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MVME177-005控制卡件(1) 永久停用的任何地上或地下储罐系统可用于储存本篇第597部分中定义的非危险物质,或必须按照以下要求关闭:(i)必须从储罐系统中清除液体和污泥。必须按照所有适用的州、地方和联邦要求运输和处置移除的任何危险废物;(ii)必须清洁储罐,使其无危险蒸汽。必须为储罐的自然呼吸做出规定,以确保储罐没有危险蒸汽;(iii)所有管道必须断开并拆除,或牢固加盖,或锁定或堵塞。人孔...

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    (1) 永久停用的任何地上或地下储罐系统可用于储存本篇第597部分中定义的非危险物质,或必须按照以下要求关闭:(i)必须从储罐系统中清除液体和污泥。必须按照所有适用的州、地方和联邦要求运输和处置移除的任何危险废物;(ii)必须清洁储罐,使其无危险蒸汽。必须为储罐的自然呼吸做出规定,以确保储罐没有危险蒸汽;(iii)所有管道必须断开并拆除,或牢固加盖,或锁定或堵塞。人孔必须牢固固定到位;(iv)地上储罐必须印有永久关闭日期;(v) 除非地下储罐对建筑物基础或其他结构有害,否则必须拆除地下储罐。废弃的地下储罐必须填充固体惰性材料(如沙子、混凝土泥浆、合成填料或多孔混凝土)。如果使用惰性材料,必须填充储罐内的所有空隙;(vi)必须按照公认的工程惯例,保护所有储罐免受洪水或高地下水位造成的漂浮;以及(vii)永久封闭的地上储罐系统的二级安全壳系统必须具有用于积水或降水的排水系统。

    如果储罐系统用于储存未定义为危险物质的物质,则所有者或操作员必须在储存新物质之前清空并清洁储罐系统。(3) 未根据本小节第(1)或(2)款关闭的储罐系统应符合本篇第[第595部分]和第596部分的所有要求,包括但不限于升级、定期气密性测试、检查、登记和报告要求。(4) 如果要将储罐作为垃圾处理,则必须重新测试其危险蒸汽,必要时使其无蒸汽,清除任何残余物或污泥,并打孔或以其他方式使其不适合储存。6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第22页,共35页598.10(d)(d)关闭在1994年8月11日之前废弃的储罐系统。所有在1994年9月11日前停用但仍在地面上的储罐必须按照本节第(b)或(c)小节的要求关闭。(e) 永久关闭的现场评估。(1) 任何地下储罐系统永久关闭时,业主或运营商必须进行现场评估。如果部门认为,在1994年8月11日之前永久关闭的任何此类储罐系统对人类健康或环境构成当前或潜在威胁,则可能需要对其进行现场评估。现场评估必须包括足够深度的土壤、蒸汽或地下水监测,以确定储罐现场附近是否存在环境污染。(2) 监测类型、样本数量和位置必须基于地质、地下水位等高线、含水层厚度、孔隙度、背景水质以及已知或怀疑储存在设施中的物质。

    (1) Any aboveground or underground storage tank system that is permanently deactivated may be used for the storage of non hazardous substances as defined in part 597 of this title, or must be shut down in accordance with the following requirements: (i) Liquid and sludge must be removed from the tank system. Any hazardous waste removed must be transported and disposed of in accordance with all applicable state, local, and federal requirements; (ii) The storage tank must be cleaned to make it free from dangerous vapors. Provisions must be made for the natural respiration of the tank to ensure that the tank is free of hazardous vapors; (iii) All pipes must be disconnected and removed, or securely capped, or locked or plugged. The manhole must be firmly fixed in place; (iv) Above ground tanks must be stamped with the permanent closure date; (v) Underground storage tanks must be removed unless they are harmful to building foundations or other structures. The abandoned underground storage tanks must be filled with solid inert materials (such as sand, concrete slurry, synthetic filler or porous concrete). If inert materials are used, all spaces in the tank must be filled; (vi) All tanks must be protected from floating due to flooding or high groundwater levels in accordance with accepted engineering practices; And (vii) the secondary containment system of the permanently closed aboveground storage tank system must have a drainage system for ponding or precipitation.

    If the tank system is used to store substances that are not defined as hazardous substances, the owner or operator must empty and clean the tank system before storing new substances. (3) A tank system that is not shut down in accordance with paragraphs (1) or (2) of this subsection shall comply with all the requirements of [part 595] and part 596 of this title, including, but not limited to, upgrades, periodic tightness testing, inspections, registration, and reporting requirements. (4) If the tank is to be disposed of as waste, it must be retested for dangerous vapors, made free of vapors if necessary, any residues or sludge removed, and perforated or otherwise made unsuitable for storage. 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 22 of 35 598.10 (d) (d) Shut down tank systems that were abandoned before August 11, 1994. All tanks that were out of service before September 11, 1994 but were still on the ground must be closed in accordance with the requirements of subsection (b) or (c) of this section. (e) Site assessment of permanent closure. (1) When any underground storage tank system is permanently shut down, the owner or operator must conduct a site assessment. If the department believes that any such tank system that was permanently closed before August 11, 1994 poses a current or potential threat to human health or the environment, an on-site assessment may be required. The site assessment must include sufficient depth of soil, steam or groundwater monitoring to determine whether there is environmental pollution near the tank site. (2) The type of monitoring, number and location of samples must be based on geology, groundwater level contours, aquifer thickness, porosity, background water quality, and substances known or suspected to be stored in the facility.





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