遵守电气安全预防措施。c) 彻底检查型材和部件有无机械损坏。d) 断开端子Z1-Z2处的轮廓线。e)将轮廓线的导线连接到欧姆表的输入端。现在,一个人应该用一只手按压条带上的每个点。电阻测量值应为6K +/- 未按下型材时为10%,按下型材时不超过1K。如果这些检查发现任何问题,则在纠正之前不得使用机器。将检查和测试记录在书面日志中。7 6.0维护和服务6.1故障查找指南症状可能原因检查剖面中的“黄色”LED开路或Z1-Z2端子是否牢固。照明。连接接线。电缆断裂剖面图损坏。即使电源故障,LED也不会点亮。电压选择开关设置正确。轮廓被按下。电源保险丝。存在电源电压。除非复位失败,否则LED不会点亮。如果使用接触器监控,请检查是否按下Profile,然后每个接触器是否正常工作。停止“红色”LED MC-MC端子是安全的。照明。链接到位或重置按钮功能正常。装置似乎工作保险丝熔断。输出保险丝。正确,但没有损坏或不正确的接线。所有接线是否损坏。输出Safedge上的故障导致任何内部继电器移动。故障安全输出REPLACE CONTROLLER。如果外部连接不正确,机器不会停止所有到接触器的接线都有错误。
轮廓已按下。运行“绿色”LED熄灭。如果按下“不允许使用机器配置文件”,机器不会停止。更换控制器。运行“绿色”LED保持亮起。6.2维护在尝试任何维护工作之前,应完整阅读本节内容。请注意欧盟指令89/655/EEC(作为1992年工作设备的提供和使用条例在英国实施)下的计划预防性维护条例。在维护操作期间,在使用Safedge系统之前,断开机器的原动机。遵守电气安全预防措施。19 3.2.2当使用带有密封唇的封闭盖440F-A1302时,必须将型材底部切割至12mm的长度。必须小心进行切割,以确保型材底部被完全修剪掉,留下齐平的表面。3.2.3阴影区域必须用砂纸粗糙3.2.4封闭盖用4个密封圈模制,每个密封圈都有一个橡胶塞。安装电阻器时,保持插头完好无损。进行电缆连接时,选择所需的电缆出口,并用打孔器从索环上取下插头。3.2.5将连接电缆穿过孔。12 8 3.2.6用其中一根针刺破每根铜线。按所示方向(向外楔入)将接头的针触点直接压入铜线。3.2.7小心连接器的窄侧(楔形)必须向外突出。3.2.8折回盖的密封唇;a) 如图所示,在封口盖的阴影区域涂上粘合剂,然后粘贴到型材边缘,加压10秒以确保粘合。b)
Observe electrical safety precautions. c) Thoroughly inspect the profiles and components for mechanical damage. d) Disconnect the contour line at terminals Z1-Z2. e) Connect the lead of the contour line to the input of the ohmmeter. Now, one should press each point on the strip with one hand. The resistance measurement value shall be 6K +/- 10% when the profile is not pressed, and not more than 1K when the profile is pressed. If these checks reveal any problems, do not use the machine until it is corrected. Record inspections and tests in a written log. 7 6.0 Maintenance and service 6.1 Troubleshooting guide Possible causes of symptoms Check whether the "yellow" LED in the profile is open circuit or Z1-Z2 terminal is firm. Lighting. Connect the wiring. The cable fracture profile is damaged. The LED will not illuminate even if the power supply fails. The voltage selector switch is set correctly. The contour is pressed. Power fuse. Supply voltage is present. The LED will not illuminate unless reset fails. If the contactor monitoring is used, check whether the Profile is pressed, and then whether each contactor works normally. It is safe to stop the "red" LED MC-MC terminal. Lighting. Link in place or reset button functions normally. The unit appears to be working with a blown fuse. Output fuse. Correct, but no damaged or incorrect wiring. Whether all wiring is damaged. A fault on the output Safedge causes any internal relays to move. Fail safe output REPLACE CONTROLLER. If the external connection is incorrect, the machine will not stop all the wiring to the contactor has errors.
Contour pressed. The running "green" LED is off. If you press "Do not allow to use machine configuration file", the machine will not stop. Replace the controller. The operating "green" LED remains lit. 6.2 Maintenance Read this section completely before attempting any maintenance work. Please note the planned preventive maintenance regulations under EU Directive 89/655/EEC (implemented in the UK as a provision and use of work equipment regulation in 1992). During maintenance operations, disconnect the prime mover of the machine before using the Safedge system. Observe electrical safety precautions. 19 3.2.2 When using a closing cap 440F-A1302 with a sealing lip, the bottom of the profile must be cut to a length of 12 mm. Care must be taken in cutting to ensure that the bottom of the profile is completely trimmed off, leaving a flush surface. 3.2.3 The shaded area must be roughened with sandpaper 3.2.4 The closed cover shall be molded with 4 sealing rings, and each sealing ring shall have a rubber plug. Keep the plug intact when installing the resistor. For cable connection, select the required cable outlet and use a hole punch to remove the plug from the grommet. 3.2.5 Pass the connecting cable through the hole. 12 8 3.2.6 Puncture each copper wire with one of the needles. Press the pin contact of the connector directly into the copper wire in the direction shown (wedging outward). 3.2.7 Be careful that the narrow side (wedge) of the connector must protrude outward. 3.2.8 Return the sealing lip of the cover; a) As shown in the figure, apply adhesive to the shaded area of the closure cap, and then stick it to the edge of the profile. Press for 10 seconds to ensure adhesion. b)