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MVME177-013工控备件模块自初次检验之日或监管截止日期(以先发生者为准)起,要求不迟于每五年进行一次复检,但以下情况除外。如果管道或储罐壁每年减薄一毫米或更大,或上述检查确定的预期剩余使用寿命小于10年,则必须在剩余使用寿命的一半时对储罐或管道进行重新检查。 对于地上辅助设备,检查必须包括以下内容:检查外露管道、接头、焊缝和连接是否错位和紧密。如果存在泄漏迹象,如绝缘材料损坏或变色或存在游...

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    自初次检验之日或监管截止日期(以先发生者为准)起,要求不迟于每五年进行一次复检,但以下情况除外。如果管道或储罐壁每年减薄一毫米或更大,或上述检查确定的预期剩余使用寿命小于10年,则必须在剩余使用寿命的一半时对储罐或管道进行重新检查。 对于地上辅助设备,检查必须包括以下内容:检查外露管道、接头、焊缝和连接是否错位和紧密。如果存在泄漏迹象,如绝缘材料损坏或变色或存在游离液体,则绝缘管道系统必须移除覆盖物。必须检查具有代表性的法兰连接是否存在垫圈劣化和错位;对具有代表性的管道截面进行结构检查,以确定其是否变薄、电偶腐蚀、晶间腐蚀、应力腐蚀开裂、缝隙腐蚀、点蚀以及涂层失效和材料不相容的证据。必须识别可能由不同金属连接产生的电偶电池和其他腐蚀源;任何连接地下喉管的气密性测试;检查和评估所有辅助设备,如压力表、压力/真空安全阀、安全联锁装置、流量阀和泵的充分性、可操作性、泄漏、污垢、腐蚀、结垢和磨损。

    必须测试泄压阀的容量或打开和重新密封压力,并检查是否发生腐蚀、结垢或结垢;以及识别可能因振动、膨胀、收缩、霜冻、沉降、冲击或其他原因导致泄漏的系统缺陷。对于容量为10000加仑或以上的地上储罐,必须在合格工程师的指导下进行检查。工程师必须在下一次检查和重新认证之前证明储罐结构完好,且未受到可能导致泄漏的外部或内部腐蚀。如有必要,必须对所有可触及的储罐表面进行检查,检查内容包括:6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日根据国家认可协会或独立测试实验室制定的一致规范、标准或实践,清洁储罐和储罐内难以触及的区域;(ii)按照所有适用的州、联邦和地方法律,清除、运输和处置固体沉淀物或积聚的污泥;(iii)检查储罐内部和外部的结构稳定性,并测试储罐底部的焊缝和接缝的孔隙率和密封性。检查员可使用以下一种或多种无损检测方法:水压试验或真空试验;染料渗透试验;超声波测试;射线照相或X射线检测;磁粉探伤;或确定储罐结构是否完好的任何其他等效测试。

    From the date of initial inspection or the deadline of supervision (whichever occurs first), re inspection is required to be carried out no later than every five years, except for the following circumstances. If the pipe or tank wall is thinner by one millimeter or more per year, or the expected remaining service life determined by the above inspection is less than 10 years, the tank or pipe must be re inspected at half the remaining service life. For above ground auxiliary equipment, the inspection must include the following contents: check whether the exposed pipes, joints, welds and connections are misaligned and tight. If there are signs of leakage, such as damage or discoloration of the insulation or the presence of free liquids, the insulation piping system must be covered. The representative flange connection must be checked for gasket deterioration and dislocation; Structural inspection shall be carried out on representative pipe sections to determine whether they are thinner, galvanic corrosion, intergranular corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, and evidence of coating failure and material incompatibility. It is necessary to identify galvanic cells and other corrosion sources that may be generated by different metal connections; Air tightness test of any underground pipe connected; Check and evaluate the adequacy, operability, leakage, dirt, corrosion, scaling and wear of all auxiliary equipment, such as pressure gauges, pressure/vacuum safety valves, safety interlocks, flow valves and pumps.

    The capacity or opening and resealing pressure of the pressure relief valve must be tested and checked for corrosion, scaling or scaling; And identify system defects that may leak due to vibration, expansion, contraction, frost, settlement, impact or other reasons. Above ground tanks with a capacity of 10,000 gallons or more must be inspected under the direction of a qualified engineer. The Engineer must demonstrate that the tank is structurally sound and free from external or internal corrosion that could lead to leakage before the next inspection and recertification. If necessary, all accessible tank surfaces must be inspected, including: 6 NYCRR Part 598 – clean the tank and the inaccessible areas in the tank according to the consistent specifications, standards or practices established by the National Accreditation Society or independent testing laboratories on October 11, 2015; (ii) remove, transport and dispose of solid sediment or accumulated sludge in accordance with all applicable state, federal and local laws; (iii) Check the structural stability of the inside and outside of the tank, and test the porosity and tightness of the welds and joints at the bottom of the tank. The inspector can use one or more of the following nondestructive testing methods: hydrostatic test or vacuum test; Dye penetration test; Ultrasonic testing; Radiography or X-ray testing; Magnetic particle inspection; Or any other equivalent test to determine the structural integrity of the tank.





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