高级信息10-32 DriveWindow 2如果无法打开文件,则会收到一条错误消息,通知您写入内存映射文件项失败。为了便于处理,符号按字母顺序排列在子分支中,其名称与子分支中的第一个符号相同。浏览到子分支的叶子时,符号值将显示在浏览的项目集中。您可以通过向浏览的项目集中的内存映射文件(名称)写入空字符串来关闭符号表文件。关闭文件后,也可以通过在浏览树窗格中双击Ram子分支来折叠它。10.1.3设置起始文件夹如果您无法将符号表文件保存在默认的DriveWindow起始文件夹(安装文件夹)中,但您有固定的位置,则可以创建或编辑DriveWindow快捷方式,该快捷方式将符号表文件夹定义为起始文件夹。只需右键单击快捷方式图标并选择属性。高级信息驱动窗口2 10-33选择“快捷方式”选项卡,在“开始位置”字段中输入符号表文件夹的路径,然后单击“确定”按钮。使用此快捷方式图标启动DriveWindow时,无需为位于指定符号表文件夹中的符号表文件输入路径。如果您有多个但不是太多的符号表文件夹,可以根据需要为每个文件夹创建单独的快捷方式。另请参阅:浏览参数和信号更改参数高级信息10-34 DriveWindow 2 11.从监视器显示器中清除垃圾使用某些操作系统/显示驱动程序/显示适配器组合,在实时绘制监视器趋势时可能会看到垃圾。垃圾尤其出现在x轴的右端。因为实时绘图必须快速,所以背景不能一直完全重新绘制。然而,DriveWindow版本2.12(及更高版本)中添加了定期重新绘制,定期清除可能的垃圾。在旧版本的DriveWindow中,删除周期(以毫秒为单位)由用户特定键HKEY_CURRENT_user\Software\ABB Oy\DriveWindow\Monitor下名为GarbageRemovalInterval的值确定。如果在注册表中找不到该值,则默认值为500毫秒。由于DriveWindow版本2.30,删除周期(以毫秒为单位)由My Documents的DriveWare文件夹中用户特定DW21.INI文件中名为[Monitor]的部分中名为GarbageRemovalInterval的值确定。注意,如果x轴长度大于GarbageRemovalInterval的5倍,则使用x轴长度的1/5的垃圾清除周期。垃圾清除会导致一些额外的处理器负载。因此,如果您的电脑没有监视器显示垃圾问题,或者CPU速度慢,您可能需要更改删除周期。十六进制值FFFFFFFF实际上禁用垃圾清除。请注意,您所做的任何更改都将在重新启动DriveWindow时生效。另请参阅:监视器和数据记录器快速监视12.以XML格式打印和导出注意,本讨论不涉及趋势。趋势打印由图形绘图包完成,与DriveWindow中的所有其他打印分离。此外,无法以XML格式导出趋势。我们假设您对XML、XSL、XSD、CSS和MSXML有一定的了解。
Advanced Information 10-32 DriveWindow 2 If the file could not be opened, you get an error message informing you that writing to memory map file item failed. For easier handling, the symbols are arranged alphabetically in sub-branches, names of which is the same as the first symbol in the sub-branch. The symbol values are shown in the browsed item set, when you browse to the leaves of the subbranches. You can close the symbol table file by writing an empty string to the memory map file (name) in the browsed item set. After closing the file, also collapse the Ram sub-branch by double-clicking it in the browse tree pane. 10.1.3 Setting the Start-in Folder If you do not have the possibility to keep the symbol table file in the default DriveWindow start-in folder (the installation folder), but you have a constant place for them, you create or edit DriveWindow shortcut, which has your symbol table folder defined as the start-in folder. Just right-click the shortcut icon and select properties. Advanced Information DriveWindow 2 10-33 Select the Shortcut tab, enter path of your symbol table folder into the Start in field, and click the OK button. When you start DriveWindow using this shortcut icon, you do not need to enter paths for symbol table files residing in the specified symbol table folder. If you have more than one, but not too many symbol table folders, you can create a separate shortcut for each of them, if you wish. See Also: Browsing Parameters and Signals Changing Parameters Advanced Information 10-34 DriveWindow 2 11. Garbage Removal from Monitor Display With some operating system/display driver/display adapter combination garbage may be seen during real time drawing of the monitor trends. Garbage appears especially at the right end of the x-axis. Because real time drawing must be fast, the background cannot be totally repainted all the time. However, a periodic repaint has been added into DriveWindow version 2.12 (and newer), which removes possible garbage periodically. In older versions of DriveWindow the removal period in milliseconds is determined by the value named GarbageRemovalInterval under the user specific key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ABB Oy\DriveWindow\Monitor. If no such value is found the registry, the default value is 500 ms. Since DriveWindow version 2.30 the removal period in milliseconds is determined by the value named GarbageRemovalInterval within the section named [Monitor] in the user specific DW21.INI file in the DriveWare folder of My Documents. Note that if x-axis length is greater than 5 times GarbageRemovalInterval, the garbage removal period 1/5 of the x-axis length is used instead. Garbage removal causes some additional processor load.So, if your PC does not have the monitor display garbage problem, or if your CPU is slow, you may want to change the removal period. A hexadecimal value FFFFFFFF in practice disables the garbage removal. Note that any changes you make take effect just when you restart DriveWindow. See Also: Monitor and Dataloggers Fast Monitoring 12. Printing and Exporting in XML Format Note that this discussion does not concern trends. Printing of trends is done by the graphical drawing package and is separate of all other printing within DriveWindow. Also, it is not possible to export trends in XML format. We assume that you have some knowledge about XML, XSL, XSD, CSS, and MSXML.