操作员或承运商必须接受适当转移程序的培训,必须监控和控制输送,并且必须在达到储罐的工作容量或发生设备故障或紧急情况时立即采取措施停止流动。如果在转移过程中发现泄漏,必须立即采取措施阻止泄漏并清理泄漏的材料。(2) 在转移之前,所有联轴器和其他连接必须无泄漏、无损坏且功能齐全,并且在转移开始后必须检查是否泄漏。(3) 装载或卸载的所有罐车必须设置制动器,并用楔块塞住车轮。(4) 当卡车、轨道车或集装箱连接至转运线时,必须设置警示标志,以警告从任何预期方向接近的人员。在操作完成、拆除所有连接件和正确关闭插座之前,标志必须保持在原位。(5) 在转移闪点低于100华氏度(37.8摄氏度)或可能存在易燃蒸汽的危险物质的过程中,必须控制所有潜在的火源。火源包括但不限于明火、闪电、吸烟、切割和焊接、热表面、摩擦、热量、静电、电气或机械源产生的火花、自燃、化学和物理化学反应以及辐射热。(6) 转运站与容器的连接必须足够灵活,以便任何移动都不会损坏连接或导致泄漏。
柔性连接的示例包括软管和摇臂。(7) 到1996年8月11日,设备或做法必须到位,以防止不相容物质的混合。这必须包括联轴器的配合,以防止6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第9页,共35页598.4(b)混合,书面现场程序,防止将物质输送到错误的储罐,并禁止在同一转运站内同时转运不兼容物质,或同等做法。根据本小节制定的任何书面程序必须在本部分第598.1(k)节要求的防泄漏报告中详细说明。(8) 到1996年8月11日,所有远离储罐的地上储罐的加注口和分配口必须贴有化学名称或通用名称或物质类别的标签,并且必须显示清晰可见的危险警告。此外,加注口必须包含交货点的信息。对于注册的储罐系统,这将是储罐识别号。控制储罐系统填充和排空的阀门和控制器必须包含关闭和打开位置的信息。598.5升级储罐系统。(a) 升级地下储罐和管道。到1998年12月22日,所有现有地下储罐、地面和地下管道必须符合本篇第599.3节至第599.5节(含)和第599.12节至第598.18节(包括)中规定的新建标准,或根据本部分第598.10节(c)关闭。
Operators or carriers must be trained in appropriate transfer procedures, must monitor and control delivery, and must take immediate steps to stop the flow when the working capacity of the tank is reached or when equipment failure or emergency occurs. If leakage is found during the transfer process, measures must be taken immediately to stop the leakage and clean up the leaked material. (2) Before the transfer, all couplings and other connections must be leak free, undamaged and fully functional, and must be checked for leaks after the transfer starts. (3) All tankers loaded or unloaded must be equipped with brakes and chocked wheels. (4) When trucks, rail cars or containers are connected to the transfer line, warning signs must be set up to warn people approaching from any expected direction. The sign must remain in place until the operation is completed, all connections are removed, and the receptacle is properly closed. (5) All potential sources of ignition must be controlled during the transfer of hazardous substances with flash points below 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius) or where flammable vapors may be present. Fire sources include, but are not limited to, open flames, lightning, smoking, cutting and welding, hot surfaces, friction, heat, static electricity, sparks generated by electrical or mechanical sources, spontaneous combustion, chemical and physicochemical reactions, and radiant heat. (6) The connection between the transfer station and the container must be flexible enough so that any movement will not damage the connection or cause leakage.
Examples of flexible connections include hoses and rocker arms. (7) By August 11, 1996, equipment or practices must be in place to prevent mixing of incompatible substances. This must include the fit of the coupling to prevent 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 9 of 35 598.4 (b) mixing, written site procedures to prevent the transfer of substances to the wrong storage tank, and the simultaneous transfer of incompatible substances in the same transfer station, or equivalent, is prohibited. Any written procedures developed under this subsection must be detailed in the leak prevention report required by section 598.1 (k) of this part. (8) By August 11, 1996, the filling and distribution ports of all aboveground tanks far from the tank must be labeled with the chemical name or common name or substance category, and must display a clear and visible hazard warning. In addition, the filler must contain information about the point of delivery. For registered tank systems, this will be the tank identification number. The valves and controls that control the filling and emptying of the tank system must contain information on the closed and open positions. 598.5 Upgrading the tank system. (a) Upgrade of underground storage tanks and pipelines. By December 22, 1998, all existing underground storage tanks, ground and underground pipelines must meet the new construction standards specified in sections 599.3 to 599.5 (inclusive) and 599.12 to 598.18 (inclusive) of this title, or be closed in accordance with section 598.10 (c) of this part.