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    •将光标移动到监视器设置窗格中。•如果要通过拖动进行复制,请在释放鼠标按钮之前检查光标中是否有一个加号。•如果要通过拖动进行移动,请按住Shift键,并在释放鼠标按钮时检查光标中是否没有可见的加号。放在监视器上的项目也会添加到浏览的项目集中,并在其前面显示频道号的数字图像。删除项目的描述性名称将显示在设置中。描述性名称是拖动的项目的名称,不一定与驱动器中的名称相同。趋势6-32驱动窗口2第一个自由通道用于下降。如果要删除的变量多于可用通道,则不会添加额外的项目。如果没有空闲频道,则在拖动时,光标将在监视器设置窗格中变为禁用标志。被监视的项目在被浏览的项目集中被内部锁定,直到它们从监视器中删除。3.4.4删除监视器设置窗格中选择的项目如果需要,也可以使用监视器设置窗格从监视器中删除项目。要删除当前监视器中的项目:•如果尚未选中,请选择趋势设置窗格中的监视器选项卡。•在监视器设置窗格中选择要从监视器中删除的频道。如果需要,在选择中使用Ctrl和Shift键。•当焦点位于监视器设置窗格中时,单击标准工具栏中的删除或剪切项目按钮,在编辑菜单或监视器设置的上下文菜单中选择删除或剪切命令,或按Del或Ctrl+X键。或请注意,您也可以通过拖放移动选定的频道来删除它们。该操作类似于通过在项目集中拖放来移动项目。显示删除的监控项目前面的频道编号的数字图像消失。趋势驱动窗口2 6-33此外,删除项目的描述性名称也会从监视器设置窗格中的通道中消失。使用“剪切”命令、剪切项目按钮或Ctrl+X键的副作用是在删除项目之前将其复制到剪贴板。剪切类似于从项目集中剪切项目,只是剪贴板中项目的值字段为空。从监视器中删除项目不会从浏览的项目集中删除该项目。它只是打开内部锁。如果用户未锁定该项目,则当浏览树窗格中的选择发生更改时,该项目将从浏览的项目集中消失。3.4.5设置和删除频道的变量可以同时将项目设置为浏览的项目集并设置为监控频道。

    • Move the cursor into the monitor settings pane. • If you want to copy by dragging, check that there is a plus sign visible in the cursor before releasing the mouse button. • If you want to move by dragging, hold the Shift key down and check that there is no plus sign visible in the cursor when releasing the mouse button. The items dropped to the monitor are also added to the browsed item set with numeric images showing the channel number in front of them. The descriptive names of the dropped items appear in the settings. The descriptive name is the one of the item dragged, which is not necessarily the same as in the drive. Trends 6-32 DriveWindow 2 The first free channel is used in dropping. If there are more variables to drop than there are free channels, the extra items are not added. If there is no free channel, the cursor turns into a forbidden sign in the monitor settings pane while dragging. The monitored items are internally locked in the browsed item set until they are removed from the monitor. 3.4.4 Removing items selected in the monitor settings pane If you want to, you can remove items from the monitor also by using the monitor settings pane. To remove items currently in monitor: • If not yet selected, select the Monitor tab in the trend settings pane. • Select channels, which you want to remove from the monitor, in the monitor settings pane. Use Ctrl and Shift keys, if needed, in selection. • While focus is in the monitor settings pane, click the delete or cut items button in the standard toolbar, select the Delete or Cut command in the Edit menu or in the context menu of Monitor Settings, or press the Del or Ctrl+X key. or Note that you can also remove the selected channels by moving them with drag and drop. The operation is similar to moving items by drag and drop in item sets. The numeric images showing the channel numbers in front of the removed monitored items disappear. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-33 Also, the descriptive names of the removed items disappear from the channels in the monitor settings pane. The side effect of using the Cut command, cut items button, or the Ctrl+X key is that the items are copied to the clipboard before they are removed. Cutting is similar to cutting items from an item set, except the value fields of the items in the clipboard are empty. Removing an item from the monitor does not remove the item from the browsed item set. It just unlocks the internal lock. If the item is not also locked by the user, it disappears from the browsed item set, when there is a selection change in the browse tree pane. 3.4.5 Setting and removing the variable of a channel It is possible to set an item simultaneously to the browsed item set and into a monitor channel.




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