2015年11月第14页,共35页598.6(c)(c)地下和地面管道泄漏检测。(1) 从1995年8月11日开始,业主和运营商必须检查地下和地面管道是否泄漏。所使用的方法必须设计用于检测常规含有危险物质的管道的任何部分的泄漏,并且可以包括本节第(b)小节规定的适用于储罐的任何方法,但本节(b)(5)段除外。注意本小节第(3)段中吸入管道的例外情况。(2) 如果地下管道被加压,则还必须安装一个自动管线泄漏检测器,该检测器可提醒业主或操作员存在泄漏。探测器必须能够限制或关闭流量或触发警报。管道泄漏检测器还必须能够在1小时内以每平方英寸10磅的管道压力检测每小时3加仑的泄漏,检测概率为95%,误报概率为5%或更低。必须使用制造商制定的程序对检漏仪的操作进行年度测试。(3) 对于满足以下所有条件的吸入管道,无需进行泄漏检测:(i)在低于大气压力的条件下运行;(ii)是倾斜的,以便当抽吸被释放时,管道的内容物会排回水箱
每条管线中只有一个止回阀;以及(iv)止回阀直接位于抽吸泵的下方并且尽可能靠近抽吸泵。(d) 检查内衬罐。在内衬固定到地下储罐后的10年内,必须对储罐进行内部检查,发现其结构完好,内衬仍按照原始设计规范运行。此后每五年必须进行一次复检。(e) 气密性试验标准。(1) 密封性测试是部门可接受的测试,用于确定储罐和管道系统是否密封。这应包括:(i)能够检测每小时十分之一加仑(gph)的储罐或管道泄漏的试验,检测概率为95%,误报概率为5%或更低,最大阈值为一小时内泄漏百分之五加仑,考虑到蒸汽袋、产品热膨胀和收缩等变量,温度分层、地下水位、蒸发、压力和储罐变形;或6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第15页,共35页598.6(e)(ii)根据本部分第598.7(d)节的要求进行的结构检查。(2) 如果在技术上不可能进行有意义的气密性试验,则必须进行部门可接受的替代试验或检查。
November 2015 Page 14 of 35 598.6 (c) (c) Underground and surface pipeline leak detection. (1) From August 11, 1995, owners and operators must check whether underground and surface pipelines are leaking. The method used must be designed to detect leaks in any part of a pipeline that routinely contains hazardous substances, and may include any method applicable to tanks as specified in subsection (b) of this section, except paragraph (b) (5) of this section. Note the exception to suction piping in paragraph (3) of this subsection. (2) If the underground pipeline is pressurized, an automatic pipeline leakage detector must also be installed, which can alert the owner or operator of the leakage. The detector must be able to limit or turn off the flow or trigger an alarm. The pipe leak detector must also be capable of detecting a leak of 3 gallons per hour at 10 pounds per square inch of pipe pressure in 1 hour with a 95% probability of detection and a 5% probability of false positives or less. The operation of the leak detector must be tested annually using the procedures established by the manufacturer. (3) No leak detection is required for suction piping that meets all of the following conditions: (i) operates below atmospheric pressure; (ii) be sloped so that when suction is released, the contents of the pipe will drain back to the tank
There is only one check valve in each pipeline; And (iv) a check valve directly below and as close to the suction pump as possible. (d) Check the liner tank. Within 10 years after the liner is fixed to the underground tank, the tank must be inspected internally, and found to be in good condition, and the liner still operates according to the original design specifications. Thereafter, re inspection must be carried out every five years. (e) Air tightness test standard. (1) Sealing test is a test acceptable to the department to determine whether the tank and piping system are sealed. This shall include:; Or 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 15 of 35 598.6 (e) (ii) Structural inspection in accordance with section 598.7 (d) of this part. (2) If it is technically impossible to carry out meaningful air tightness tests, alternative tests or inspections acceptable to the department must be carried out.