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MVME177P-67SE工控机器人备件 ASTM D2996-88是指美国材料与试验协会D2996-88,纤维缠绕增强热固性树脂管规范,1988年,美国材料与测试协会,1916 Race Street,Philadelphia,PA 19103。(8)ASTM D3299-88是美国材料与材料协会D3299-88,纤维缠绕玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂耐化学储罐,1988年,美国试验与材料协会,1916...

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     ASTM D2996-88是指美国材料与试验协会D2996-88,纤维缠绕增强热固性树脂管规范,1988年,美国材料与测试协会,1916 Race Street,Philadelphia,PA 19103。(8)ASTM D3299-88是美国材料与材料协会D3299-88,纤维缠绕玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂耐化学储罐,1988年,美国试验与材料协会,1916 Race Street,Philadelphia,PA 19103,美国材料与试验协会,1916 Race Street,Philadelphia,PA 19103。(10)ASTM D4097-88是指美国材料与材料协会名称D4097-8,接触模塑玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂耐化学储罐,1988年,美国材料与测试协会,19161 Race Street(Philadelphi),PA 19103。(11)CAN4-S601-M84系指加拿大保险商实验室,编号CAN4-S601-M84,《易燃和可燃液体车间制造钢地上卧式储罐标准》,1984年,加拿大保险商实验所,地址:加拿大安大略省斯卡伯勒格罗斯路7号,M1R3A9,《易燃和可燃液体车间预制钢地上立式储罐标准》,NACE标准RP-01-69指国家腐蚀工程师协会,推荐规程——地下或水下金属管道系统的外部腐蚀控制,RP-01-69,1992年4月修订,美国腐蚀工程师协会,

    (21)40 CFR 280是指《联邦法规》第40篇第280部分,《地下储罐所有者和经营者的技术标准和纠正措施要求》(UST),2012年7月1日,文件主管,美国政府印刷局,华盛顿特区20402,《国家地下储罐计划批准书》,2012年7月1日,美国政府印刷局文件主管,华盛顿特区20402。(23)40 CFR 302.8是指《联邦法规》第40篇第302部分第8节,连续发布,2012年6月1日美国政府印刷局文件主管,华盛顿DC 20402。6 NYCRR第598部分–10月11日,2015年第5页,共35页598.1(k)(k)泄漏预防报告。(1) 在1996年8月11日之前,任何设施的所有者或运营商必须编制并维护一份防泄漏报告,以防止和应对设施内的泄漏、泄漏和事故。报告必须妥善编制索引、逻辑组织,并始终在设施所在地存档。报告必须至少每年更新一次。如果要求,所有者或操作员必须向部门提供报告副本。泄漏预防报告的全面性将取决于设施的风险。在具有良好运行历史、环境风险最小区域内少量低危害物质的设施,报告将包含基本信息和评估。如果设施或风险较大,报告将评估此类风险,并相应地更加复杂。(2) 防泄漏报告必须包括以下内容:(i)根据本篇第596.2节颁发的注册申请和证书副本;(ii)管理层批准该报告,并由首席执行官或授权代表签字证明;(iii)足够详细的最新设施现场地图,以定位和识别储罐系统和转运站;(iv)在纽约州获得执照的专业工程师或编制计划的其他合格人员的姓名、签名和执照号码;(v) 过去五年的发布清单和摘要说明:(a)根据州或联邦法律需要报告;以及(b)设施可以通过对现有账簿、记录或其他文件的检查确定已发生的事件。

    ASTM D2996-88 refers to American Society for Testing and Materials D2996-88, Specification for Filament Wound Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe, 1988, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. (8) ASTM D3299-88 is the American Society for Materials and Materials D3299-88, filament wound glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin chemical resistant tank, 1988, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. (10) ASTM D4097-88 refers to the name of American Society for Materials and Materials D4097-8, contact molded glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin chemical resistant tank, 1988, American Society for Testing and Materials, 19161 Race Street (Philadelphia), PA 19103. (11) CAN4-S601-M84 refers to the Canadian Underwriters' Laboratory, No. CAN4-S601-M84, Standard for Fabricating Steel Ground Horizontal Tanks in Flammable and Combustible Liquid Workshops, 1984, Canadian Underwriters' Laboratory, address: M1R3A9, No. 7, Gross Road, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, Standard for Prefabricated Steel Ground Vertical Tanks in Flammable and Combustible Liquid Workshops, NACE Standard RP-01-69 refers to the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Recommended Practice - External Corrosion Control for Underground or Underwater Metallic Piping Systems, RP-01-69, revised April 1992, American Society of Corrosion Engineers,

    (21) 40 CFR 280 means Part 280 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Underground Tank Owners and Operators (UST), July 1, 2012, Director of Documentation, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, Approval of the National Underground Tank Program, July 1, 2012, Director of Documentation, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. (23) 40 CFR 302.8 means 40 CFR Part 302, Section 8, of the Code of Federal Regulations, issued consecutively, June 1, 2012, Director of Documentation, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC 20402. 6 NYCRR Part 598 – October 11, 2015 Page 5 of 35 598.1 (k) (k) Leakage Prevention Report. (1) Prior to August 11, 1996, the owner or operator of any facility must prepare and maintain a leak prevention report to prevent and respond to leaks, leaks and accidents within the facility. Reports must be properly indexed, logically organized, and always filed at the facility location. The report must be updated at least annually. If required, the owner or operator must provide a copy of the report to the department. The comprehensiveness of the leakage prevention report will depend on the risk of the facility. For facilities with good operation history and small amount of low hazardous substances in the area with minimum environmental risk, the report will contain basic information and assessment. If the facility or risk is large, the report will assess such risks and become more complex accordingly. (2) The spill report must include the following: (i) a copy of the registration application and certificate issued under section 596.2 of this title; (ii) The report is approved by the management and signed by the CEO or authorized representative; (iii) Up to date facility site maps in sufficient detail to locate and identify tank systems and transfer stations; (iv) the name, signature and license number of the professional engineer licensed in the State of New York or other qualified person preparing the plan; (v) List and summary description of publications in the past five years: (a) report required by state or federal laws; And (b) the Facility may determine that an event has occurred by inspection of existing books, records or other documents.



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