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    7.2重新测试完成的阀门不需要重新测试,除非采购订单中规定了买方的检查。买方检验员可在制造商书面证明阀门已进行检验、测试和检查,以符合本标准要求后,放弃该重新测试。涂漆阀门无需去除油漆进行重新测试。储存的阀门应在重新测试前和装运前进行商业清洗。IHS根据API许可证提供的美国石油学会版权=阿尔伯塔大学/5966844001,用户=sam,albert未经IHS许可不得复制或联网,不得转售,2013年6月28日16:13:35 MDT IHS根据许可证提供美国石油学会,albert未经IHS许可,不得复制或联网,不得转售,印刷体姓名(如卡片上所示):到期日:签名:数量标题合计小计适用销售税(见下文)加急运费(参见下文)运费和手续费(见下图)合计(以美国计)如果是,请勾选)收货地址(UPS不会发送到邮政信箱)名称:职务:公司:部门:地址:城市:州/省:邮政编码:国家:电话:传真:电子邮件:邮件订单——除已开立账户外,必须以支票或美国汇票付款。必须加上州和地方税、10美元的加工费和5%的运费。

    将邮件订单发送至:API Publications,IHS,15 Inverness Way East,c/o Retail Sales,Englewood,CO 80112-5776,USA。采购订单–接受来自既定账户的采购订单。发票将包括实际运费、10美元的手续费以及州和地方税。电话订单–如果通过电话订购,则订单中将增加10美元的处理费和实际运费。销售税–所有美国采购必须包括适用的州和地方销售税。申请免税身份的客户必须向IHS提供免税证明副本。装运(美国订单)-在美国境内装运的订单通过可追踪的方式发送。大多数订单在同一天发货。订阅更新通过头等邮件发送。其他选项,包括次日服务、空中服务和传真传输,均需额外付费。请致电1-800-854-7179了解更多信息。航运(国际订单)-标准国际航运是通过航空快递服务。订阅更新由World Mail发送。正常交货期为装运日期后3-4天。急运费——除承运人费用外,次日交货订单的费用为20美元。次日交货订单必须在MST下午2:00之前下达,以确保隔夜交货。退货–所有退货必须通过致电IHS客户服务部(1-800-624-3974)获得预先批准,以获取信息和帮助。可能需要15%的进货费。特殊订单项目、电子文档和过期材料不可退还。自2009年1月1日起生效。

    7.2 The valve after retesting shall not be retested unless the Buyer's inspection is specified in the purchase order. The Buyer's inspector may waive the retest after the manufacturer has certified in writing that the valve has been inspected, tested and inspected to meet the requirements of this standard. Painted valves do not require paint removal for retesting. Stored valves shall be commercially cleaned prior to retesting and shipment. Copyright of American Petroleum Institute provided by IHS according to API license=University of Alberta/5966844001, user=sam, Albert shall not be copied or connected to the Internet or resold without permission of IHS, and MDT IHS provided American Petroleum Institute according to the license at 16:13:35 on June 28, 2013, Albert shall not be copied or connected to the Internet or resold without permission of IHS, Printed name (as shown on the card): Expiry date: Signature: Quantity title Total Subtotal Applicable sales tax (see below) Expedited freight (see below) Freight and handling charges (see below) Total (in U.S.) If yes, Please check) Delivery address (UPS will not send to PO Box) Name: Title: Company: Department: Address: City: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Mail order - except for opened account, payment must be made by check or US bill of exchange. State and local taxes, $10 processing fee and 5% freight must be added.

    Send mail orders to: API Publications, IHS, 15 Inverness Way East, c/o Retail Sales, Englewood, CO 80112-5776, USA. Purchase Order – Accepts a purchase order from an established account. The invoice will include actual freight, a $10 handling fee, and state and local taxes. Telephone order – If you order by telephone, you will add a processing fee of $10 and actual freight to the order. Sales Tax – All U.S. purchases must include applicable state and local sales taxes. Customers applying for tax exempt status must provide IHS with a copy of the tax exempt certificate. Shipment (US Order) - Orders shipped in the US are sent in a traceable manner. Most orders are shipped on the same day. Subscription updates are sent by first class mail. Other options, including next day service, air service and fax transmission, are subject to additional charges. Call 1-800-854-7179 for more information. Shipping (International Order) - Standard international shipping is through air express service. Subscription updates are sent by World Mail. The normal delivery time is 3-4 days after the shipment date. Expedited freight - The cost of next day delivery order is $20, excluding the carrier's cost. The next day delivery order must be placed before 2:00 p.m. of MST to ensure overnight delivery. Returns – All returns must be pre approved by calling IHS Customer Service (1-800-624-3974) for information and assistance. 15% purchase fee may be required. Special order items, electronic documents and expired materials are not refundable. Effective from January 1, 2009.





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