按照所列目录号中的破折号。例如,带有绿色插件的800T-J2KA1将是800T-JB2KA1。代码字母颜色绿色蓝色黄色ABCE对于翼杆操作员(仅提供灰色或),将字母“G”替换为字母“a”。要订购未安装彩色嵌件的标准或旋钮操纵杆,请在所列目录号破折号后的第一个字母后添加字母“X”。包含其中一个eh的特殊pket不收取额外费用。目标表特殊颜色公告800T油密选择开关产品数据17选择特殊照明选择开关与选择特殊非照明选择开关类似。然而,照明设备的控制块只能安装在白色启动器后面。照明设备上的灯的电源模块必须安装在设备的blk侧后面。因此,照明设备具有2位模块后缀代码,而非照明设备具有4位代码。示例:800T-16JR2KB7AX工业控制目录中列出的照明选择开关的后缀代码可以修改,以实现特殊的控制布置。可以使用特殊装置,使一个电路的触点在第二个电路的接头断开之前闭合。由于这些选择器开关可能被误用,因此未在工业控制目录中列出。如果您的应用程序需要重叠凸轮,请联系最近的Allen-Bradley销售办公室。照明选择开关重叠凸轮公告800T油密选择开关产品数据18注释公告800T油密选择开关数据19注释公告1403-5.0–1996年12月罗克韦尔自动化公司Allen Bradley 90多年来一直在帮助客户提高生产力和质量。我们在全球范围内设计、制造和支持各种自动化产品。它们包括逻辑处理器、电源和运动控制设备、操作员接口、传感器和各种软件。罗克韦尔是世界领先的科技公司之一。全球代表。阿根廷澳大利亚奥地利巴林比利时玻利维亚巴西保加利亚加拿大智利中国,哥伦比亚人民共和国哥斯达黎加克罗地亚塞浦路斯捷克共和国丹麦多米尼加共和国厄瓜多尔埃及萨尔瓦多芬兰法国加纳希腊危地马拉洪都拉斯香港匈牙利冰岛印度印尼伊朗爱尔兰以色列意大利牙买加日本约旦韩国科威特黎巴嫩毛马拉西亚墨西哥摩洛哥荷兰新西兰尼日利亚挪威阿曼巴基斯坦巴拿马秘鲁菲律宾波兰葡萄牙波多黎各卡塔尔罗马尼亚俄罗斯沙特阿拉伯新加坡斯洛伐克斯洛文尼亚南非西班牙共和国瑞典瑞士台湾特立尼达突尼斯土耳其阿拉伯联合酋长国联合王国美国乌拉圭委内瑞拉罗克韦尔自动化总部,美国威斯康星州密尔沃基南二街1201号,电话:414 382-2000传真:414 38.2-4444罗克韦尔自动化欧洲总部,Avenue Hermann Debroux,46,1160 Brussels,Belgium,电话:32-(0)2 663 06 00,传真:32-http://.ab.出版物800T-TD001A-US-P
following the dash in the listed catalog number. Example, 800T-J2KA1 with a green insert would bee 800T-JB2KA1. Code Letter Color Green Blue Yellow ABCE For a wing lever operator (only available in gray or ), reple the letter “G” with the letter “A”. To order standard or knob lever operators without color inserts installed, add the letter “X” after the first letter following the dash of the listed catalog number. A special pket containing one of eh is included at no extra charge. Target Tables Special Colors Bulletin 800T Oiltight Selector Switches Product Data 17 Selection of special illuminated selector switches is similar to selecting special non-illuminated selector switches. However, contt blocks for illuminated devices can only be mounted behind the white tuator. The power module for the lamp on illuminated devices must be mounted behind the blk side of the device. Thus, illuminated devices have a 2-digit modular suffix code versus a 4-digit code for non-illuminated devices. Example: 800T-16JR2KB7AX The suffix codes for the illuminated selector switches listed in the Industrial Control catalog can be modified to hieve special contt arrangements. Special devices are available which allow contts of one circuit to close before the contts of a second circuit open. These selector switches are not listed in the Industrial Control catalog because of their potential misuse. If your application requires overlapping cams, contt your nearest Allen-Bradley Sales Office. Illuminated Selector Switches Overlapping Cams Bulletin 800T Oiltight Selector Switches Product Data 18 Notes Bulletin 800T Oiltight Selector Switches Product Data 19 Notes Publication 1403-5.0 – December 1996 Allen-Bradley, a Rockwell automation business, has been helping its customers improve productivity and quality for more than 90 years. We design, manufture and support a broad range of automation products worldwide. They include logic processors, power and motion control devices, operator interfes, sensors and a variety of software. Rockwell is one of the world’s leading technology panies. Worldwide representation. Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China, People’s Republic of Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Finland France Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland-Eire Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Korea Kuwait Lebanon Mau Malaysia Malta Mexico Morocco The Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa, Republic of Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Trinidad Tunisia Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Rockwell Automation Headquarters, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204 USA, Tel: 414 382-2000 Fax: 414 382-4444 Rockwell Automation European Headquarters, Avenue Hermann Debroux, 46, 1160 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: 32-(0) 2 663 06 00, Fax: 32-(0) 2 663 06 40 Rockwell Automation Asia Pific Headquarters, 27/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846 World Wide Web: http://.ab. Publication 800T-TD001A-US-P