(b) 升级地上储罐和管道。(1) 到1999年12月22日,所有地上储罐必须升级,以符合第599.8(a)至(e)和(h)节的要求;599.17(a)、(b)(1)(i)和(iii)、(c)(2);以及本篇第599.18节。(2) 到1999年12月22日,所有地上管道必须按照本篇第599.13(a)和(b)节规定的管道标准进行升级。(c) 地上储罐系统的二级安全壳系统。(1) 到1999年12月22日,所有用于储存危险物质的地上储罐系统必须按照本篇第599.9节的要求配备二级安全壳系统。该要求不适用于管道,除非本节第(a)小节另有规定。如果储存的物质在储存条件下为液体,在环境条件下为气体,则必须提供二级安全壳以容纳任何泄漏的液体成分,直到发生从液体到气体的相变或泄漏物被清理,以先发生者为准。(2) 如果替代实践或结构提供了同等保护,则如果其对公共健康、安全和环境的保护程度不低于本篇第599.9节,且经合格工程师检查并证明符合第599.9条的要求,则可遵循该实践或结构。
业主或运营商必须描述替代方案与第599.9节的不同之处,其等效性或优越性以及其如何满足其中规定的性能标准。必须根据本部分第598.1(l)节批准使用等效技术。6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第10页,共35页598.5(d)(d)转运站的二级安全壳。(1) 在1999年12月22日之前,所有危险物质的转移必须在根据本篇第599.17(c)节配备有泄漏防护装置的转移站进行。如果储存的物质在储存条件下为液体,在环境条件下为气体,则必须提供二级安全壳以容纳任何泄漏的液体成分,直到发生从液体到气体的相变或泄漏物被清理,以先发生者为准。(2) 如果替代实践或结构提供了同等保护,则如果其对公共健康、安全和环境的保护程度不低于本篇第599.17(c)节,且已由合格工程师进行检查并证明符合第599.17(c)条的规定,则可遵循该实践或结构。所有者或运营商必须描述系统与第599.17(c)节的不同之处,替代方案是如何等效或优于替代方案,以及它如何满足其中规定的性能标准。.
(b) Upgrade aboveground tanks and pipelines. (1) By December 22, 1999, all aboveground tanks must be upgraded to meet the requirements of Section 599.8 (a) through (e) and (h); 599.17 (a), (b) (1) (i) and (iii), (c) (2); And 599.18 of this title. (2) By December 22, 1999, all aboveground pipelines must be upgraded in accordance with the pipeline standards specified in 599.13 (a) and (b) of this title. (c) The secondary containment system of the above ground storage tank system. (1) By December 22, 1999, all aboveground storage tank systems used to store hazardous substances must be equipped with a secondary containment system in accordance with the requirements of section 599.9 of this title. This requirement does not apply to piping unless otherwise specified in subsection (a) of this section. If the stored substance is liquid under storage conditions and gas under environmental conditions, secondary containment must be provided to contain any leaking liquid components until the phase change from liquid to gas occurs or the leakage is cleaned, whichever occurs first. (2) If an alternative practice or structure provides equivalent protection, it may be followed if it protects public health, safety, and the environment to a degree not less than that specified in Section 599.9 of this title, and has been inspected by a qualified engineer and certified to comply with the requirements of Section 599.9.
The Owner or Operator must describe how the alternative differs from Section 599.9, its equivalence or superiority, and how it meets the performance criteria specified therein. The use of equivalent technology must be approved in accordance with section 598.1 (l) of this part. 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 10 of 35 Secondary Containment for 598.5 (d) (d) Transfer Station. (1) Prior to December 22, 1999, all hazardous substances must be transferred at transfer stations equipped with leakage protection devices in accordance with section 599.17 (c) of this title. If the stored substance is liquid under storage conditions and gas under environmental conditions, secondary containment must be provided to contain any leaking liquid components until the phase change from liquid to gas occurs or the leakage is cleaned, whichever occurs first. (2) If an alternative practice or structure provides equivalent protection, it may be followed if it protects public health, safety, and the environment to a degree not less than that specified in section 599.17 (c) of this title, has been inspected by a qualified engineer, and has demonstrated compliance with section 599.17 (c). The owner or operator must describe the differences between the system and Section 599.17 (c), how the alternative is equivalent or superior to the alternative, and how it meets the performance standards specified therein.