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MVME2700-3461机器人模块卡件 特殊的处理方式解释了为什么在控制驱动器时,您经常看到项目值显示的质量不确定。8.配置DDCS通信有时DDCS网络的物理结构需要更改通信板设置。配置必须在本地完成。无法远程配置。DriveOPC的通信库中包含了设置及其用户界面的更改。但是,如果DriveOPC配置为充当远程OPC服务器,则会禁用其中的所有用户界面。请注意,尽管DriveWindow被用作调...

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      特殊的处理方式解释了为什么在控制驱动器时,您经常看到项目值显示的质量不确定。8.配置DDCS通信有时DDCS网络的物理结构需要更改通信板设置。配置必须在本地完成。无法远程配置。DriveOPC的通信库中包含了设置及其用户界面的更改。但是,如果DriveOPC配置为充当远程OPC服务器,则会禁用其中的所有用户界面。请注意,尽管DriveWindow被用作调用通信设置的客户端,但它可以使用任何OPC客户端(例如,DriveOPC发行版中包含的WriteOPC)来完成,该客户端能够写入OPC项。要配置DDCS通信,请关闭所有使用DriveOPC的应用程序。如果您正在配置(远程端)PC,该PC被配置为服务远程客户端,您还必须:•在配置DDCS通信时,确保没有客户端将使用DriveOPC。如果无法以其他方式执行,则可以使用DCOMCNFG.EXE禁用DCOM。•编辑DWC_DEF。INI,并在[OPC]部分将Remote=1更改为Remote=0。在所有情况下,都应检查DWC_DEF.INI。如果根本没有[OPC]部分,下面没有Remote键,或者Remote的值为零,则正常。如果DriveOPC版本早于2.03(DriveWindow 2.01或更高版本),并且PC已通过寄存器更改配置为使用本地服务器(EXE)版本的DriveOPC,而不是进程中(DLL)版本,则应撤销寄存器更改,从而使用进程内(DLL)版本。完成这些准备后,启动DriveWindow并连接到本地DriveOPC。使驱动器状态刷新脱机。高级信息10-26 DriveWindow 2添加具有OPC地址通信的项目。ConfigureDialog导入浏览的项目集。或将要配置的频道号(0,1,..)写入添加的项目。DriveOPC通信库显示DDCS对话框。笔记如果DriveOPC版本早于2.03(DriveWindow 2.01或更早),则DriveWindow(或任何其他客户端)的用户界面可能处于活动状态。请在关闭对话框之前不要使用它。如果这样做,您可能会使客户端程序崩溃。高级信息驱动窗口2 10-27现在您可以更改链接速率、光束强度和繁忙超时。请不要更改任何其他设置。单击保存按钮保存更改,然后单击确定按钮关闭对话框。单击保存按钮时,DriveOPC通信库始终将更改写入DWC_DEF。ProgramData的DriveWare文件夹中的INI文件。当DriveOPC重新启动时,它还会重新启动通信库,从DWC_DEF读取新设置。

    The special handling explains, why you often see quality uncertain shown with the item value, when control of the drive is taken. 8. Configuring DDCS Communication Sometimes the physical construction of a DDCS network is such that you need to change the communication board settings. Configuring must be done locally. Configuring remotely is not possible. Change of the settings and its user interface is included the communication library of DriveOPC. However, if DriveOPC is configured to act as a remote OPC Server, all user interfaces within it are disabled. Note that although DriveWindow is used as the client to invoke the communication settings, it can be done with any OPC client (WriteOPC included in DriveOPC distribution, for example), which is capable of writing to an OPC item. To configure the DDCS communication, close all applications, which use DriveOPC. If you are configuring a (remote end) PC, which is configured to serve remote clients, you also have to: • Make sure that no client will use DriveOPC, while you are configuring the DDCS communication. If you cannot do it otherwise, you can disable DCOM by using DCOMCNFG.EXE. • Edit DWC_DEF.INI in the DriveWare folder of ProgramData and change Remote=1 to Remote=0 in the [OPC] section. In all cases, you should check DWC_DEF.INI. If it does not have [OPC] section at all, there is no Remote key under it, or the value of Remote is zero, it is OK. If DriveOPC version is older than 2.03 (DriveWindow 2.01 or older), and the PC has been configured by a register change to use the local server (EXE) version of DriveOPC instead of the in-process (DLL) version in all cases, you should revoke the register changes, so that the in-process (DLL) version is used. After these preparations, start DriveWindow and connect to the local DriveOPC. Put drive status refresh off-line. Advanced Information 10-26 DriveWindow 2 Add an item with OPC address Communication.ConfigureDialog into the browsed item set. or Write the channel number (0, 1, ..), which you want to configure, into the added item. A DDCS dialog box is presented by the DriveOPC communication library. Note! If DriveOPC version is older than 2.03 (DriveWindow 2.01 or older), the user interface of DriveWindow (or any other client) may be active. Please do not use it until you have closed the dialog box. If you do, you will probably crash the client program. Advanced Information DriveWindow 2 10-27 Now you can change link rate, beam intensity, and busy time-out. Please do not change any other settings. Click the Save button to save the changes and then the OK button to close the dialog box. When you click the Save button, DriveOPC communication library always writes the changes into the DWC_DEF.INI file in the DriveWare folder of ProgramData. When DriveOPC is restarted, it also restarts the communication library, which reads the new settings from DWC_DEF.






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