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    本文件未涉及为此目的使用材料所涉及的施工、质量控制和维护问题,也未涉及此类应用的设计问题。本文件未具体说明砌体(混凝土砌块、砖或粘土砖)施工,包括砌体墙。ACI 440.7R中提供了使用FRP修复未加固砌体的信息。1.2.1应用和使用FRP系统可用于修复或恢复受损结构的强度美国混凝土协会–版权所有©材料–www.Concrete。org《用于加固混凝土结构的外部粘结FRP系统》(ACI 440.2R-17)5构件,改造或加固完好的结构构件,以抵抗因结构使用变化而增加的荷载,或解决设计或施工错误。在选择FRP系统类型之前,持证设计专业人员应确定FRP系统是否是合适的加固技术。为了评估FRP系统对特定应用的适用性,持证设计专业人员应对现有结构进行状况评估,包括确定其现有承载能力、识别缺陷及其原因,以及确定混凝土基底的状况。总体评估应包括彻底的现场检查、对现有设计或竣工文件的审查以及符合ACI 364.1R的结构分析。应审查结构的现有施工文件,包括设计图纸、项目规范、竣工信息、现场试验报告、以往维修文件和维护历史文件。

    Steps related to surface preparation and proper termination of the FRP system are critical to achieving the strength levels predicted by the procedures in this document. Various methods of anchoring FRP strengthening systems have been studied, such as U-wrap, mechanical fasteners, fiber anchors, and U-anchors. Since no anchorage design guidelines are currently available, the performance of any anchorage system should be verified by representative physical tests, including specific anchorage systems, installation procedures, surface treatments, and anticipated environmental conditions. The design formulas given in this document are the results of a study mainly on medium size and scale members made of normal weight concrete. Attention should be paid to applications involving the reinforcement of oversized or lightweight concrete members, or the reinforcement of disturbed areas (area D) of structural members (such as deep beams, corbels and overlapping beam ends). If necessary, this paper gives the specific limits of member size and stress state. This guideline applies only to FRP strengthening systems used as additional tensile reinforcement. These systems shall not be used as compression reinforcement. Although FRP materials can withstand compression stress, there are many problems in using FRP for compression. If there are any resin voids in the laminate, micro buckling of the fibers will occur. If it is not properly adhered or anchored to the substrate, the laminate itself may bend and the compressive strength is very unreliable due to the dislocation of fibers in the field.

    This document does not address construction, quality control and maintenance issues associated with the use of materials for this purpose, nor does it address design issues for such applications. This document does not specify the construction of masonry (concrete blocks, bricks or clay bricks), including masonry walls. ACI 440.7R provides information on the use of FRP to repair unreinforced masonry. 1.2.1 The application and use of FRP systems can be used to repair or restore the strength of damaged structures American Concrete Institute - All rights reserved © Materials – www Concrete。 Org External Bonded FRP System for Strengthening Concrete Structures (ACI 440.2R-17) 5. Structural members that are modified or strengthened in good condition to resist the increased load due to structural use changes, or to solve design or construction errors. Before selecting the type of FRP system, the licensed design professional should determine whether the FRP system is an appropriate reinforcement technology. In order to assess the suitability of the FRP system for a particular application, a licensed design professional should conduct a condition assessment of the existing structure, including determining its existing bearing capacity, identifying defects and their causes, and determining the condition of the concrete substrate. The overall assessment shall include a thorough site inspection, a review of existing design or as built documentation, and a structural analysis in accordance with ACI 364.1R. The existing construction documents of the structure, including design drawings, project specifications, as built information, field test reports, past maintenance documents and maintenance history documents, shall be reviewed.







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