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    这些检查应由阀门制造商在买方检验员的见证下进行。5压力试验5.1试验地点压力试验应由阀门制造商在阀门制造商的工厂或制造商和买方共同同意的设施进行。5.2试验设备阀门制造商用于进行所需压力试验的设备不得施加影响阀座泄漏的外力。如果使用端部夹具,阀门制造商应能够证明试验夹具不会影响被测阀门的阀座密封能力。对于设计用于配合法兰之间的阀门,如对夹止回阀和对夹蝶阀,允许端部夹紧。5.3要求的试验5.3.1应根据符合本标准的书面程序对每个阀门进行表1或表2中列出的压力试验。5.3.2除非采购订单中另有规定,否则制造商可选择对具有后座功能的阀门进行高压或低压后座试验。5.3.3公称直径为100(NPS 4)及以下的阀门,其压力额定值达到并包括ASME 1500级,以及公称直径大于100(NPS 3)的阀门,压力额定值超过并包括ASME 600级,应根据表1进行测试。买方可选择要求表1中的“可选”压力测试,额定压力大于ASME 1500级的阀门和额定压力大于DN 100(NPS 4)且大于ASME 600级的阀门应根据表2进行测试。买方可选择要求表2中的“可选”压力测试。5.3.5缩径阀的泄漏率应基于阀门的DN(NPS)。版权所有美国石油学会由IHS根据API许可证提供,许可证持有人=阿尔伯塔大学/5966844001,用户=sam,albert未经IHS许可不得复制或联网,不得转售,2013年6月28日16:13:35 MDT阀门检验和测试5表1-压力测试阀门:  用的a除波纹管密封阀外,所有具有后座功能的阀门都需要进行后座试验。b对于润滑旋塞阀,高压关闭试验是强制性的,低压关闭试验是可选的。c当买方指定“可选”试验时,除要求的试验外,还应进行试验。d弹性阀座阀的高压关闭试验可能会降低低压环境下的后续密封性能。e对于电动和手动齿轮驱动截止阀,包括止回型截止阀,高压关闭试验应在用于确定操作器尺寸的设计压差的110%下进行。f所有指定为双截断阀和放气阀的阀门都需要进行高压关闭试验。表2-压力试验阀门: 类别>600试验说明阀型闸阀截止阀止回阀浮球蝶阀和耳轴安装球壳需要需要需要需要的需要需要的后座需要的需要的NA NA NA低压关闭可选b可选b需要的可选b高压关闭c必需必需必需必需可选必需注释NA=不适用。a除波纹管密封阀外,所有具有后座功能的阀门都需要进行后座试验。b当买方规定进行“可选”试验时,除要求的试验外,还应进行试验。c弹性阀座阀的高压关闭试验可能会降低低压环境下的后续密封性能。

    These inspections shall be carried out by the valve manufacturer in the presence of the Purchaser's inspector. 5 Pressure test 5.1 The pressure test at the test site shall be conducted by the valve manufacturer in the valve manufacturer's factory or in a facility jointly agreed by the manufacturer and the buyer. 5.2 Test equipment The equipment used by the valve manufacturer to conduct the required pressure test shall not exert external forces that affect the valve seat leakage. If end clamps are used, the valve manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that the test fixture will not affect the seat sealing capability of the valve under test. For valves designed to fit between flanges, such as wafer check valves and wafer butterfly valves, end clamping is allowed. 5.3 Required Tests 5.3.1 Each valve shall be subjected to the pressure tests listed in Table 1 or Table 2 according to the written procedures in accordance with this standard. 5.3.2 Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, the manufacturer may choose to perform a high pressure or low pressure backseat test on the valve with backseat function. 5.3.3 Valves with a nominal diameter of 100 (NPS 4) and below shall be tested according to Table 1 if their pressure ratings are up to and including ASME Class 1500 and those with a nominal diameter of more than 100 (NPS 3) are up to and including ASME Class 600. The Purchaser may choose to require the "optional" pressure test in Table 1. Valves with a pressure rating greater than ASME Class 1500 and valves with a pressure rating greater than DN 100 (NPS 4) and greater than ASME Class 600 shall be tested in accordance with Table 2. The purchaser may elect to require the "optional" pressure test in Table 2. 5.3.5 The leakage rate of reducing valve shall be based on DN (NPS) of the valve. Copyright American Petroleum Institute is provided by IHS according to API license. License holder=University of Alberta/5966844001, user=sam, albert shall not be copied or connected to the Internet or resold without permission of IHS. At 16:13:35 on June 28, 2013, MDT valve inspection and test 5 Table 1 - Pressure test valve: except for bellows seal valve, all valves with backseat function shall be subject to backseat test. B For lubricating plug valve, high pressure closing test is mandatory, and low pressure closing test is optional. C When the Buyer specifies the "optional" test, the test shall be conducted in addition to the required test. D. High pressure closing test of resilient seated valve may reduce the subsequent sealing performance under low pressure environment. E For electric and manual gear driven globe valves, including check type globe valves, the high pressure closure test shall be performed at 110% of the design differential pressure used to size the operator. F All valves designated as double block valves and vent valves shall be subject to high-pressure closing test. Table 2 - Pressure test valves: Category>600 Test shows that valve type gate valve, globe valve, check valve, float butterfly valve and trunnion installation ball shell need to need to need to need to need to need to need to need to need to need to need to need to need to NA NA low pressure closing optional b optional b optional b high-pressure closing c mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory note NA=not applicable. A Except for bellows seal valve, all valves with backseat function shall be subject to backseat test. B When the Buyer specifies the "optional" test, the test shall be conducted in addition to the required test. C High pressure closing test of resilient seated valve may reduce the subsequent sealing performance under low pressure environment.


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