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MVME197LE-128处理器模块注:-在存在异常高水平EMI的情况下,可能需要采取特殊措施,例如靠近焊接或感应加热设备或靠近无线电发射器/收发器。导电橡胶非导电橡胶软电线芯软铜线芯将信号发送给评估人员904545“接触”区域5 22常规检查和测试记录(见第6.2.2节和6.2.3节)日期检查意见3.0安全系统的安装仅使用440F-A0020氰基丙烯酸酯。氰基丙烯酸酯粘合剂确保持久密封和高防护等...

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    注:-在存在异常高水平EMI的情况下,可能需要采取特殊措施,例如靠近焊接或感应加热设备或靠近无线电发射器/收发器。导电橡胶非导电橡胶软电线芯软铜线芯将信号发送给评估人员90°45°45°“接触”区域5 22常规检查和测试记录(见第6.2.2节和6.2.3节)日期检查意见3.0安全系统的安装仅使用440F-A0020氰基丙烯酸酯。氰基丙烯酸酯粘合剂确保持久密封和高防护等级达到IP65。3.1安装“C”轨道“C”轨电缆连接器,将盖子封闭到控制单元或下一个带电阻器的型材连接器21 6 6.2.4维修在Safedge系统或机器控制系统上工作之前,隔离机器和Safedge系统的电源。遵守电气安全预防措施。用户维修仅限于更换新的Safedge系统部件。如果出现任何问题,应将装置退还给供应商。应使用热缩对接接头对连接线进行任何维修。更换任何零件后,必须对更换的零件进行6.2.2和6.2.3所示的检查和测试,并特别注意。篡改零部件将使保修失效。如果DIN导轨(440F-C251D)控制单元上的质量密封损坏,则保修无效警告维护或维修操作后,必须正确重新安装所有紧固件、电缆保护装置等。

    未能做到这一点或使用未经批准的部件可能会导致Safedge系统无法达到其规定的性能。3.1.1安装“C”型导轨3.2安全型材的组装和安装3.2.1将安全型材切割成一定长度。无滑行室的型材应使用橡胶剪进行切割。带有滑行室的型材应使用细齿锯切割。安装时钻孔(未提供紧固件)20 6.2.1型材清洁型材应保持无沉积物,如切屑和其他材料,以防止损坏或死区。允许使用温水和温和的清洁剂清洁表面区域。不要使用溶剂。6.2.2日常维护检查和测试-(建议每周或维修后)停止机器,清洁型材并干燥。检查型材表面是否损坏。任何刺穿型材的损坏都可能让材料或液体进入。必须立即处理。检查所有端盖、拐角和接头是否牢固且无损坏。必须立即更换损坏的零件。测试配置文件操作。可能需要两个人,一人按下配置文件,一人观察控制单元的操作。在使用手动复位模式的系统上,必须连续按下复位按钮。检查配置文件未按下时RUN“绿色”LED是否亮起,STOP“红色”LED是否点亮。启动机器,按下配置文件并检查机器是否立即停止。如果这些检查发现任何问题,在纠正之前,不要使用机器。将所有检查和测试记录在书面日志中。6.2.3彻底检查和测试-(每年两次或维修后)由电气和机械工程方面的合格人员进行。a) 执行6.2.2 b)中的测试,隔离机器和Safedge系统的电源。

    Note: - In the case of abnormally high levels of EMI, special measures may be required, such as proximity to welding or induction heating equipment or proximity to radio transmitters/transceivers. Conductive rubber non-conductive rubber flexible wire core Soft copper wire core sends signals to the evaluator 90 ° 45 ° 45 ° "contact" area 5 22 Routine inspection and test records (see sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3) Date inspection comments 3.0 Only 440F-A0020 cyanoacrylate is used for the installation of the safety system. The cyanoacrylate adhesive ensures a durable seal and a high degree of protection up to IP65. 3.1 Install the cable connector of "C" rail and "C" rail, and close the cover to the control unit or the next profile connector with resistor 21 6 6.2.4 Isolate the power supply of the machine and the Safedge system before maintenance work on the Safedge system or machine control system. Observe electrical safety precautions. User maintenance is limited to replacing new Safedge system components. In case of any problems, the unit shall be returned to the supplier. Any repairs to the connecting wires shall be made using heat shrinkable butt joints. After any parts are replaced, the replaced parts must be inspected and tested as shown in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3, with special attention. Tampering parts will void the warranty. If the quality seal on the DIN rail (440F-C251D) control unit is damaged, the warranty is invalid Warning After maintenance or repair operations, all fasteners, cable protectors, etc. must be reinstalled correctly.

    Failure to do so or the use of unapproved components may cause the Safedge system to fail to achieve its specified performance. 3.1.1 Installation of "C" type guide rail 3.2 Assembly and installation of safety profile 3.2.1 Cut the safety profile into a certain length. The profile without sliding chamber shall be cut with rubber shear. Sections with sliding chambers shall be cut with a fine tooth saw. Drilling during installation (fasteners are not provided) 20 6.2.1 Cleaning of profiles Profiles should be kept free of deposits, such as chips and other materials, to prevent damage or dead zones. It is allowed to use warm water and mild detergent to clean the surface area. Do not use solvents. 6.2.2 Daily maintenance inspection and test - (recommended weekly or after maintenance) stop the machine, clean the profile and dry it. Check whether the profile surface is damaged. Any damage that pierces the profile may allow material or liquid to enter. It must be handled immediately. Check that all end caps, corners, and connectors are secure and free from damage. Damaged parts must be replaced immediately. Test configuration file operation. Two people may be required, one to press the configuration file and the other to observe the operation of the control unit. On systems using manual reset mode, the reset button must be pressed continuously. Check whether RUN "green" LED lights up and STOP "red" LED lights up when the configuration file is not pressed. Start the machine, press the configuration file and check if the machine stops immediately. If these checks reveal any problems, do not use the machine until it is corrected. Record all inspections and tests in a written log. 6.2.3 Thorough inspection and testing - (twice a year or after maintenance) by qualified personnel in electrical and mechanical engineering. a) Perform the test in 6.2.2 b) to isolate the power supply of the machine and the Safedge system.





    品牌:  Motorola 






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