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    However, the distribution or sale of related materials developed by Dr. and Dr. and profit barter or trading of previous versions are expressly prohibited. The user qualification can be completed by its medical or rehabilitation professionals and other designated observers who are familiar with individuals. People with severe cognitive impairment should not accept it. Before rating, professionals should review the rating guidelines provided in this manual. Before rating, the owner or his/her staff should have a familiar professional review the rating guide with them and ask them to answer any questions that may arise during the completion of the inventory. At present, we recommend that the owner and their employees complete the same version of. In clinical practice, the comparison between the independent scores of patients and their staff can provide information about the different views of these rater groups. Examining and discussing these different perspectives is often critical for effective rehabilitation planning and for uncovering more subtle problem areas. Professional training and experience are required to score and explain. Ideally, clinical teams that use clinical assessments will have highly trained professionals in testing and measurement. When used for project evaluation or research, such skilled psychometrists should also be involved. In addition to the basic knowledge of testing and measurement, professionals in the clinical environment also need specific experience of instruments and. Management and Scoring Filling In If the list is to be filled in by more than one rater, a separate form should be used by his or her staff. Staff can use a form to complete the list by consensus. The consensus assessment result of the staff is the most reliable and accurate assessment. If only one employee has completed it, it is recommended to consult with other employees who have evaluated or treated patients. To complete, first place the name of the person at the top of the first page. It also provides a space for a clinic number or other number that connects the patient to other facility specific information. List the inventory date and circle or fill in the person who completed the inventory. Then grade each item. The table provides a brief description to help with individual scoring. The first item of the individual scoring guide represents the current status or result. The analysis shows that the single dimension represented by this project has internal consistency. Other analysis shows that this main dimension includes three regions representing capacity activities and social participation. Projects contributing to each region are identified in the three subscale indexes. It is mainly used to represent the sequela. The preceding item of should reflect the current status of the assessed person, regardless of whether there is any situation other than brain injury that leads to limited ability activities or participation. This is because, if it is not impossible, it is usually very difficult to determine which factors of brain injury and other factors are the causes of the current situation. If there are other pre-existing or coexisting conditions that lead to the restrictions in the preceding item, these conditions will be determined in item of the list. If drug treatment is required to achieve normal or near normal functions, it shall be reflected by rating the item as Grade. For example, if the use of stimulant drugs eliminates attention problems, the person will be rated in item.


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