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MVME236-3模块卡件持证设计专业人员应根据ACI 437R、ACI 562、ACI 369R和其他适用的ACI文件对现有结构进行彻底的现场调查。现场调查应至少确定以下内容:a)结构构件的现有尺寸b)裂缝和剥落的位置、尺寸和原因c)现有钢筋的数量和位置d)钢筋的腐蚀位置和程度e)存在活性腐蚀f)混凝土的就地抗压强度g)混凝土的坚固性,应根据ASTM C1583/C1583M进行拉脱附着力试验,...

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    持证设计专业人员应根据ACI 437R、ACI 562、ACI 369R和其他适用的ACI文件对现有结构进行彻底的现场调查。现场调查应至少确定以下内容:a)结构构件的现有尺寸b)裂缝和剥落的位置、尺寸和原因c)现有钢筋的数量和位置d)钢筋的腐蚀位置和程度e)存在活性腐蚀f)混凝土的就地抗压强度g)混凝土的坚固性,应根据ASTM C1583/C1583M进行拉脱附着力试验,以确定FRP系统可能安装在混凝土上的表面上混凝土的抗拉强度。应根据ACI 562要求使用芯材确定混凝土的现场抗压强度。现有结构的承载能力应基于现场调查、设计计算和图纸审查中收集的信息,并通过分析方法确定。如果认为合适,可将负载测试或其他方法纳入整体评估过程。用于提高现有构件强度的FRP系统应根据第9章至第15章进行设计,其中包括对荷载限制、合理荷载路径、温度和环境对FRP系统的影响

    荷载考虑以及钢筋腐蚀对FRP系统完整性的影响的全面讨论。加固极限通常,为了防止FRP系统受损时构件突然失效,施加加固极限,以限制用FRP系统加固的构件承载能力的增加。其理念是,FRP钢筋的损失不应导致构件失效。第9章提供了具体指南,包括评估FRP系统损失后构件完整性的荷载组合。防火和生命安全FRP加固结构应符合适用的建筑和防火规范。根据适用的建筑规范,根据建筑物的分类,安装应符合ASTM E84规定的烟雾产生和火焰蔓延等级。涂层(Apicella和Imbrogno 1999)和隔热系统(Williams等人2006)可用于限制烟雾和火焰蔓延。由于大多数FRP材料在高温下会退化,因此假设外部粘结FRP系统的强度在火灾中完全丧失,除非能够证明FRP在火灾所需的持续时间内仍然有效。通过使用某些树脂、涂层、绝缘系统或其他防火方法,可以提高FRP加固混凝土构件的耐火性(Bisby等人,2005b)。

    Certified design professionals shall conduct a thorough site investigation of existing structures in accordance with ACI 437R, ACI 562, ACI 369R and other applicable ACI documents. The site investigation shall at least determine the following contents: a) the existing size of structural members b) the location, size and cause of cracks and spalling c) the number and location of existing reinforcement d) the location and extent of corrosion of reinforcement e) the presence of active corrosion f) the in-situ compressive strength of concrete g) the soundness of concrete, and the pull off adhesion test shall be conducted according to ASTM C1583/C1583M, To determine the tensile strength of the concrete on the surface on which the FRP system may be installed. The field compressive strength of concrete shall be determined using cores in accordance with ACI 562. The bearing capacity of the existing structure shall be based on the information collected in the field investigation, design calculation and drawing review, and shall be determined by analysis method. If deemed appropriate, load testing or other methods may be incorporated into the overall evaluation process. FRP systems used to improve the strength of existing members shall be designed in accordance with Chapters 9 to 15, including the effects on the FRP system of load limits, reasonable load paths, temperature and environment

    A comprehensive discussion of load considerations and the effect of rebar corrosion on the integrity of FRP systems. Reinforcement limit Generally, in order to prevent the member from suddenly failing when the FRP system is damaged, the reinforcement limit is imposed to limit the increase in the bearing capacity of the member strengthened with the FRP system. The idea is that the loss of FRP reinforcement should not lead to failure of the member. Chapter 9 provides specific guidance, including load combinations to assess the integrity of members after loss of the FRP system. Fire and life safety FRP reinforced structures shall comply with applicable building and fire codes. The installation shall comply with the smoke generation and flame spread rating specified in ASTM E84 according to the applicable building code and the classification of the building. Coatings (Apicella and Imbrogno 1999) and thermal insulation systems (Williams et al. 2006) can be used to limit smoke and flame propagation. Since most FRP materials will deteriorate at high temperatures, it is assumed that the strength of the externally bonded FRP system will be completely lost in a fire unless it can be demonstrated that the FRP remains effective for the required duration of the fire. The fire resistance of FRP reinforced concrete members can be improved by using certain resins, coatings, insulation systems, or other fire protection methods (Bisby et al., 2005b).


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