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MVME177PA-66SE工控备件模块11 150 250级(铸铁)DN 50至300(NPS 2至12)35 500 DN 350至600(NPS 14至24)21 300 150级(球墨铸铁)17 250 300级(球铁)44 640碳、合金、不锈钢和特殊合金b b低压关闭(见表1和表2)4至7 60至100 a所有具有此功能的阀门都需要进行后座试验。b根据适用的采购规范,在38C(100F...

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    11 150 250级(铸铁)DN 50至300(NPS 2至12)35 500 DN 350至600(NPS 14至24)21 300 150级(球墨铸铁)17 250 300级(球铁)44 640碳、合金、不锈钢和特殊合金b b低压关闭(见表1和表2)4至7 60至100 a所有具有此功能的阀门都需要进行后座试验。b根据适用的采购规范,在38°C(100°F)时为最大允许压力的110%。c根据适用的采购规范,在38°c(100°F)时为设计压差的110%。d所示单个值为最小试验压力。数值范围表示最小和最大测试压力。版权所有美国石油学会由IHS根据API许可证提供,许可证持有人=阿尔伯塔大学/5966844001,用户=sam,albert未经IHS许可不得复制或联网,不得转售,2013年6月28日16:13:35 MDT阀门检验和测试9 6.1.4关闭测试阀门时,阀门制造商的测试程序应确保不会使用过大的力关闭阀门。施加的力可根据MSS SP-91中的适当数字确定,但在任何情况下都不得超过阀门制造商公布的值。

    6.1.5在阀门完全准备好并处于全试验压力下后,应目视检查阀门是否泄漏。6.2后座试验6.2.1除波纹管密封阀外,所有具有后座特性的阀门都需要进行后座试验,后座试验应在阀端关闭、阀门完全打开、填料压盖松动或未安装填料的情况下,在组装好的阀门内施加压力。如果在壳体试验后进行后座试验,应在后座试验后安装填料和/或重新紧固填料压盖。6.2.2对于DN 100(4 in.NPS)及以下的阀门,当使用容积装置监测壳体和后座泄漏时,后座试验可与壳体试验相结合。采用该方法进行测试时,包装应松散。制造商应负责证明填料在38°C(100°F)的阀门额定压力下不会泄漏。6.2.3后座试验的成功完成不应被解释为阀门制造商的建议,即当阀门受压时,可重新包装阀门或更换填料。6.3外壳试验除非6.2.2中另有规定,外壳试验应通过在组装阀门内部施加压力进行,阀门端部关闭,阀门部分打开,任何填料压盖足够紧密以保持试验压力,从而对填料函进行试验(波纹管密封阀除外)。

    11 150 Class 250 (cast iron) DN 50 to 300 (NPS 2 to 12) 35 500 DN 350 to 600 (NPS 14 to 24) 21 300 Class 150 (ductile iron) 17 250 Class 300 (ductile iron) 44 640 Carbon, alloy, stainless steel and special alloy b b Low pressure closing (see Tables 1 and 2) 4 to 7 60 to 100 a All valves with this function require a backseat test. B 110% of the maximum allowable pressure at 38 ° C (100 ° F) according to the applicable procurement specification. C 110% of the design differential pressure at 38 ° c (100 ° F) according to the applicable procurement specification. D The individual values shown are the minimum test pressures. The range of values represents the minimum and maximum test pressures. Copyright American Petroleum Institute is provided by IHS according to the API license. The license holder=University of Alberta/5966844001, user=sam, albert shall not be copied or connected to the Internet or resold without permission of IHS. On June 28, 2013, 16:13:35 MDT valve inspection and testing 9 6.1.4 When closing the test valve, the valve manufacturer's test procedure shall ensure that the valve will not be closed with excessive force. The applied force may be determined according to the appropriate figure in MSS SP-91, but in no case shall it exceed the value published by the valve manufacturer.

    6.1.5 After the valve is fully prepared and under full test pressure, the valve shall be visually inspected for leakage. 6.2 Backseat test 6.2.1 Except for the bellows seal valve, all valves with backseat characteristics shall be subject to backseat test. The backseat test shall apply pressure to the assembled valve when the valve end is closed, the valve is fully opened, the packing gland is loose or no packing is installed. If the backseat test is performed after the shell test, install the packing and/or retighten the packing gland after the backseat test. 6.2.2 For valves DN 100 (4 in. NPS) and below, the backseat test can be combined with the shell test when a volumetric device is used to monitor shell and backseat leakage. When this method is used for testing, the packaging shall be loose. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to demonstrate that the packing will not leak at the valve rated pressure of 38 ° C (100 ° F). 6.2.3 The successful completion of the backseat test shall not be interpreted as the valve manufacturer's recommendation that the valve be repackaged or the packing replaced when the valve is under pressure. 6.3 Shell test Unless otherwise specified in 6.2.2, the shell test shall be conducted by applying pressure inside the assembled valve, closing the valve end, partially opening the valve, and keeping any packing gland tight enough to maintain the test pressure, so as to test the stuffing box (except for the bellows seal valve).





    品牌:  Motorola 






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