位置概念端口端口请参阅重要信息硬件模块配置位值模块不存在模块存在位位置继电器输出保留端口以太网保留模拟输出保留保留保留重要信息命令仅返回此表的元素和。元素中的信息可在年月附录单元数据表可连接变量列表中访问。表中列出的变量可连接到报警和模拟输出。表中列出的能量变量可以连接到脉冲数字继电器输出。十可用不可用变量在显示器上不可用不可用不显示相关页面数据存储的最大值表报警和模拟输出变量无变量。系统小时。系统小时。线平衡系统相。线平衡系统相。线。系统小时。线。系统注释系统系统总计系统系统系统系统系统=相序。月机组数据表附录图精度表脉冲数字输出变量无变量。系统小时。系统小时。线平衡系统相。线平衡系统相。线。系统小时。线。系统总总总总部分。精度取决于等级指数φφ年月附录机组数据表图计算公式系统变量等效三相电压三相实际功率三相无功功率三相视在功率相位变量瞬时有效电压瞬时实际功率瞬时功率因数瞬时有效电流瞬时视在功率瞬时无功功率能量计量式中考虑的相位或实际功率无功功率,=消耗记录的开始和结束时间点时间单位Δ两次连续功耗之间的时间间隔,消耗记录的开始和结束离散时间点三相功率因数年月附录技术规范表输入规范属性值额定输入系统类型,,或相电流型电绝缘,内置电流范围通过标称最大电压通过直接连接或精度显示器和±时。≤,电流标称电压,标称型号线路中性线线路线型号线路中性点线路所有型号从±读数的位从±范围±位数频率±实际和视在功率从±位从,±位数功率因数 无功功率从φ±位从φ±,级,符合无功能量级,符合,启动电流能量附加误差,符合,影响量级,根据,温度漂移≤采样率采样秒采样秒测量见第页上的可连接变量列表方法失真波形的真测量带波峰因数的耦合类型≤最大峰值年月附录技术规范下连续次电流过载时持续次电压过载
Position ConceptPort Port See Important Information Hardware Module Configuration Bit Value Module Does Not Exist Bit Position Relay Output Reserved Port Ethernet Reserved Analog Output Reserved Reserved Important Information The command returns only the elements and of this table. The information in the element can be accessed in the list of connectable variables in the unit data table in the month and year appendix. The variables listed in the table can be connected to alarm and analog outputs. The energy variables listed in the table can be connected to the pulse digital relay output. X Available Unavailable Variables Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Not to display the maximum value table alarm and analog output variables of relevant page data storage. System hours. System hours. Line balance system phase. Line balance system phase. Line. System hours. Line. System annotation system system total system system system system=phase sequence. There is no variable for pulse digital output variable in the accuracy table in the appendix of monthly unit data table. System hours. System hours. Line balance system phase. Line balance system phase. Line. System hours. Line. The total part of the system. Accuracy depends on grade index φφ Appendix Unit Data Sheet Chart Calculation Formula System Variable Equivalent Three phase Voltage Three phase Actual Power Three phase Reactive Power Three phase Apparent Power Phase Variable Instantaneous Effective Voltage Instantaneous Actual Power Factor Instantaneous Effective Current Instantaneous Apparent Power Instantaneous Reactive Power Instantaneous Effective Current Instantaneous Apparent Power Phase or Actual Power Reactive Power Considered in Energy Metering Formula=Start and End Time Point Time Unit of Consumption Record Δ The time interval between two continuous power consumption, the beginning and end of the consumption record, the discrete time point, the three-phase power factor, the month and the year, the appendix, the technical specification, the input specification, the attribute value, the rated input system type, or the phase current type electrical insulation, the built-in current range, through the direct connection of the nominal maximum voltage or the accuracy display and ± hour. ≤, current nominal voltage, nominal model line neutral line line line number line neutral point line all models from ± reading bit from ± range ± bit frequency ± actual and apparent power from ± bit, ± bit power factor reactive power from φ ± bit slave φ ±, level, in accordance with the non functional level, in accordance with the additional error of starting current energy, in accordance with the, temperature drift ≤ sampling rate, sampling seconds, sampling seconds, for measurement, see the list of connectable variables on page, true measurement of distortion waveform, coupling type with wave crest factor ≤ maximum peak value, month and year, appendix, continuous voltage overload in case of continuous current overload under the technical specification