螺钉安装的边缘心脏计IN.长度IN.电机改装密封件、特殊轴等。切割速度下的系统位置回路增益为./MIN/MIL。如果未指定增益,请指定实现设置速度条件的时间。系统位置回路的增益高于切割速度。X#典型值。/MIN/MIL。特别是在./MIN.系统预期将达到最小-IN.SF.位置反馈。反馈装置类型❏分解器❏编码器反馈装置安装❏电动机❏螺钉。反馈设备解决方案产品数据ABAC伺服电机引线应用程序数据用于机床定位连续G。负载循环和总负载循环试验三角形梯形图复位。环境无污染、腐蚀、高温等。产品数据ABAS伺服电机机架和销应用程序数据,用于点对点定位ACUSTOMERB.AXISDESCRIPTIONC。❏新闻系统。❏现有设备、伺服电机或制造商❏ACMODELNO./RATEDCURRENT/RATEDRPM/KW=/连续扭矩/峰值扭矩/轴惯性❏直流绕组无伺服放大器制造商❏PWMMODELNO。❏SCROUTPUTVOLTAGEE.MACHINEDATA.axishorizonal/VERTICALH/V.TABLE/slidessupporttyperollers,ROLLERBEARINGS等。滑动系数摩擦滑动/方式–典型值=。,其他范围=至..XX.表/负载的总重量lbs.最大表速度in./MIN。最大速度的加速/减速时间sec..快速通过。/MIN。电机齿轮减速器效率典型值=..XX.电机至齿轮箱的速度比__toorrpm/REDUCERRPM。施加的力推力。齿轮半径在…………齿轮长度在……齿轮箱的效率典型值=..XX.电动机至齿轮箱联轴器直径在……其他齿轮/滑轮直径N、 长度IN.小齿轮安装的升程/齿轮直径IN.长度IN.电机改装密封件、特殊轴等。预计系统可用于扭转反向反馈装置类型❏分解器❏编码器反馈装置安装❏电动机❏其他。反馈装置处的解决方案。工作循环和总循环时间。环境无污染、腐蚀、高温等。产品数据ABAC伺服电机输送机应用程序数据ACUSTOMERB.AXIS描述。❏新闻系统。❏现有设备、伺服电机或制造商❏ACMODELNO./RATEDCURRENT/RATEDRPM/KW=/连续扭矩/峰值扭矩/轴惯性❏直流绕组无伺服放大器制造商❏PWMMODELNO。❏螺杆输出电压e.MACHINEDATA.输送机负载支撑类型支撑轴承、滚筒等。支撑的滑动系数典型值=..XX.负载/皮带的总重量lbs最大速度/MIN。最大速度的加速时间秒。驱动滚筒减速器的电机效率典型值=…XX.齿轮箱比率__tomotoorrpm/GEARBOXRPM.支撑滚筒的数量。滚筒、皮带之间的耦合,等。滚子直径英寸。滚子长度英寸。滚子材料钢/铝。电机至轴承箱联轴器直径英寸。其他齿轮/滑轮直径英寸。长度英寸。电机改装密封件、特殊轴等❏分解器❏编码器反馈装置安装❏电动机❏其他。反馈装置的解决方案。工作循环和总循环时间。环境无污染、腐蚀、高温、,ETC.产品数据ABAC伺服电机转换系数本出版物中使用的参数。扭矩转换为多倍lb.-i s.ProductDataABAC伺服电机质量/重量转换为多个单位磅磅磅磅千克磅磅磅盎司千克磅磅盎司磅磅磅bs..Slugs-Pounds-lbs.LengthtoConverttoMultiplybymetersminchessin..metersmfeetft.metersmyyd.me毫米毫米毫米毫米厘米毫米毫米毫米微米微米微米微米毫米英寸英寸米英寸英寸厘米英尺米码码码米转换功率功率功率功率比功率比功率-
Screw mounted edge cardiometer IN. length IN. motor retrofit seals, special shafts, etc. The system position loop gain at cutting speed is./MIN/MIL. If no gain is specified, specify the time to achieve the set speed condition. The gain of the system position loop is higher than the cutting speed. X # typical value/ MIN/MIL。 In particular, the./MIN. system is expected to achieve minimum - IN. SF. position feedback. Type of feedback device ✪ Resolver | Encoder feedback device Installation | Motor | Screw. Feedback device solution product data ABAC servo motor lead application data for machine positioning continuous G. Load cycle and total load cycle test triangle ladder reset. The environment is free of pollution, corrosion, high temperature, etc. Product data ABAS servo motor frame and pin application data for point-to-point positioning ACUSTOMERB.AXISDESCRIPTIONC. News system. ⑩ Existing equipment, servo motor or manufacturer | ACMODELNO./RATEDCURRENT/RATEDRPM/KW=/continuous torque/peak torque/shaft inertia | DC winding non servo amplifier manufacturer | PWMMODELNO. ∅ SCROUTPUTVOLTAGEE.MACHINEDATA.axishorizonal/VERTICALH/V.TABLE/slidesssupporttyperollers, ROLLERBEARINGS, etc. Slip coefficient Friction slip/mode – typical value=., Other range=total weight lbs. to.. XX. gauge/load. maximum gauge speed in./MIN. Acceleration/deceleration time of the maximum speed sec/ MIN。 Typical efficiency value of motor gear reducer=.. XX. Speed ratio of motor to gearbox__ toorrpm/REDUCERRPM。 Force and thrust applied. The gear radius is at............ The gear length is at............ The efficiency typical value of the gear box=.. XX. The diameter of the coupling between the motor and the gear box is at... The diameter of other gears/pulleys is N, the length is IN. The lift of the pinion installation/the diameter of the gear is IN. The length is IN. The motor is refitted with seals, special shafts, etc. It is expected that the system can be used for torsional reverse feedback device type, decomposition device, encoder feedback device installation, motor, and others. Solution at the feedback unit. Duty cycle and total cycle time. The environment is free of pollution, corrosion, high temperature, etc. Product Data ABAC Servo Motor Conveyor Application Data ACUSTOMERB.AXIS Description. News system. ⑩ Existing equipment, servo motor or manufacturer | ACMODELNO./RATEDCURRENT/RATEDRPM/KW=/continuous torque/peak torque/shaft inertia | DC winding non servo amplifier manufacturer | PWMMODELNO. ⑸ Screw output voltage e. MACHINEDATA. Conveyor load support type: support bearing, roller, etc. Typical value of slip coefficient of support=.. XX. Total weight of load/belt lbs Maximum speed/MIN. The acceleration time of the maximum speed is seconds. Typical value of motor efficiency of drive cylinder reducer=...... XX. gearbox ratio__ The number of supporting rollers of tomotoorrpm/GERBOXRPM. Coupling between rollers and belts, etc. Roller diameter in. Roller length inches. Roller material steel/aluminum. Motor to bearing housing coupling diameter inches. Other gear/pulley diameters in. Length in inches. Motor refitting seals, special shafts, etc., ⑩ resolver, 〉 encoder feedback device installation, 〉 motor, 〉 others. The solution of the feedback device. Duty cycle and total cycle time. The environment is free of pollution, corrosion, high temperature, ETC. Product data ABAC servo motor conversion coefficient The parameters used in this publication. Torque conversion to multiple lb. - i s.ProductDataABAC servo motor mass/weight conversion to multiple units lb lb lb kg lb oz kg lb lb bs.. Slugs Pounds lbs. LengthtoConverttoMultiplybymetersminchessin. mm mm mm mm m m m m m m in m in m in m in m in cm in m in cm in m in m in cm in ft m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m in m Power ratio Power ratio-