•块库文件•应用程序任务文件•参数文件•语言文件•版本信息和其他文本文件当板复位时,引导程序从FPROM读取操作系统,然后将所有其他所需文件读入RAM。注意,DriveWindow无法处理本地DriveDA OPC服务器驱动器(AC880系列)的系统软件。1.2什么是备份包备份包与加载包类似。它是一个PC文件,通常扩展名为BPG。单个备份包可以包含零个、一个或多个AMC板的备份。PC文件的内容被压缩和加密。从逻辑上讲,从AMC板上传的所有备份系统软件“文件”都收集在软件包文件内的“文件夹”中。“文件夹”的名称与驱动器的名称相同,但附加了通信通道和节点号,都在大括号内。相同的“文件夹”名称,即相同的驱动器,在备份包中只能出现一次。因此,不可能在备份包中多次备份同一个驱动器。备份包可以打开、保存、使用新名称保存、关闭,并且可以创建新的备份包。只有当备份包打开时,才能执行备份和还原命令。备份包具有名为属性的属性,用户可以查看和编辑这些属性(尚未实现这些属性的用户界面)。其中一个属性是密码,可以启用密码,并且必须在包创建时输入密码。除非备份包为空,否则当前无法更改或禁用密码。另请参阅:什么是加载程序包系统软件驱动窗口2 8-3 1.3什么是加载包加载程序包与备份程序包类似。它是一个PC文件,通常扩展名为LPG。单个加载包可以包含用于具有不同选项的多种不同类型AMC板的系统软件。PC文件的内容被压缩和加密。从逻辑上讲,Loading Package包含系统软件“文件”,这些文件收集在软件包文件中的几个“文件夹”和子文件夹中。除了系统软件“文件”之外,还有不同的“控制文件”、“源文件”、参数设置文件”和其他用于选项选择、类型代码解析和下载过程的“辅助文件”。加载包可以打开、保存、使用新名称保存、关闭,并且可以创建新的加载包。要创建新的加载包,对现有的加载包进行更改并保存,需要在DriveWindow中输入特殊许可证(尚未实施)。只有当加载包打开时,才能执行下载命令。Loading Package具有名为Properties的属性,用户可以查看和编辑这些属性(尚未实现它们的用户界面)。
• Block Library file • Application Task files • Parameter files • Language files • Version Information and other text files When the board is reset, the boot program reads the operating system from FPROM, which then reads all other required files into RAM. Note that DriveWindow is not able to handle system software of native DriveDA OPC server drives (AC880 family). 1.2 What is a Backup Package Backup Package is similar to a Loading Package. It is a single PC-file usually with filename extension BPG. A single Backup Package can contain backups of zero, one, or more AMC boards. Content of the PC-file is compressed and encrypted. Logically, all backed up System Software "files" uploaded from an AMC board are collected within a "folder" inside the package file. Name of the "folder" is the same as was given to the drive but appended with communication channel and node numbers, both within curly braces. The same "folder" name, it is, the same drive, can appear only once within a Backup Package. So, it is not possible to backup the same drive more than once in a Backup Package. A Backup Package can be opened, saved, saved with a new name, closed, and a new Backup Package can be created. Backup and restore commands can be done only if a Backup Package is open. A Backup Package has attributes called Properties, which the user can view and edit (user interface for them is not implemented yet). One of the properties is a password, which can be enabled and must be entered at package creation time. It is currently not possible to change or disable the password unless the Backup Package is empty. See Also: What is a Loading Package System Software DriveWindow 2 8-3 1.3 What is a Loading Package Loading Package is similar to a Backup Package. It is a single PC-file usually with filename extension LPG. A single Loading Package can contain system software for several different types of AMC boards with different options. Content of the PC-file is compressed and encrypted. Logically, Loading Package contains System Software "files" collected within several "folders" and subfolders inside the package file. In addition to System Software "files", there are different "control files", "source files", "parameter setting files", and other "auxiliary files" that are used in the option selection, type code resolution, and download process. A Loading Package can be opened, saved, saved with a new name, closed, and a new Loading Package can be created. To create a new Loading Package, making changes into an existing one, and saving requires a special license to be entered into DriveWindow, however (not yet implemented). Downloading command can be done only if a Loading Package is open. A Loading Package has attributes called Properties, which the user can view and edit (user interface for them is not implemented yet).