B类操作员。每个指定的B级操作员必须通过部门可接受的考试,以衡量本部分和本篇第599部分要求的目的、方法和功能的知识:(i)操作和维护;6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第24页,共35页598.12(c)(ii)防止溢出和溢出;(iii)泄漏检测和相关报告;防腐和相关测试;(v) 应急响应;(vi)兼容性;(vii)记录保存;(viii)释放的环境和监管后果;以及(ix)C类操作员的培训要求。(3) C类操作员。每个指定的C级操作员必须在A级或B级操作员的指导下接受培训和测试,以便在设施内采取适当措施,以应对地下储罐系统泄漏或泄漏引起的紧急情况和警报。(4) A级和B级操作员持有任何其他州政府颁发的现行有效操作员培训证书,并管理部门可接受的考试,将被视为符合本小节的要求。(d) 操作员测试和培训的时间安排。(1) 对于2016年10月11日当天或之前安装的UST系统,企业必须确保根据第(a)小节指定a类、B类和C类操作员,并在2016年11月11日之前满足本节第(C)小节的要求,2016年必须在指定后30天内满足本节第(c)小节的要求。(3) 2016年10月11日之后指定的C级操作员必须在指定之前接受培训和测试
(4) 如果工厂不再指定a级和/或B级操作员(因离职、死亡或其他情况),工厂必须在事件发生后30天内指定新操作员。新操作员必须在指定后30天内满足本节第(c)小节的要求。(e) 重新测试。指定用于地下储罐系统的A类或B类操作员,如果被部门确定为严重不合规,则必须根据本节第(c)小节的要求重新测试。本部门将不接受对先前6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第25页,共35页598.12(e)所获得的其他州颁发的操作员培训证书的任何依赖。A级或B级操作员必须在部门确定UST系统严重不合规后30天内重新测试。或者,业主可以指定一个不同的a级或B级操作员(视情况而定),用于部门确定为严重不合规的地下储罐系统。(f) 文件。每个设施必须保存一份指定的a类、B类和C类操作员的名单,并保存记录(纸质或电子版),以证明培训和测试(如适用)已成功完成,如下所示:(1)该名单必须:(i)确定设施内的所有a类、B级和C级操作员;以及(ii)包括操作员的姓名、操作员的等级、操作员被指定的日期、操作员最初完成测试或培训的日期以及任何重新测试的日期。(2) 验证A类、B类和C类操作员成功完成培训和测试的记录必须至少标识操作员的姓名、测试日期以及通过结果。
Category B operator. Each designated Level B operator must pass the examination acceptable to the department to measure the knowledge of the purpose, method and function required by this part and Part 599 of this chapter: (i) operation and maintenance; 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 24 of 35 598.12 (c) (ii) Spill Prevention and Spill Prevention; (iii) leak detection and related reports; Corrosion protection and related tests; (v) Emergency response; (vi) Compatibility; (vii) record keeping; (viii) the environmental and regulatory consequences of the release; And (ix) training requirements for Class C operators. (3) Class C operator. Each designated Level C operator must be trained and tested under the guidance of Level A or Level B operators to take appropriate measures in the facility to deal with emergencies and alarms caused by leakage or leakage of the underground storage tank system. (4) Level A and Level B operators shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this subsection if they hold a current valid operator training certificate issued by any other state government and have an examination acceptable to the administration. (d) Timing of operator testing and training. (1) For UST systems installed on or before October 11, 2016, an enterprise must ensure that operators of categories a, B, and C are designated in accordance with subsection (a) and meet the requirements of subsection (C) of this section by November 11, 2016, and must meet the requirements of subsection (c) of this section within 30 days of designation in 2016. (3) Level C operators appointed after October 11, 2016 must be trained and tested before appointment
(4) If the factory no longer designates level a and/or level B operators (due to resignation, death or other circumstances), the factory must designate a new operator within 30 days after the event. A new operator must meet the requirements of subsection (c) of this section within 30 days of appointment. (e) Retest. Category A or Category B operators designated for use in an underground storage tank system must be retested in accordance with the requirements of subsection (c) of this section if they are determined by the department to be seriously non compliant. The Department will not accept any reliance on operator training certificates issued by other states previously obtained from NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015, Page 25 of 35, 598.12 (e). Level A or B operators must retest within 30 days after the department determines that the UST system is severely non compliant. Alternatively, the Owner may designate a different Level a or Level B operator, as appropriate, for the UST systems identified by the Department as being severely non compliant. (f) File. Each facility must maintain a list of designated class a, class B and class C operators and maintain records (paper or electronic) to prove that training and testing (as applicable) have been successfully completed, as follows: (1) The list must: (i) identify all class a, class B and class C operators in the facility; And (ii) include the name of the operator, the level of the operator, the date on which the operator was appointed, the date on which the operator first completed the test or training, and the date of any retest. (2) Records verifying the successful completion of training and testing by Class A, B, and C operators must at least identify the name of the operator, the date of testing, and the results of passing.