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MVME172P-644SE工控模块卡件440F-C4000D图4替代肋条图案。如图所示,垫传感器具有两种不同的肋图案。任一图案均可用作上表面。方格图案在各个方向都能提供最佳抓地力。直肋图案更易于软管/冲洗,更适合在肮脏或卫生敏感的应用中使用。网纹罗纹图案直罗纹图案A1 A2110/230VAC可选复位IND 1 2 MC Y1 Y3 Y5 13 23 31复位IND 3 4 MC Y2 Y4 Y...

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    440F-C4000D图4替代肋条图案。如图所示,垫传感器具有两种不同的肋图案。任一图案均可用作上表面。方格图案在各个方向都能提供最佳抓地力。直肋图案更易于软管/冲洗,更适合在肮脏或卫生敏感的应用中使用。网纹罗纹图案直罗纹图案A1 A2110/230VAC可选复位IND 1 2 MC Y1 Y3 Y5 13 23 31复位IND 3 4 MC Y2 Y4 Y6 14 24 32 24V AC/DC+-Y1 Y2 Y3 Y 4 Y5 Y6+-K1 AUX K1 AUX K2 L1L2 L3远程复位按钮(如果需要)照明(如果需要的话)110/230V AC电源L N 24V AC/DC电源可选远程指示装置接触器控制电源辅助传感器矩阵监控7第3节-应用重要的是,保护系统的类型适合其预期应用。对机械或过程进行风险评估的文件化过程将揭示危险的身份和性质以及其他相关信息。然后,应将防护系统的特性与风险评估结果进行比较,以确定是否可以将风险降低到可接受的水平。


    440F-C4000D Figure 4 replaces the rib pattern. As shown in the figure, the cushion sensor has two different rib patterns. Any pattern can be used as the upper surface. The checkered pattern provides optimal traction in all directions. Straight rib pattern is easier to hose/rinse and is more suitable for dirty or sanitary sensitive applications. Rib Pattern Straight Rib Pattern A1 A2110/230VAC Optional Reset IND 1 2 MC Y1 Y3 Y5 13 23 31 Reset IND 3 4 MC Y2 Y4 Y6 14 24 32 24V AC/DC+- Y1 Y2 Y3 Y 4 Y5 Y6+- K1 AUX K1 AUX K2 L1L2 L3 Remote Reset Button (if required) Lighting (if required) 110/230V AC Power Supply L N 24V AC/DC Power Supply Optional Remote Indicator Contactor Control Power Supply Auxiliary Sensor Matrix Monitoring 7 Section 3 - Application Important, The type of protection system is suitable for its intended application. The documented process of risk assessment of a machine or process will reveal the identity and nature of the hazard and other relevant information. The characteristics of the protection system shall then be compared with the results of the risk assessment to determine whether the risk can be reduced to an acceptable level.

    In some applications, it may be necessary to combine multiple types of protection systems in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk. The system is designed to protect people by sensing people in the floor area around the machine and other similar hazards. The system can only be used within the given specification range, and shall be installed in strict accordance with the information provided in this manual. The system itself does not protect against the hazards caused by material, gas and radioactive jets. For these applications, additional protective measures, such as physical protection, may be required. The system is not intended for perimeter protection. The system is not intended to be used as a machine starting or restarting device. The configuration of the machine control circuit must ensure that the closing of the system output contacts can start the starting circuit of the machine, but will not directly cause the machine to start. The starting or restarting of the machine can only be achieved through separate intentional operation on the designated machine control device. The system is not suitable for explosive environments. If you need further guidance on the suitability of the system for a particular application, please contact the supplier. Used as a combined trip and presence sensing system Figure 5 is used as a combined trip and presence sensing system.


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    ABB 5SHY4045L0006.jpg


    品牌:  Motorola 






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