忽略冒号、逗号和连字符周围的空格。所有参数必须可读,CheckGroup参数以外的其他参数也必须可写。请注意,读取还原列表时没有错误检查,因此编辑列表时必须格外小心,并且应仔细测试更改。4.1.3 LockParameter除非为空,否则这是(布尔)参数,恢复参数时必须包含FALSE(0)。高级信息10-14 DriveWindow 2 4.1.4 CheckGroup包含恢复期间检查阶段使用的参数。除了始终检查的属性外,这些参数的值在驱动器和要下载的参数文件中都应该相同。4.1.5用户组包含其他参数,当用户选择恢复用户参数时,这些参数将被恢复。除类型字符串之外的参数(属于组10…98,不受密码保护)无需在此列出,因为它们会自动包含在内。4.1.6 IdRunGroup包含参数,当用户选择恢复Id运行结果参数时,这些参数将被恢复。4.1.7排序在还原过程中,Groupn值按顺序1…n处理。它们在文件中的顺序无关紧要。在保存过程中,任何参数只会被放入保存文件一次,即使它不受密码保护并且在还原列表中出现多次。4.1.8覆盖默认值如果只需要少量修改,并且可以确定默认值,则无需将已定义为默认值的值放入DW2.INI。例如,通过在DW2.INI文件中输入以下内容,可以将101.3从用户参数移动到ACW600的Id运行结果参数。[ACW600]UserGroupCount=0 IdRunGroupCount=5 IdRunrGroup5=101:3另请参阅:什么是参数和信号如何保存参数如何恢复参数浏览密码更改文件夹位置5.快速监控有两种监控模式:•正常模式•快速模式在正常模式下,原则上,您可以监控任何类型的项目。此模式的最小间隔为10毫秒。正常模式是您几乎应该始终使用的模式。在快速模式下,您只能监控驱动参数和实数或整数类型的信号。此模式的最小间隔为1毫秒。您应该避免使用此模式,因为它可能会挂断您的电脑和/或导致驱动器中的面板丢失。高级信息驱动窗口2 10-15注意!Windows不是实时操作系统。这意味着,在实践中,即使测量周期性地进行,也不会以相等的时间间隔进行。Windows内核中的驱动器导致的负载可能会导致数百毫秒量级的测量中断。这些中断可以隐藏您试图监视的现象,特别是当您的监视间隔很小时。在快速模式下,DriveOPC使用较低级别的通信协议,在等待驱动器响应时可能会在循环中运行,这会导致处理器负载过高。此外,较低级别通信中的通信吞吐量约为1测量/毫秒。因此,如果您以1ms的间隔监测多个信道,则间隔是绘制趋势时使用的分辨率,而不是测量周期之间的实际间隔。
Spaces surrounding colon, comma, and hyphen are ignored. All parameters must be readable and other than CheckGroup parameters also writeable. Note that there is no error checking when reading the restore lists, so editing the lists must be done with extra care and the changes should be tested carefully. 4.1.3 LockParameter Unless empty, this is the (Boolean) parameter, which must contain FALSE (0) when restoring parameters. Advanced Information 10-14 DriveWindow 2 4.1.4 CheckGroup Contains parameters that are used in checking phase during restoration. In addition to the properties always checked, the values of these parameters should be the same both in the drive and the parameter file to be downloaded. 4.1.5 UserGroup Contains additional parameters, which are restored when user has selected restoration of User Parameters. Parameters other than type string, which are in groups 10...98 and are not pass code protected, need not to be listed here, because they are automatically included. 4.1.6 IdRunGroup Contains parameters, which are restored when user has selected restoration of Id Run Result Parameters. 4.1.7 Ordering During restore, the Groupn values are handled in order 1...n. Their order in the file does not matter. During save, any parameter is put into the save file only once, even if it is not pass code protected and appears several times in restore lists. 4.1.8 Overriding Defaults It is not necessary to put into DW2.INI the values already defined as defaults, if only small modifications are needed, and you can be sure about the defaults. For example, moving 101.3 from User Parameters to Id Run Result Parameters of ACW600 can be done by entering the following in the DW2.INI-file. [ACW600] UserGroupCount=0 IdRunGroupCount=5 IdRunrGroup5=101:3 See Also: What are Parameters and Signals How to Save Parameters How to Restore Parameters Browsing with Pass Code Changes Folder Locations 5. Fast Monitoring There are two modes of monitoring: • Normal mode • Fast mode In normal mode you are able, in principle, to monitor any kind of item. The minimum interval in this mode is 10 ms. Normal mode is the mode you should almost always use. In fast mode you can monitor only drive parameters and signals of type real or integer. The minimum interval in this mode is 1 ms. You should avoid using this mode, because it may hang-up you PC and/or cause panel losses in drives. Advanced Information DriveWindow 2 10-15 Note! Windows is not a real-time operating system. It means that, in practice, even if the measurements are done cyclically, they are not done with equal time intervals. Load caused by drives in Windows kernel may cause interrupts in measurements in order of hundreds of milliseconds. These interrupts can hide the phenomena you are trying to monitor, especially when your monitoring interval is small. In fast mode DriveOPC uses a lower level communication protocol and may run in a loop while waiting responses from a drive, which causes high processor load. Also, the communication throughput in the lower level communication is about 1 measurement/millisecond. Thus, if you are monitoring more than one channel with interval of 1 ms, for example, the interval is the resolution used in drawing the trends, not the actual interval between measurement cycles.