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MVME177-011工控自动化卡件 如果储罐系统或其任何部分、操作或实践不存在导致泄漏的紧迫危险,但检查表明存在故障或年久失修,并且除非采取措施,否则很可能发生泄漏或泄漏,则必须修改或停止操作或实践,或在90天内维修或更换设备,停止使用或暂时关闭。此类设备失修的例子包括但不限于具有侵蚀或鼠害的二级防护堤、具有裂缝的转运站衬垫、用于防止暴露在环境中引起的腐蚀的涂层缺陷、故障泄漏监测设备、,以及阴极...

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     如果储罐系统或其任何部分、操作或实践不存在导致泄漏的紧迫危险,但检查表明存在故障或年久失修,并且除非采取措施,否则很可能发生泄漏或泄漏,则必须修改或停止操作或实践,或在90天内维修或更换设备,停止使用或暂时关闭。此类设备失修的例子包括但不限于具有侵蚀或鼠害的二级防护堤、具有裂缝的转运站衬垫、用于防止暴露在环境中引起的腐蚀的涂层缺陷、故障泄漏监测设备、,以及阴极保护系统,其不能提供防止腐蚀所需的电流。油箱衬里。 储罐衬里必须与储存的物质兼容。 储罐可按照见本部分第598.1[j]节)或国家认可协会或独立测试实验室制定的同等共识规范、标准或惯例进行内衬。6 NYCRR第598部分–碳钢储罐的内衬必须在喷砂和内表面清洁后不迟于8小时内使用,或根据国家认可协会或独立测试实验室制定的一致规范、实践或标准使用。不得存在可见的铁锈、水分或异物。 所有衬里必须具有足够的厚度、密度和强度,以形成不会开裂、软化、剥落或与内表面分离的不透水外壳。涂层必须与设备保持永久粘结。 衬里的热膨胀系数必须与所应用的设备兼容,以使温度变化引起的应力不会对衬里的稳定性造成损害。衬里材料必须严格按照制造商的规范进行涂覆和固化。 必须检查衬里是否有气泡和气穴,并对针孔进行电气测试。必须使用Elcometer测厚仪或等效方法检查衬里的厚度,并使用Barcol硬度计或等效方法进行硬度检查,以确保符合制造商的规范。任何缺陷都必须修复。内衬安装日期、储罐状况、安装方法和其他相关信息必须在储罐系统寿命期内保存在防泄漏报告中。 储罐系统的防腐。到1999年12月22日,所有地面系统的外露外表面必须进行防腐处理。必须采用以下一种或多种方法进行保护:不锈钢或蒙乃尔合金等耐腐蚀设备材料;非金属覆层、煤焦油基环氧涂层或最小完成厚度为10密耳(0.01英寸)的类似涂层; 油漆,包括一层防锈底漆、中间防锈漆和两层或两层以上最终涂层,涂敷在适当处理的表面或本篇第599.8(节和第599.13节进一步规定的同等或更好的表面涂层上;或(4)根据国家认可协会或独立测试实验室的一致规范、标准或实践设计和安装的同等或更好的表面涂层或防腐系统。 

    If the tank system or any part of it, operation or practice does not have an imminent danger of causing leakage, but inspection shows that there is a fault or long disrepair, and unless measures are taken, leakage or leakage is likely to occur, the operation or practice must be modified or stopped, or the equipment must be repaired or replaced, stopped or temporarily closed within 90 days. Examples of such equipment in disrepair include, but are not limited to, secondary protective dikes with erosion or rodent damage, transfer station liners with cracks, coating defects used to prevent corrosion caused by exposure to the environment, fault leakage monitoring equipment, and cathodic protection systems that cannot provide the current required to prevent corrosion. Tank lining. The tank lining must be compatible with the stored material. Tanks may be lined in accordance with 598.1 [j] of this part) or equivalent consensus codes, standards or practices established by the National Accreditation Society or independent testing laboratories. 6 NYCRR Part 598 - The lining of carbon steel tanks must be used not later than 8 hours after blasting and cleaning of the internal surfaces, or in accordance with consistent codes, practices or standards established by the National Accreditation Society or independent testing laboratories. There shall be no visible rust, moisture or foreign matter. All linings must be of sufficient thickness, density and strength to form an impermeable enclosure that will not crack, soften, flake or separate from the inner surface. The coating must remain permanently bonded to the equipment. The thermal expansion coefficient of the lining must be compatible with the applied equipment, so that the stress caused by temperature change will not damage the stability of the lining. The lining material must be applied and cured in strict accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The lining must be checked for bubbles and cavitation, and the pinholes must be electrically tested. The thickness of the lining must be checked with an Elcometer thickness gauge or equivalent method, and the hardness must be checked with a Barcol hardness tester or equivalent method to ensure compliance with the manufacturer's specifications. Any defects must be repaired. Lining installation date, tank condition, installation method and other relevant information must be kept in the leakage prevention report during the life of the tank system. Corrosion protection of storage tank system. By December 22, 1999, the exposed external surfaces of all ground systems must be subject to anti-corrosion treatment. One or more of the following methods must be used for protection: stainless steel or monel alloy and other corrosion-resistant equipment materials; Non metallic coating, coal tar based epoxy coating or similar coating with a minimum finished thickness of 10 mils (0.01 inch); Paint, consisting of one coat of antirust primer, intermediate antirust paint, and two or more final coats, applied to properly prepared surfaces or to equivalent or better surface coatings as further specified in 599.8 (and 599.13) of this title; or (4) equivalent or better surface coatings or corrosion protection systems designed and installed in accordance with consistent codes, standards, or practices of nationally recognized societies or independent testing laboratories.






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