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MVME162-531A工控备件 则该个人将在第项中被评级为。使用的专业人员应熟悉本手册中描述的评级建议。在上对自己或与自己接近的人进行评分的患者及其不能期望学习该手册。当这些人在上进行评级时,他们应该可以接触熟悉本手册中评级建议的工作人员,如果他们不确定如何应对特定项目,他们可以回答他们的问题并提出建议。使用对儿童和青少年进行评分的基本指南分自动适用于年龄不适合该儿童的项目。对于身体和认知功能,...

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    The individual will be rated as in. The professionals used should be familiar with the rating recommendations described in this manual. Patients who rate themselves or people close to them on and cannot expect to learn the manual. When these people are rating on, they should be able to contact the staff who are familiar with the rating suggestions in this manual. If they are not sure how to deal with specific projects, they can answer their questions and make suggestions. The use of basic guideline scores for children and adolescents is automatically applied to items that are not appropriate for the child's age. For physical and cognitive functions, the rater must consider the normal development process of children in this age group. According to the scoring criteria, children whose functions are not at the normal level expected by their age will receive scores according to the impact of the questions on the project. Some items will receive scores only when the children reach a certain age. The four items need to be modified according to the age of the children. It is estimated that individuals who live independently at the age of can continue to live in their families and get some financial support from their families, such as college or technical school students, But it is completely independent in other aspects. Only children over the legal driving age will be scored for driving. The Fund will score children who have received higher education or completed their studies. School work Score for children who participate in higher education or are working. The main role must be scored, that is, children who are in school and have part-time jobs, whose main role is students. Adjust according to normal development For physical and cognitive functions, the rater must consider the normal development process of children in this age group. For some items, specific suggestions on how to score have been put forward. Activity assumes normal gait, movement, speech, and normal speech from the age of. It is better to pronounce clearly and pain at the age of to evaluate alcohol use after the age of. Alcohol use that is lower than the legal drinking age according to the legal drinking age score is considered problematic, and is scored according to the severity of abuse or dependence. The table on the next page should be used together with other information in this manual to ensure the consistency of scores in different age groups and improve the reliability. This adaptation is based on the work of his colleagues. Children and adolescents score adaptability to assess their action ability according to the development norms. Assuming that they can achieve normal gait by using their hands, they are assessed according to the development norms. Visual assessment is conducted according to the development criteria. Hearing assessment is conducted according to the development norms. Dizziness assessment is conducted according to the development norms. The motor speech was evaluated according to the developmental norms, and the sentences of normal speech met the standard, and the clear pronunciation met the standard. Assess verbal communication for clear communication after age according to development norms. Assessment of nonverbal communication according to development norms Assessment of attention according to development norms Assessment of memory according to development norms Assessment of information fund according to children and adolescents' performance in the expected grade according to development norms. Evaluate new problem solving ability according to development norms. Assess visual spatial ability according to development criteria. Anxiety was assessed according to developmental norms. Depression was assessed according to developmental criteria. Irritability, anger and aggressiveness are evaluated according to the developmental norms. Pain and headache are evaluated according to the developmental norms. Fatigue is assessed according to development specifications. The sensitivity of mild symptoms was assessed according to development criteria. Evaluate inappropriate social interaction according to development guidelines. Assess the impairment of self-consciousness according to the development normality. Evaluate important family relationships according to development norms.






    品牌:  Motorola 






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