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    Where is the nominal voltage of the module for × Where is the rated voltage input impedance of the module>Ω>Ω<frequency meter input specification continuation attribute value table pulse digital output specification option attribute value physical output is used for alarm output or digital output type relay, type AC,,, configuration Use the front keyboard function output can be used as alarm output, also can be used as digital output communication control output or any other combination alarm and virtual alarm link up and down alarm, For additional details, see Virtual Alarm Time in Table Response, except Minute ≤ Filter. The total number of on-time delayed pulse signal retransmissions at the set point. The variables listed for some pulse types can be connected to any output pulse whose weight can be programmed to or the duration of each pulse ≤ state<state ≥ ms According to the activation of the communication control output through the insulation management output of the serial communication port, see Table Isolation minutes between input and output Month Technical Specification Appendix Table Analog Output Specification Option Attribute Value Output Quantity Accuracy ± hour. ≤± full scale configuration can be connected to any instantaneous variable by using the front keyboard signal retransmission signal output. See the list of connectable variables on page Programmable scaling factor within the entire retransmission range, which allows retransmission management of all values from to the response time ≤ typical value filter except ripple ≤ according to total temperature drift ≤ load ≤ Ω insulation See the isolated clock between input and output of the meter Serial communication specification option Attribute value Port type Multi port bidirectional static and dynamic variable maximum distance of connecting line Terminate address directly on the module, Use the front keyboard or use the software protocol data bidirectional dynamic read-only system and phase variables to select. Refer to the register map in the appendix for static read-only and writing all configuration parameters. Refer to the register mapping in the appendix for data format. Single start, double eight data, double no parity, stop bit communication rate. Optional driver input capacity unit load. For the insulation of the maximum number of transceivers on the same bus, refer to the isolation minute between input and output port type, two-way static and dynamic variable connection three wire. The data bidirectional dynamic read-only system and phase variables in the technical specification of the month and month appendix of the maximum distance protocol are shown in the register table in the appendix Static read-only and write all configuration parameters are shown in the register table in the appendix Data format First double eight data double no parity, stop bit communication rate optional Note that when the rotary switch is located at the back of the basic unit in the locked position, it is not allowed to modify the programming parameters and reset commands through serial communication. In this case, only the data reading is allowed to be isolated See the isolation between meter input and output Minute meter Serial communication specification option Continued attribute value meter Energy meter Attribute value meter Total bit Partial bit Pulse output can be connected to total and or partial meter Energy meter Record total and partial energy meter. Electric energy meter storage format Minimum value Maximum value Electric energy meter Total electric energy meter Part Electric energy meter Display status indicator and command attribute value Display refresh time ≤ Display four lines of display, each line up to four digit lines of display, The maximum number type monochrome backlight digital size four digit instantaneous variable reading four digit energy variable reading import digit or digit digit derived digit digit or digit digit signed operation hour counter digit maximum hour minute When the measured value exceeds the continuous input overload maximum measurement capacity, Overload status indicates the maximum instantaneous variable energy or the minimum instantaneous variable Monthly Technical Specification Appendix Front position status indicator Virtual alarm In case of virtual alarm, four red status indicators can be used.


    ABB 3HAC025338-006.jpg




    品牌:  Motorola 






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