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    (ii)溢出或溢出得到控制,并且在24小时内完全被控制;(iii)溢出物或溢出物的总量已被回收或说明,以及;(iv)泄漏不会导致本篇第597.4(b)(1)(ii)节所列的任何情况。然而,如果此类溢出或溢出在发生后24小时内未完全控制,或在该时间内未计入其总体积,则必须在发生后的24小时内报告此类溢出或过量。如果二级安全壳系统不能阻止可报告数量的危险物质到达环境,则必须在物质到达环境后立即报告溢出或溢出。6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第31页,共35页598.14(b)(b)报告疑似或可能泄漏。(1) 设施所有人或运营商应将疑似或可能释放的危险物质通知部门,除非调查表明未发生或无需根据本节第(a)小节报告。在发现以下任何情况后,必须在24小时内向DEC热线报告:(i)释放检测方法的测试、取样或监测结果表明可能发生了释放;(ii)异常操作条件,如产品分配设备的不稳定行为、储罐系统中产品的突然损失、储罐中意外存在水、或现场存在未知来源的有害物质或异常水平的蒸汽;(iii)对周围区域的影响,如土壤、地下室、下水道或公用设施管线或附近地表水中存在有害物质或产生的蒸汽的证据;或(iv)疑似释放的任何其他条件或迹象。(2) 如果在发现疑似释放后的24小时内确认未发生释放,则无需报告此类释放。(c) 应急响应。

    (1) 除本小节第(2)款的要求外,所有者或运营商在发现泄漏后必须立即采取行动,以保护人类健康、安全和环境。可能需要立即采取的行动包括但不限于发出警报、缓解火灾和安全隐患、联系应急响应官员、人员撤离现场、隔离影响区、防止释放物迁移和停止、堵塞或控制释放物。还必须采取本节第(e)小节中规定的纠正措施,清理和移除释放的材料,并恢复现场,以保护公众健康、安全或环境。(2) 在发生泄漏的情况下,继续操作储罐系统是违法的。如果所有者或操作员无法迅速永久停止释放,或在维修过程中无法防止进一步释放,则必须清空储罐系统,并将内容物迅速转移至安全的储罐系统。(d) 释放或泄漏调查和确认。(1) 必须立即调查所有需要报告的实际、可能或疑似泄漏或泄漏,以确定泄漏或泄漏的数量、污染程度以及对公众健康、安全或环境的任何威胁。调查应充分详细地进行,以确定纠正措施和应急响应所需的即时和长期措施。所有者或操作员必须通过以下一个或多个程序调查释放情况:(i)目视检查

    (ii) Spill or spillage is controlled and is fully controlled within 24 hours; (iii) the spill or the total amount of the spill has been recovered or accounted for, and; (iv) The leak will not result in any of the conditions listed in 597.4 (b) (1) (ii) of this title. However, if such spillage or overflow is not fully controlled within 24 hours of its occurrence or is not included in its total volume within that time, such spillage or excess must be reported within 24 hours of its occurrence. If the secondary containment system cannot prevent a reportable amount of hazardous substances from reaching the environment, the spill or overflow must be reported immediately after the substances reach the environment. 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 31 of 35 598.14 (b) (b) Report Suspected or Possible Leakage. (1) The owner or operator of the facility shall notify the department of the suspected or potential release of hazardous substances, unless an investigation indicates that no such release has occurred or is not required to be reported under subsection (a) of this section. After any of the following conditions is found, it must be reported to the DEC hotline within 24 hours: (i) the test, sampling or monitoring results of the release detection method indicate that the release may have occurred; (ii) Abnormal operating conditions, such as unstable behavior of product distribution equipment, sudden loss of product in the tank system, unexpected presence of water in the tank, or presence of hazardous substances of unknown origin or abnormal levels of steam on site; (iii) Impact on the surrounding area, such as evidence of harmful substances or steam generated in soil, basements, sewers or utility pipelines or nearby surface water; Or (iv) any other condition or indication of suspected release. (2) If it is confirmed that no release has occurred within 24 hours after the suspected release is found, such release need not be reported. (c) Emergency response.

    (1) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection, the owner or operator must take immediate action to protect human health, safety, and the environment when a leak is discovered. The actions that may need to be taken immediately include but are not limited to alarm, mitigate fire and safety hazards, contact emergency response officials, evacuate personnel from the site, isolate the affected area, prevent the migration and stop of releases, block or control releases. The corrective actions specified in subsection (e) of this section must also be taken to clean and remove released materials and restore the site to protect public health, safety, or the environment. (2) In case of leakage, it is illegal to continue to operate the tank system. If the owner or operator cannot quickly and permanently stop the release, or cannot prevent further release during maintenance, the tank system must be emptied and the contents quickly transferred to a safe tank system. (d) Release or leakage investigation and confirmation. (1) All actual, possible or suspected leaks or leaks that need to be reported must be investigated immediately to determine the amount of leaks or leaks, the degree of pollution and any threat to public health, safety or the environment. The investigation shall be conducted in sufficient detail to determine the immediate and long-term actions required for corrective actions and emergency response. The owner or operator must investigate the release through one or more of the following procedures: (i) visual inspection






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