix C for ferrule selecti. cessories Pkg PE Publicati TDAP April Singlelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Blocks PG Wiring Diagram Teral BlocksDimsis Gre/Yellow PG Specificatiinglelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Block Certificatis UR/CSA ATEX Voltage Rating V V V Wire Range Rated Cross Secti AWG Wire SLgth .

    in Dsity pcs/ft Housing Temperature Range F cessories Mounting Rails, d Briers, d Anchors and Retainers Mounting Rail m Syetrical DIN Steel DR uum DR HiRiseuum DR Angled DR d Briers Grey EBP Blue EBPB Yellow EBPY d Retainer ERL d Anchor DIN Rail Normal Duty EAJ Heavy Duty EAHJ Normal Duty EAP Cter Jumpers Orange Test Plugs Test Plugs Stt Test Plug PTPS Test Plug PTPE Mking Systems ClePlot Basic Mker Cds MRX cds CleMultiprint Mkers MTX roll Availle in orange as standd, to order in blue, add B suffix to the catalog number listed. Example for a blue cter jumper, the catalog number will be B. IMPORTANT Refer to Appdix D for ferrule selecti. cessories PE Publicati TDAP April Singlelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Blocks PGT Wiring Diagram Teral BlocksDimsis Gre/Yellow PGT Specificatiinglelevel Feedthrough Grounding Teral Block Certificatis UR/CSA ATEX Voltage Rating V V V Wire Range Rated Cross Secti AWG Wire SLgth . in Dsity pcs/ft Housing Temperature Range F cessories Mounting Rails, d Briers, 




    A-B 1407-CGCM.jpg

    品牌: GE






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