如果发现污染的土壤、蒸汽、地下水或游离产品,所有者和经营者必须遵守本篇第598.14节的纠正措施要求。(4) 现场评估报告必须由合格的工程师或技术人员编制。关闭日期和报告的记录必须纳入或引用在防泄漏报告中,并在设施的整个寿命期内保持。(f) 停用储罐系统的报告。将永久关闭的储罐系统的所有者必须根据本篇第596.2(f)节的要求通知部门。598.11财务责任。根据部门的要求,所有者和操作员必须根据本部分以及本篇第596和599部分的规定,提供纠正措施和操作、维护或关闭储罐的财务责任证据。财务责任可通过保险、担保、保证书、信用证、自保人资格或部门可接受的其他证据中的一项或多项来证明。598.12操作员培训。(a) 所有地下储罐系统的一般要求。在2016年10月11日之前,每个企业必须确保其指定了符合本节要求的A级、B级和C级操作员。
运营商名称。每个单位必须指定:(1)每个地下储罐系统或一组地下储罐系统指定一名A类和一名B类操作员(同一个人可同时指定为两名操作员);以及(2)每个地下储罐系统或一组地下储罐系统的一个或多个C级操作员。(c) 操作员测试要求。每个企业必须确保A级、B级和C级操作员符合本节的要求。任何被指定参加一个以上操作员班的人员必须通过指定参加的每个操作员班所需的考试。(1) A类操作员。每个指定的A级操作员必须通过本部门可接受的考试,以衡量本部分和本篇第599部分要求的目的、方法和功能的知识:(i)防止溢出和溢出;(ii)泄漏检测;(iii)防腐;(iv)应急响应;(v) 兼容性;(vi)财务责任;(vii)注册;(viii)临时和永久关闭;(ix)记录保存;(x) 释放的环境和监管后果;以及(xi)B级和C级操作员的知识和培训要求。
If contaminated soil, steam, groundwater, or free products are found, owners and operators must comply with the corrective action requirements of section 598.14 of this title. (4) The on-site evaluation report must be prepared by qualified engineers or technicians. Records of closure dates and reports must be included or referenced in the leak prevention report and maintained throughout the life of the facility. (f) Report on deactivation of the tank system. The owner of a tank system that will be permanently shut down must notify the Department in accordance with section 596.2 (f) of this title. 598.11 Financial Responsibility. At the request of the department, the owner and operator must provide evidence of corrective action and financial responsibility to operate, maintain, or close the tank in accordance with this part and parts 596 and 599 of this title. Financial liability can be proved by one or more of insurance, guarantee, letter of guarantee, letter of credit, qualification of self insurer or other evidence acceptable to the department. 598.12 Operator training. (a) General requirements for all underground storage tank systems. Before October 11, 2016, each enterprise must ensure that it has designated Level A, Level B and Level C operators who meet the requirements of this section.
Operator name. Each unit must specify: (1) Each underground storage tank system or a group of underground storage tank systems must specify one Class A and one Class B operator (the same person can be designated as two operators at the same time); And (2) one or more Level C operators for each underground storage tank system or group of underground storage tank systems. (c) Operator test requirements. Each enterprise must ensure that Level A, Level B and Level C operators meet the requirements of this section. Any person assigned to participate in more than one operator shift must pass the examination required for each operator shift assigned to participate. (1) Category A operator. Each designated Level A operator must pass the examination acceptable to the department to measure the knowledge of the purpose, method and function required by this part and Part 599 of this title: (i) prevent spillage and overflow; (ii) leak detection; (iii) Corrosion protection; (iv) Emergency response; (v) Compatibility; (vi) financial responsibility; (vii) registration; (viii) temporary and permanent closure; (ix) record keeping; (x) Environmental and regulatory consequences of releases; And (xi) knowledge and training requirements for Level B and Level C operators.