(或它与分支单元之间的通信因任何原因中断),但所有分支单元都保持通电和正常工作,您的电脑仍然可以与所有其他驱动器通信。杂项9-26驱动器窗口2如果驱动器状态显示在线,浏览树窗格中故障驱动器前面的图像将变为显示问号。所有其他驱动器的图像正常显示。此外,如果您在项目集窗格中有故障驱动器的项目、故障或事件,它们将显示信号质量不良。如果在驱动器断电时更新任何脱机项目、故障或故障驱动器事件,也会发生同样的情况。所有其他驱动器的项目、故障和事件正常显示。当电源恢复(或断开的通信回路已修复)时,DriveWindow会自动恢复。请注意,离线项目、故障和事件的质量在更新之前不会改变。2.1.3分支单元故障在分支单元树的情况下,如果一个或多个分支单元的电源出现故障(或它们与父单元之间的通信因任何原因中断),您的电脑将无法与故障分支单元后面的驱动器通信。杂项驱动器窗口2 9-27如果驱动器状态显示在线,浏览树窗格中故障分支单元后面的驱动器前面的图像将变为显示问号。其他驱动器的图像正常显示。此外,如果在项目集窗格中在线显示故障分支单元后面的驱动器的项目、故障或事件,它们将显示信号质量不良。如果您更新任何脱机项目、故障或故障分支单元后面的驱动器事件,也会发生同样的情况。所有其他驱动器的项目、故障和事件正常显示。例如,如果根分支单元发生故障:如果在未断开分支单元电源的情况下修复了中断的通信,DriveWindow将自动恢复。然而,当故障分支单元的电源恢复时,它们需要DriveOPC通信库重新编程。DriveWindow不知道电源已恢复,无法自动恢复。您有两个主要选项可以自行恢复:•重新启动DriveOPC,这可以通过断开并重新连接OPC服务器来完成。•命令DriveOPC要求其通信库重新启动(重新识别并重新编程DDCS网络)。杂项9-28 DriveWindow 2重新启动DriveOPC更简单。如果您愿意丢失监视器和任何上传的数据记录器的内容,您通常会使用它。•将桌面保存到工作区文件。•断开OPC服务器。•从文件还原工作区。恢复也会重新连接DriveOPC。杂项驱动窗口2 9-29注意,离线项目、故障和事件的质量在更新之前不会改变。指令DriveOPC从分支单元电源故障中恢复更为复杂。如果您不想停止监视、丢失监视器内容或丢失任何上载的数据记录器内容,则必须使用它。•确保所有发生故障的分支单元以及它们后面的所有驱动器都已通电。•添加OPC地址为Communication的项目。重新启动浏览的项目集。•将值写入添加项。•等待DriveOPC通信库对分支单元进行识别和重新编程。或其他
(or the communication between it and its branching unit is broken for any reason), but all the branching units stay powered and functional, your PC can still communicate with all the other drives. Miscellaneous 9-26 DriveWindow 2 If you have the drive status display on-line, the image in front of the failed drive in the browse tree pane changes to show a question mark. Images of all other drives are shown normally. Also, if you have items, faults, or events of the failed drive on-line in the item sets pane, they will show signal quality bad. The same happens, if you update any off-line item, fault, or event of the failed drive, while power of a drive is down. Items, faults, and events of all other drives are shown normally. When the power is restored (or the broken communication loop is fixed), DriveWindow recovers automatically. Note that qualities of off-line items, faults, and events do not change until you update them. 2.1.3 Branching Units Fail In case of a tree of branching units, if power of one or more branching units fails (or the communications between them and their parent units are broken for any reason), your PC cannot communicate with the drives behind the failing branching units. Miscellaneous DriveWindow 2 9-27 If you have the drive status display on-line, the images in front of the drives behind the failed branching units in the browse tree pane change to show a question mark. Images of other drives are shown normally. Also, if you have items, faults, or events of the drives behind the failed branching units on-line in the item sets pane, they will show signal quality bad. The same happens, if you update any off-line item, fault, or event of a drive behind the failed branching units. Items, faults, and events of all other drives are shown normally. For example, if the root branching unit fails: In case a broken communication is fixed without taking power off from the branching units, DriveWindow recovers automatically. However, when power of the failed branching units is restored, they require re-programming by the DriveOPC communication library. DriveWindow does not know that power has been recovered, and automatic recovery is not possible. You have two main options to recover by yourself: • Restart DriveOPC, which can be done by disconnecting and re-connecting the OPC Server. • Command DriveOPC to ask its communication library to restart (re-identify and thus reprogram the DDCS network). Miscellaneous 9-28 DriveWindow 2 Restarting DriveOPC is simpler. You usually use it, if you are willing to lose contents of the monitor and any of the uploaded dataloggers. • Save your desktop to a workspace file. • Disconnect the OPC Server. • Restore the workspace from the file. Restoring also does the re-connecting of DriveOPC. Miscellaneous DriveWindow 2 9-29 Note that qualities of off-line items, faults, and events do not change until you update them. Commanding of DriveOPC to recover from branching unit power fail is more complex. You must use it in case you do not want to stop monitoring, lose the monitor contents, or lose any uploaded datalogger contents. • Make sure that all failed branching units have been powered and also all drives behind them. • Add an item with OPC address Communication.Restart into the browsed item set. • Write the value ON to the added item. • Wait while the DriveOPC communication library does its identification and re-programming of the branching units. or or Miscellaneous