(仅限彩色打印机)和线条样式。彩色和黑白打印机的首选项是分开的。13打印注意,无法打印正在运行的监视器。如果图形光标可见,则也会打印。滚动条不打印。要打印当前显示在趋势显示窗格中的趋势,请在文件菜单的图形子菜单或监视器显示或数据记录器显示的上下文菜单中选择打印命令。或Trends DriveWindow 2 6-111显示打印设置对话框。现在,您可以选择打印机、纸张大小、方向和来源。您还可以通过单击“属性”按钮进行打印机相关的调整。请注意,打印图形时,图形会自动展开以填充所选纸张的打印区域。例如,如果您的打印机支持A4和A3,则将纸张大小从A4增加到A3会将打印输出放大一倍。您可能希望打印输出与屏幕上显示的相同。因此,应将纸张方向设置为横向。请注意,如果单击“取消”按钮,则不会取消打印。相反,您所做的任何设置更改都将被丢弃。效果与单击“确定”而不进行任何设置更改时的效果相同。接下来将显示“编辑图形标题”对话框。如果您有黑白打印机,请取消选中“以颜色打印”复选框。如果您有彩色打印机,请选中“以彩色打印”复选框。DriveWindow已使用其默认值填充编辑字段。如果愿意,可以在对话框的编辑字段中编辑自己的标题(或注释)。它们将位于打印输出的上部。准备就绪后,单击“确定”。prn/b LPT1:如果您没有打印机驱动程序,或者您的打印机驱动程序无法打印到文件,建议您安装Adobe Acrobat PDF打印机(包含在Adobe Acrobat中),它允许您以PDF格式打印到文件。其他具有此类功能的打印机驱动程序也可以完成此项工作。12打印首选项在图形首选项中,您可以控制打印趋势的前景。你可以改变趋势的颜色
(color printer only) and line styles. The preferences are separate for color and black-and-white printer. 13 Printing Note that printing of a running monitor is not possible. If you have the graph cursor visible, it is printed, too. The scrollbars are not printed. To print the trends currently displayed in the trend display pane, select the Print command in the Graph submenu of the File menu or in the context menus of Monitor Display or Datalogger Display. or Trends DriveWindow 2 6-111 A Print Setup dialog box is presented. Now you can select the printer, paper size, orientation, and source. You can also do printer dependent adjustments by clicking the Properties button. Note that when a graph is printed, it is automatically expanded to fill the printing area of the selected paper. If your printer supports A4 and A3, for example, doubling the size of the paper from A4 to A3 magnifies the printout to double, too. You probably want the print-out to look the same as it is displayed on your screen. So, you should set the paper orientation to landscape. Note that if you click the Cancel button, it does not cancel printing. Instead, any setup changes you made are discarded. The effect is the same as if you had clicked OK without making any setup changes. An Edit Graph Titles dialog box is presented next. If you have a black and white printer, please uncheck the Print in Color check field. If you have a color printer, please check the Print in Color check field. DriveWindow has filled the edit fields with its default values. If you wish, you can edit your own titles (or comments) into the edit fields of the dialog box. They will be located at the upper part of the print-out. When you are ready, click OK.prn/b LPT1: If you do not have a printer driver, or your printer driver is not able to print to a file, we recommend that you install Adobe Acrobat PDF Printer (included in Adobe Acrobat), which allows you to print to a file in PDF format. Some other printer driver with such kind of feature will also do the job. 12 Preferences for printing In graph preferences you can control outlook of the printed trends. You can change colors of the trends