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MVME177P-66SE机器人模块卡件这必须解决此类释放的规模和影响,并进行更新,以纳入本篇第598.14节要求的报告;(vi)识别和评估设施泄漏、泄漏和释放的原因;(vii)符合本部分以及本篇第596和599部分的状态报告;(viii)根据本部分以及本篇第596和599部分的要求,必须保存并向部门提供的记录(或记录索引)的附录;6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第6页,共35页...

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    这必须解决此类释放的规模和影响,并进行更新,以纳入本篇第598.14节要求的报告;(vi)识别和评估设施泄漏、泄漏和释放的原因;(vii)符合本部分以及本篇第596和599部分的状态报告;(viii)根据本部分以及本篇第596和599部分的要求,必须保存并向部门提供的记录(或记录索引)的附录;6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第6页,共35页598.1(k)(ix)本部分第598.11节要求的财务责任证明;以及(x)泄漏响应计划,包括:泄漏流动方向或扩散预测;显示受泄漏影响区域的地图,包括下水道、排水沟、供水设施、水井、溪流和居民区;控制泄漏的设备和材料清单;紧急联系人、协调员和清理承包商的姓名和电话号码;泄漏报告程序;年度演习计划以及与公认的防泄漏控制和对策实践一致的其他信息。(3) 溢出预防报告必须包含本部分或本篇第599部分允许的任何等效设备、方法或实践的讨论和评估。评估必须通过工程、监测、数据、测试或过去的经验证明,设施中的措施或实践等同于或优于本篇第599部分和本篇第597部分中规定的环境保护标准。

    (4) 如果业主或运营商需要根据本节第(g)小节或本部分第598.10(e)节进行现场评估,则防泄漏报告必须包含现场评估和调查结果。(l) 使用同等技术。如果本部分有规定,部门可批准任何受本部分约束的人员使用同等技术、方法或实践。使用等效技术的请求必须:(1)确定本部分的适用条款;以及(2)包括文件,包括但不限于数据、计划、规范和测试结果,证明所使用的技术、方法或实践将以等于或超过本部分适用条款要求的方式保护公众健康、安全和福利以及环境。598.2地方法律或条例的优先权和批准。(a) 优先购买权。除非部门批准了以下规定的地方法律或条例,否则与本部分或本篇第596、597或599部分的任何规定不一致的任何地方法律或法规均优先适用。(b) 批准当地法律或条例。(1) 当人口超过一百万的城市或县的地方法律或条例提供的环境保护等于或大于《环境保护法》第40条的规定以及本部分和本篇第596、597和599部分的要求时,该部门可批准该市或县的当地法律或条例。6 NYCRR第598部分–2015年10月11日第7页,共35页598.2(b)(2)市或县通过其首席执行官必须获得部门的书面批准。请求必须:(i)包括当地法律或条例的副本;(ii)解释当地法律与本部分规定以及本篇第596、597和599部分之间的差异和不一致;(iii)确定拟议的执行程序,

    This must address the size and impact of such releases and be updated to include the reports required by section 598.14 of this title; (vi) Identify and assess the causes of facility leaks, spills and releases; (vii) Status reports in compliance with this part and parts 596 and 599 of this title; (viii) An appendix to the records (or record index) that must be kept and made available to the department in accordance with the requirements of this part and parts 596 and 599 of this title; 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 6 of 35 598.1 (k) (ix) Certificate of financial responsibility required by Section 598.11 of this Part; And (x) leakage response plans, including: leakage flow direction or diffusion prediction; Maps showing the areas affected by the spill, including sewers, drainage ditches, water supply facilities, wells, streams and residential areas; List of equipment and materials to control leakage; Name and telephone number of emergency contact person, coordinator and cleaning contractor; Leak reporting procedures; Annual exercise plan and other information consistent with accepted leak control and countermeasure practices. (3) Spill prevention reports must include a discussion and evaluation of any equivalent equipment, methods, or practices permitted by this part or part 599 of this title. The assessment must prove through engineering, monitoring, data, testing or past experience that the measures or practices in the facility are equal to or better than the environmental protection standards specified in part 599 of this title and part 597 of this title.

    (4) If the owner or operator needs to conduct a site assessment in accordance with subsection (g) of this section or section 598.10 (e) of this part, the leakage prevention report must include the site assessment and investigation results. (l) Use equivalent technology. If specified in this part, the department may approve any person subject to this part to use equivalent technology, methods or practices. Requests for the use of equivalent technology must: (1) determine the applicable provisions of this part; And (2) including documents, including but not limited to data, plans, specifications and test results, proving that the technologies, methods or practices used will protect public health, safety, welfare and the environment in a manner equal to or exceeding the requirements of the applicable provisions of this part. 598.2 Priority and Approval of Local Laws or Regulations. (a) Right of First Refusal. Any local law or regulation that is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this part or of parts 596, 597, or 599 of this title shall prevail unless the department has approved the local law or regulation set forth below. (b) Approve local laws or regulations. (1) When the local laws or regulations of a city or county with a population of more than one million provide environmental protection equal to or greater than the provisions of Article 40 of the Environmental Protection Law and the requirements of this Part and Parts 596, 597, and 599 of this title, the department may approve the local laws or regulations of that city or county. 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 7 of 35 598.2 (b) (2) The city or county, through its chief executive officer, must obtain written approval from the department. Requests must: (i) include copies of local laws or regulations; (ii) interpret differences and inconsistencies between local law and the provisions of this part and parts 596, 597, and 599 of this title; (iii) determining the proposed implementation procedures,


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