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    同样的功能也可用于更改监控变量并将其删除。您可能很少使用此功能。请注意,您必须在项目集窗格中查看浏览类型的项目集、所有参数或用户。否则,此处描述的命令将被禁用(灰色)。如果您正在设置一个空频道,则可以使用一个项目作为设置的基础。为此,请选择项目集中的单个项目。无论如何,如果尚未选择,请选择趋势设置窗格中的监视器选项卡,然后从监视器菜单或监视器设置的上下文菜单中的设置变量子菜单中选择要设置的频道。趋势6-34 DriveWindow 2显示一个添加项目到监视器和桌面对话框。如果您正在设置一个空频道,并且选择了一个项目作为基础,则两个编辑字段都已经有了可以编辑的值。如果您正在设置一个空通道,但您没有选择要用作基础的项目(或有多个选择),则字段将填充通过将项目添加到项目集中而最后接受的值。如果最后接受的值为空(请求删除项目),则必须自己填写编辑字段。如果正在设置的频道不为空,则当前设置位于编辑字段中。趋势驱动窗口2 6-35无论如何,在名称编辑字段中有一个描述性名称(您自己的),在其他编辑字段中也有一个正确的OPC地址后,您可以单击“确定”按钮(如果您想取消操作,则单击“取消”)。请注意,您给出的描述性名称不需要是唯一的。如果您提供的OPC地址正确且项目存在,则会将其添加到浏览的项目集和您正在设置的监视器通道中。请注意,它是内部锁定的,因为它是受监控的,但不是在线的,即使所使用的基础是在线的。项目的描述性名称也显示在监视器设置的通道字段中。上一项(如果有)将被删除。请注意,在浏览的项目集中,删除的项目仍保持解锁状态(除非您自己也锁定了它)。如果OPC地址错误或项目不存在,当您单击“确定”时,您的电脑会发出蜂鸣声,“将项目添加到监视器和桌面”对话框将保留。趋势6-36 DriveWindow 2然而,如果您清除两个编辑字段,这不是错误,但您正在设置的频道中已经存在的任何监控变量都将从监视器中删除(但在浏览的项目集中保持解锁状态)。请注意,移除的项目在项目集中仍保持解锁状态(除非您自己也锁定了它)。3.4.6更改受监控变量的驱动注意,为了能够更改受监控的变量的驱动,您需要清除监视器。或通过使用浏览树窗格来更改驱动器,如果不是所有频道都要更改,还可以更改浏览的项目集。要更改驱动器:•如果尚未选择,请选择趋势设置窗格中的监视器选项卡。•在浏览的项目集中,选择要更改其驱动器的受监视项目。如果要更改所有受监视项目的驱动器,也可以将它们全部保留为未选中状态。请注意,如果您正在查看项目集窗格中浏览的项目集以外的其他项目集,则即使在隐藏的浏览项目集中进行了选择,所有受监视项目的驱动器也始终会更改。•在浏览树窗格中,单击新驱动器以选择它。但是,不必选择其根。选择其任何分支机构即可。•最后,在监视器菜单或监视器设置的上下文菜单中选择更改驱动器命令。趋势驱动窗口2 6-37所选频道(或所有频道,如果未选择任何频道)的驱动发生变化。请注意,即使使用监视器设置的上下文菜单,操作也会使用在浏览的项目集中所做的选择,而不是在监视器设置中。The same feature can be used also to change the monitored variable and remove it. You probably seldom use this feature. Note that you have to be viewing an item set of type browsed, all parameters, or user in the item sets pane. Otherwise the commands described here are disabled (grayed). If you are setting an empty channel, you can use an item as a base in setting. To do so, select a single item in the item set. Anyway, if not yet selected, select the Monitor tab in the trend settings pane, and select the channel you want to set from the Set Variable submenu in the Monitor menu or context menu of Monitor Settings. Trends 6-34 DriveWindow 2 An Add Item to Monitor and Desktop dialog box is presented. If you are setting an empty channel and had an item selected to be used as a base, both edit fields already have values, which you can edit. If you are setting an empty channel, but you have no item selected to be used as a base (or had multiple selections), the fields are filled with the values last accepted by adding an item into an item set. In case the last accepted values were empty (request for removing an item), you have to fill the edit fields yourself. If the channel you are setting is not empty, the current settings are in the edit fields. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-35 Anyway, after you have a descriptive name (of your own) in the Name edit field, and a proper OPC address in the other edit field, you can click the OK button (or Cancel, if you want to cancel the operation). Note that the descriptive name that you give, needs not to be unique. If the OPC address you gave is correct and the item exists, it is added into the browsed item set and to the monitor channel, which you are setting. Note that it is internally locked, because it is monitored, but not on-line, even if the base used had been on-line. The descriptive name of the item is also shown in the channel field of the monitor settings. The previous item, if there was one, is removed. Note that the removed item still stays unlocked (unless you have locked it also yourself) in the browsed item set. If the OPC address is wrong or the item does not exist, your PC beeps when you click OK, and the Add Item to Monitor and Desktop dialog box stays. Trends 6-36 DriveWindow 2 However, if you clear both edit fields, it is not an error, but any monitored variable already in the channel you are setting is removed from the monitor (but stays unlocked in the browsed item set). Note that the removed item still stays unlocked (unless you have locked it also yourself) in the item set. 3.4.6 Changing the drive of monitored variables Note that to be able to change the drive of monitored variables you need to have the monitor cleared. or Changing the drive is done by using the browse tree pane and, if not all channels are to be changed, also the browsed item set. To change the drive: • If not yet selected, select the Monitor tab in the trend settings pane. • In the browsed item set, select the monitored items, drive of which you want to change. If you want change the drive of all monitored items, you can also leave them all unselected. Note that if you are viewing some other item set than the browsed item set in the item sets pane, drive of all monitored items are always changed, even if there is a selection made in the hidden browsed item set. • In the browse tree pane, select the new drive by clicking it. It is not necessary to select its root, however. Selection of any of its sub-branches will do. • Finally, select the Change Drive command in the Monitor menu or in the context menu of Monitor Settings. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-37 The drive of the selected channels (or all channels, if nothing was selected) change. Note that even if you use the context menu of the Monitor Setting, the operation uses the selections made in the browsed item set, not in the Monitor Settings. 



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