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    请注意,项目的描述性名称也可能会更改,因为它们要么是从驱动器中提取的,要么是人工重新构建的(如果不可用)。还请注意,您的选择可能包含已驻留在新驱动器中的项目。它们仍保持未选中状态。如果所有选定项目都位于新驱动器中,菜单中的“更改驱动器”命令将被禁用(灰色)。如果新驱动器不包含某些要更改的项目,则不会进行任何更改。在这种情况下,DriveWindow只会发出嘟嘟声。更改项目的联机状态和锁定状态不变。另请参阅:通用趋势设置设置监视器监视器和数据记录器监视器设置监视器菜单监视器设置上下文菜单将项目添加到项目集编辑菜单浏览树窗格4.设置数据记录器在进行任何数据记录器设置之前,您需要选择数据记录器而不是监视器。此外,您必须选择要更改或查看的数据记录器设置。请注意,您不能使用DriveWindow更改本地DriveDA OPC服务器驱动器(AC880系列)的数据记录器设置。您只能控制ACS880系列驱动器的数据记录器并更改常见设置。尽管驱动器中可能有更多通道,但也只能显示六个通道。趋势6-38驱动窗口2除了监视器和数据记录器的常见设置(x轴长度、y轴最小值和最大值、y轴自适应、通道缩放)外,数据记录器具有以下设置:•数据记录器状态显示在线/离线•间隔•预触发时间(以毫秒为单位)•触发条件•触发变量•触发级别•触发滞后•要记录的变量注意,任何时候只能更改数据记录器状态的在线/离线显示。除非数据记录器图形已清除,且驱动器中的数据记录器未运行,否则其他任何数据都无法更改。通用设置可以随时更改。除常见设置和数据记录器状态刷新外,所有设置实际上都保存在驱动器中。它们也是项目,可以像任何其他项目一样浏览、查看和更改。但是,如果要使用DriveWindow中的高级数据记录器处理功能,则不应使用原始项。4.1.1选择数据记录器而不是监视器您可以通过单击趋势设置窗格中的数据记录器选项卡来选择数据记录器,而不是监视器。4.1.2选择数据记录器如果驱动器只有一个数据记录器,只需在浏览树窗格中选择驱动器即可。请注意,要选择驱动器,不必选择其根,选择其任何子分支即可。如果驱动器有两个数据记录器,则也必须选择当前驱动器数据记录器。从浏览树窗格中选择驱动器后,可以使用浏览树窗格或通过在数据记录器菜单或数据记录器显示的上下文菜单中切换数据记录器2开关来进行选择。或或趋势驱动窗口2 6-39如果驱动器有两个以上的数据记录器,则选择驱动器数据记录器的方式与选择两个数据记录器的方法相同。但是,菜单显示的是下一个数据记录器,而不是数据记录器2。单击下一数据记录器会将驱动器数据记录器选择移至下一数据记录仪。请注意,最后一个数据记录器的下一个是第一个数据记录器。

    Note that the descriptive names of the items may also change because they are either fetched from the drive or, if not available, artificially re-constructed. Note also that your selection can contain items, which already reside in the new drive. They remain as if they were unselected. If all selected items reside in the new drive, the Change Drive command in the menus is disabled (grayed). If the new drive does not contain some of the items to be changed, no changes are made. DriveWindow just beeps in such a case. The on-line and locking states of the changed items do not change. See Also: Common Trend Settings Setting Monitor Monitor and Dataloggers Monitor Settings Monitor Menu Context Menu of Monitor Settings Adding Items to an Item Set Edit Menu Browse Tree Pane 4. Setting Datalogger Before you can do any datalogger settings, you need to have dataloggers selected instead of the monitor. Also, you have to select the datalogger, settings of which you want to change or view. Note that you cannot use DriveWindow to change datalogger settings of native DriveDA OPC server drives (AC880 family). You are only able to control dataloggers of ACS880 family of drives and change common settings. Also only six channels can be shown although there may be more channels in the drive. Trends 6-38 DriveWindow 2 In addition to the common settings (x-axis length, y-axis minimum and maximum, adaptation of y-axis, scaling of channels) for monitor and dataloggers, a datalogger has the following settings: • Datalogger status display on-line/off-line • Interval • Pre-triggering time in milliseconds • Triggering conditions • Triggering variable • Triggering level • Triggering hysteresis • Variables to be logged Note that only the datalogger status display on-line/off-line can be changed at any time. None of the others can be changed unless the datalogger graph is cleared, and the datalogger in the drive is not running. The common settings can be changed any time. Except the common settings and the datalogger status refresh, all settings are actually kept in the drive. They are also items, which can be browsed, viewed and changed as any other items. However, if you are going to use the upper level datalogger handling functionality in DriveWindow, you should not use the raw items. 4.1.1 Selecting dataloggers instead of the monitor You select dataloggers instead of the monitor by clicking the Datalogger tab in the trend settings pane. 4.1.2 Selecting the datalogger If the drive has only one datalogger, it is enough just to select the drive in the browse tree pane. Note that to select a drive, it is not necessary to select its root, selection of any of its sub-branches will do. If the drive has two dataloggers, the current drive datalogger has to be selected, too. Selection can be done either using the browse tree pane or by toggling the Datalogger 2 toggle in the Datalogger menu or in the context menu of Datalogger Display after the drive has been selected from the browse tree pane. or or Trends DriveWindow 2 6-39 If the drive has more than two dataloggers, the drive datalogger is selected the similar way as in the case of two dataloggers. However, a menu shows Next Datalogger instead of Datalogger 2. Clicking of Next Datalogger moves the drive datalogger selection to the next datalogger. Note that the next datalogger of the last one is the first datalogger.




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