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MVME55006E-0161工控自动化卡件单击“保存”,将显示“导出图形”对话框。如果文件已经存在,单击“保存”时会询问是否要替换该文件。导出图形对话框允许您选择:•要导出的通道。请注意,未监测或记录的通道呈灰色。•要导出多少样本。•是否导出原始样本或显示的点。此外,您还可以编辑或添加注释。趋势驱动窗口2 6-117如果选择第一个或最后一个,将显示一个额外的采样字段。如果选择范围,将显示两个附加...

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    单击“保存”,将显示“导出图形”对话框。如果文件已经存在,单击“保存”时会询问是否要替换该文件。导出图形对话框允许您选择:•要导出的通道。请注意,未监测或记录的通道呈灰色。•要导出多少样本。•是否导出原始样本或显示的点。此外,您还可以编辑或添加注释。趋势驱动窗口2 6-117如果选择第一个或最后一个,将显示一个额外的采样字段。如果选择范围,将显示两个附加字段(从和到)。请注意,选择“全部”或“可见”也会将“采样数”、“从”和“到”字段更改为相应的(全部或可见)采样数以及开始和结束点,尽管这些字段未显示。此外,更改测量/显示会更改“采样”字段,无论其是否可见。因此,在选择第一个/最后一个/范围和测量/显示后,最好编辑“采样”或“从”和“到”字段。注意,注释实际上由一行组成,尽管它在编辑字段中自动换行和滚动。按下Enter键实际上与单击OK按钮相同。编辑时,可以使用普通的Windows快捷键和编辑键,如箭头键、Home键、End键、Del键等,也可以使用Ctrl键和/或Shift键。但是,请注意,按Esc键与单击“取消”按钮相同。准备就绪后,单击“确定”。如果要取消操作,请单击“取消”按钮。趋势6-118 DriveWindow 2 12.2.1导出的趋势示例注意,无论导出的是监视器还是数据记录器,导出文件的内容都非常相似。导出测量的监视器与其他监视器最为不同,因为每个导出通道的每个样本都会导出时间戳。以下显示了两个测量的监测器通道的输出。趋势驱动窗口2 6-119当导入(打开)Excel并调整通道宽度时,结果是:前两行包含文件标识标签和注释。接下来的两行显示在“导出图形”对话框中所做的选择。一条空行将它们与包含监控变量以外的监控设置的七行分隔开,但包括x轴原点的时间。频道设置遵循空行。在它们后面有一个空行和一个标题行。其余部分包含时间戳和未缩放的监控值。注意,时间戳是相对于x轴原点的。趋势6-120 DriveWindow 2以下显示了所示相同两个监视器通道的导出。Trends DriveWindow 2 6-121当导入(打开)Excel并调整通道宽度时,结果是:文件的开头包含与测量导出情况相同的信息。但是,结束部分不包括时间戳,但所有通道值都有一个共同的时间。这些值也会缩放。趋势6-122驱动窗口2以下显示了测量的两个数据记录器通道的输出。Trends DriveWindow 2 6-123当导入(打开)Excel并调整通道宽度时,结果是:文件的开头包含与监视器导出情况类似的信息,如图所示。然而,存在差异。文件标识标签还包含数据记录器的OPC地址。没有x轴原点时间。

    Click Save and an Export Graph dialog box is presented. If the file already exists, confirmation to replace it asked, when you click Save. The Export Graph dialog box allows you to select: • Which of the channels to export. Note that channels not monitored or logged are grayed. • How many samples to export. • Whether to export the raw samples or shown points. In addition, you can edit or add a comment. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-117 If you select first or last, an additional Samples field is shown. If you select range, two additional fields (From and To) are shown. Note that selecting all or visible also changes the Samples, From, and To fields to corresponding (all or visible) number of samples and to starting and ending point, although the fields are not shown. Also, changing measured/shown changes the Samples field, whether it is visible or not. So, it is better to edit the Samples or From and To fields after selecting the first/last/range and measured/shown. Note that the comment actually consists of one line, although it automatically wraps and scrolls within the edit field. Pressing the Enter key is actually the same as clicking the OK button. While editing, you can use the normal Windows shortcut and editing keys like the arrow keys, Home, End, Del, etc. keys, with or without Ctrl and/or Shift key down. Note, however, that pressing the Esc key is same than clicking the Cancel button. When you are ready, click OK. If you want to cancel the operation, click the Cancel button. Trends 6-118 DriveWindow 2 12.2.1 Examples of exported trends Note that contents of the exported files are quite similar, whether the monitor or a datalogger is exported. Exporting the monitor as measured differs most from the others, because the time stamp is exported for each sample of each exported channel. The following shows exporting of two monitor channels as measured. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-119 When imported (opened) into Excel and adjusting widths of channels, the result is: The first two lines contain the file identification tag and the comment. The next two lines show the selections made in the Export Graph dialog box. An empty line separates them from the seven lines containing monitor settings other than monitored variables, but including the time at x-axis origin. The channel settings follow an empty line. After them there is an empty line and a title line. The rest contains the time stamps and unscaled monitored values. Note that the time stamps are relative to the x-axis origin. Trends 6-120 DriveWindow 2 The following shows exporting of the same two monitor channels as shown. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-121 When imported (opened) into Excel and adjusting widths of channels, the result is: The beginning of the file contains the same information as in case the export was done as measured. The end part, however, does not include time stamps, but there is a common time for all channel values. The values are scaled, too. Trends 6-122 DriveWindow 2 The following shows exporting of the two datalogger channels as measured. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-123 When imported (opened) into Excel and adjusting widths of channels, the result is: The beginning of the file contains the similar information as in case the monitor export was done as shown. There are differences, however. The file identification tag contains also the OPC address of the datalogger. There is no x-axis origin time. 





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