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MVME3604-5352模块控制器不必手动添加每个IP,可以通过单击查找附近设备来添加它们。更改设置和添加IP地址的顺序无关紧要。OPC服务器7-60 DriveWindow 2在“找到的设备”对话框中,选择要使用新配置连接的设备。OPC服务器驱动窗口2 7-61单击确定。OPC服务器7-62驱动窗口2如果SAP/http设备需要与新配置的常用设置不同的特定设置,请右键单击新配置设置对话框中固定...

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    不必手动添加每个IP,可以通过单击查找附近设备来添加它们。更改设置和添加IP地址的顺序无关紧要。OPC服务器7-60 DriveWindow 2在“找到的设备”对话框中,选择要使用新配置连接的设备。OPC服务器驱动窗口2 7-61单击确定。OPC服务器7-62驱动窗口2如果SAP/http设备需要与新配置的常用设置不同的特定设置,请右键单击新配置设置对话框中固定IP列表中的IP地址,然后选择属性。也可以使用“编辑”菜单。更改您想要的设置(例如,仅使用NETA-21的一条面板总线,使用特定的通道号,或者在您连接到DriveDA OPC服务器时,如果设备确实响应状态查询,则无论如何使用该设备)。最后,单击确定。OPC服务器驱动窗口2 7-63在新配置设置对话框的设置中,完成后单击确定。在SAP/http配置对话框中,单击确定以保存新配置并将其设置为当前配置。OPC服务器7-64 DriveWindow 2从网络菜单中选择网络服务器(或按Ctrl+N)。选择ABB。从“选择OPC服务器”对话框中选择DriveDA,然后单击“确定”。现在,您可以在浏览树窗格中看到连接到SAP/http设备的驱动器。OPC服务器驱动器窗口2 7-65如果您想查看用于连接到驱动器的设备的信息,请浏览浏览树窗格中的“属性”->“通信”,并查看项目集窗格中浏览的项目集。请注意,如果您在SAP/http的“当前配置”中指定根本不检查SAP/http设备的状态,或者如果它没有响应状态查询,但您已指定它仍在使用,则URL以外的其他信息不可用。另请参阅:SAP/http设置连接到OPC服务器OPC服务器7-66 DriveWindow 2 8.2 SAP/http设置请注意,如果SAP/Hhttp设置包含无效值,对话框中的“确定”按钮将变灰。通信组该组包含SAP/http组,用于启用或禁用所选当前配置的SAP/Hhttp通信。默认情况下,SAP/http通信可能被禁用。OPC服务器DriveWindow 2 7-67设备请求组该组定义了用于查询SAP/http设备存在的参数。如果无法连接到SAP/http设备,可以尝试增加“尝试”和/或“响应等待”。缺点是连接和可能断开连接的时间将增加。该组包含:•Tries定义如果使用广播方法并且查询IP地址的最大尝试次数,则发送广播消息的次数。•响应等待是对查询的响应等待的时间(广播方法)或最长时间(IP地址)。•Try Cycle Time是发送查询消息之间的时间。请注意,SAP/http设备中的拒绝服务阻止不允许响应在收到上一个查询后2秒内发出的查询。COM端口组您的电脑可能有很多COM端口,其中大多数不用于与SAP设备通信。试图从所有驱动器中找到驱动器会大大降低启动速度。在COM端口组中,您可以指定哪些COM端口不用于SAP通信:•全部禁用指定没有COM端口用于SAP通信。

    Instead of adding each IP manually, they can be added by clicking Find Near Devices. The order of changing the settings and adding the IP addresses is immaterial. OPC Server 7-60 DriveWindow 2 In the Devices Found dialog box select the devices you want to connect to with the new configuration. OPC Server DriveWindow 2 7-61 Click OK. OPC Server 7-62 DriveWindow 2 If a SAP/http device requires specific settings deviating from the common settings for the new configuration, right click its IP address in the Fixed IPs list in the Settings for the new configuration dialog box and select Properties. You can use the Edit menu as well. Change the settings you want to (like use one panel bus only of a NETA-21, use a specific channel number, or use the device anyway if it does respond to presence querying at the time you connect to the DriveDA OPC server). Finally, click OK. OPC Server DriveWindow 2 7-63 In the settings for the new configuration Settings dialog box click OK when you are done. In the SAP/http Configuration dialog box click OK to save the new configuration and set it as Current configuration. OPC Server 7-64 DriveWindow 2 Select Network Servers from the Network menu (or press Ctrl+N). Select ABB.DriveDA from the Select OPC Server dialog box and click OK. Now you see the drives connected to the SAP/http devices in the browse tree pane. OPC Server DriveWindow 2 7-65 If you want to see the information about the device used for connecting to a drive, browse to Properties -> Communication in the browse tree pane and look at the browsed item set in the item sets pane. Note that if you have specified in the Current configuration of SAP/http that presence of the SAP/http device is not checked at all or, if it did not respond to presence queries but you have specified that it is used anyway, other information than the URL is not available. See Also: SAP/http Settings Connecting to OPC Server OPC Server 7-66 DriveWindow 2 8.2 SAP/http Settings Note that if a SAP/http setting contains an invalid value the OK button in the dialog box is grayed. Communication group The group contains a SAP/http group, which is used to enable or disable SAP/http communication for the selected Current configuration. It may be that SAP/http communication is disabled by default. OPC Server DriveWindow 2 7-67 Device Request group The group defines parameters for querying presence of SAP/http devices. If you have trouble to connect to SAP/http devices, you can try to increase Tries and/or Response Wait. The drawback is that connect and possibly disconnect times will increase. The group contains: • Tries defines how many times a broadcast message is sent if a broadcast method is used and maximum number of tries an IP address is queried. • Response Wait is the time (broadcast methods) or maximum time (IP address) a response to a query is waited for. • Try Cycle Time is the time between query messages sent. Note that Denial of Service prevention in SAP/http devices does not allow responding to queries coming within 2 seconds of receiving the previous query. COM Ports group Your PC may have very many COM ports, most of which are not used for communicating with SAP devices. Trying to find drives from all of them slows down start-up considerably. In COM Ports group you can specify, which COM ports are not used for SAP communication: • Disable All specifies that no COM port is used for SAP communication.

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